Chapter 393

‘Why are they giving me this?’

-Just... Just say thank you.

The goddess of sloth quickly tried to dispel Choi Yeonseung’s misunderstanding. The mortals of the Abyss usually offered tributes with good intentions. It was a way of saying, “This shows our respect and loyalty to you!”

It was definitely a good sign that the robots, who had been neutral and hadn’t worshiped any constellation for a long time, offered Choi Yeonseung a tribute.

If he kept receiving the faith of Abyssal races like this, Choi Yeonseung’s power of existence would become even greater...

-So they’re expressing their gratitude by giving me a nuclear bomb?

-Don’t you think it’s useful?

-...I’ll have to tell them to give me something else.

Of course, a portable nuclear bomb could be useful in certain situations. However, although the robots could survive the radioactive fallout of a nuclear explosion, Choi Yeonseung’s farm and vast forest would be devastated by it.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t accept a nuclear bomb.

Choi Yeonseung cleared his throat and said, This tribute isn’t satisfactory.



The robots paying tribute from the Second Kingdom were startled. Even though their hard, inorganic faces didn’t display any emotions, they were baffled.

‘Wait. Isn’t it the one from last time?’

Choi Yeonseung recognized one of the robots. They all looked similar at first glance, but he could see subtle differences when looking closely.

One of the robots offering the tribute was the one who had spoken directly to him during the raid.

-This robot kept pretending like it wasn’t grateful, but I think it actually was.

-Is... that the case?

Choi Yeonseung was doubtful about that. The only thing he remembered about the robots during the fight with the mechanical dragon was how infuriating they had been.

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ says that the sincerity of the incarnation of training melted the frozen hearts of the robots.]

-Cat constellation, I’m sorry, but the robots don’t actually have hearts.


Meanwhile, the robots spoke to him again.

-Then, great human, can we ask what type of tribute you want?

-Didn’t I tell you that we should give him a medium-sized bomb, not a small one? He’s disappointed with the size.

-No, I think a radioactive cannon...

I don’t need a tribute. I’d much rather need some technicians. Are there any technicians among you who are confident enough to develop my realm?

-...Great human, I dare say that no one from your organism race can match our superiority! Please leave it to us!

Choi Yeonseung felt a bit anxious seeing the robots shouting confidently.

...They wouldn’t fight the orcs, would they?


-I can’t believe you drew a blueprint like this. I don’t understand it.

-But we’ve always been drawing them this way.

-It needs to be redrawn. This reduces work efficiency by approximately twenty percent.

-But this is how we’ve been drawing it.

-...I will redraw it.

-Thank you!

Surprisingly enough, the robot craftsmen got along well with the orcs. They only said what needed to be said, so there weren’t any fights.

-I won’t deny that your organic race has done a good job embracing the magic of the Abyss to strengthen your bodies and your souls. But technology is still more powerful. Such training makes an individual strong, but the power of technology makes the whole race stronger.

-I don’t get it.

-...So rather than empowering one individual, technology empowers the whole race...

‘I get that.’

Surprisingly, it was Choi Yeonseung who agreed with the robot craftsmen. The robots’ mindset was similar to that of humans before the Abyssal gate had opened. Back then, humans had also prioritized empowering humanity as a whole rather than gaining individual strength.

Many constellations had belittled and ridiculed this mentality of humans, but it hadn’t been in vain. After all, humans had immediately found a way to develop magic right after it spread throughout Earth.

Abyssal creatures either used magic as their own individual strength or to build towers. Moreover, they only taught magic to a small number of nobles...

Meanwhile, humanity was so active in sharing information that there were free videos on Youtube with titles like ‘You can also become a hunter by learning this.’

Humans hadn’t developed their technology in vain!

-Listen to me, you green organisms!

-We understand, tin cans.

-You said you would listen, but you’re not listening!

-No, we promise we listen, tin cans.

‘...Looks like it’s going well.’

The robots soon gave up on talking to the orcs and went about their business. Currently, the most abundant resources in Choi Yeonseung’s realm were the wood and the rocks collected from Illingars’ great forest.

The robots took them and proceeded to craft various things out of them.

Hwang Gyeongryong, who was commanding them from within his ice prison, asked curiously, “What is this?”

He had no idea where the makgeolli was being made, but he could smell the alcohol from the airport. The passers-by also looked very jolly as though they had already had a few drinks...

“Do you want to see the duty-free stores?”

“...Uh, o-okay.”

At the words of the snake beastman, Choi Yeonseung returned to his senses. He had forgotten about it because the country was occupied by an evil god constellation, but there were originally duty-free stores at the airport.

‘But what is there in North Korea?’

...To his surprise, there was... something.

[Taedong River Makgeolli:

Drinking it restores the digestive system and temporarily increases endurance.]

[Taedong River Beer:

Drinking it restores the nervous system and temporarily increases magic power.]

[Taedong River Soju:


[Taedong River Whisky:

Taedong River Brandy:

Taedong River Wine:

Taedong River...]

“Is there only alcohol?”

In response to Choi Yeonseung’s question, the snake beastman smiled and waved his hand.

“Haha, of course not!”

“Oh, I’m glad.”

“We also have snacks that go along with the alcohol.”



The one waiting for Choi Yeonseung was Kalasnegen, the household member of the Snake of Alcohol and Dancing. He was a snake beastman, but he looked less like a human than the others. He looked more like a huge white snake.

The moment Choi Yeonseung met Kalasnegen, he instantly felt how strong he was.

‘He’s stronger than an S-grade hunter.’

The veteran household members from the Abyss were either as strong as the S-grade hunters on Earth or stronger than them. Even if they had the same level as the hunters, their skills, items, and overall experience from living longer than any humans out there gave them a significant advantage.

Kalasnegen bowed his head politely and held out a cup with his tail.

“I knew that you were coming, Hunter Choi Yeonseung, so I prepared this.”


The moment he took a sip from the cup, Choi Yeonseung felt his competitive spirit rising drastically.

‘This is amazing!’

The liquor had a rich and strong flavor. It was way better than the alcohol that was readily available at duty-free stores.

Only constellations could make something like this.

If Choi Yeonseung had spent his time cooking everything in the Abyss, the Snake of Alcohol and Dancing spent her time brewing alcohol.

Indeed, when it came to alcohol, Choi Yeonseung couldn’t hold a candle to her.

‘I heard rumors that the world’s most powerful people and dictators secretly import the alcohol they drink. I guess it’s true.’

“Do you like it?”

“Honestly, it’s really good.”

“I’m glad. I was nervous because you have a sophisticated palate.”

Kalasnegen smiled joyously, but he looked rather scary because he looked more like a snake than like a human, but...

“The reason I called you is simple. It’s because the Chef of Endless Gluttony is causing a lot of trouble.”

Choi Yeonseung nodded. He, too, was well aware of the fact that the chef constellation was on a rampage. After all, he had reinforced his entire realm because of the chef constellation.

Kalasnegen continued, “Of course, I have faith in my master, so I’m not afraid of the chef constellation if he invades us.”

“You really are loyal.”

“However, everybody needs strong allies. I think we need to join hands and fight together.”

“...Is that so?”

It wasn’t a completely unexpected proposal.

Choi Yeonseung thought about what the other side could offer him and what the advantages would be in forming an alliance with them.

He suddenly became curious and asked, “Does the Snake of Alcohol and Dancing have no intention of talking to me directly?”



Kalasnegen was taken aback and hesitated, which made Choi Yeonseung even more curious. He wondered if something was wrong.

“Well... Yesterday, Master drank too much of the alcohol she made herself. I think she will sleep a bit longer... She left me in charge of making decisions, so you can talk to me.”


Choi Yeonseung suddenly felt that the Snake of Alcohol and Dancing was pathetic.