Chapter 382

Leslie Reese of the Deep Rising clan from the US rushed out in a frenzy.

[The ‘River of Mercy’ tells you to remain calm.]

-How can I stay calm?!

Leslie Reese was angry. To some extent, the River of Mercy was responsible for this mess.

[The ‘River of Mercy’ advises you not falter in the face of these trials.]

‘I was stupid to trust a constellation!’

The constellations of the Abyss were currently ordering their household members to attack in order to increase their influence in this land with no ruler.

However, the monsters of the Second Realm were formidable.


A deep metallic sound reverberated as the magic shield was baptized in a rain of metal. The hunters had confidently entered through the gate, assuring themselves that magic was superior to modern technology. However, their mentality was flawed.

It didn’t matter which one was more glamorous, but which one was stronger!

-Target spotted. Target spotted.

A red light flashed on a nearby steel spider, signaling that it detected a threat. The hunters realized that they had been detected through their stealth magic and scrambled.

-Electric Spear!

A hunter summoned an electric spear, trying to defend themselves against the steel spider that was chasing him...


The hunter managed to hit the monster with the 4th-circle magic, but it didn’t budge.

-Target Spotted. Eliminate the attacker.


The monster’s blast shook the ground and blew the hunters away. They would’ve been done for without their armor artifacts.

“Agh! Retreat! Retreat!”

“What the hell is that thing?”

The hunters ran away in shock.

That electric spear hadn’t been the first attack. The hunters specializing in melee damage had been the first to rush in and attack, but the steel spider had withstood their attacks with no issues.

Its defense was unimaginable!

“Wasn’t this a C-grade monster? Its measurement for magic power was definitely C-grade...”

“Let’s get out of here for now!”

The device the hunters used for measuring magic power had clearly rated this monster at C-grade, but its defense was definitely higher than that. Of course, the true strength of some monsters didn’t have anything to do with magic power, but this one...

[The ‘River of Mercy’ gives you a river of healing.]

-Can’t you give me the power to attack or at least immobilize it?

[The ‘River of Mercy’ says that you aren’t that great a household member.]

‘Damn it!’

Leslie continued to run with the hunters until the monsters gave up on pursuing them.



As the hunters were desperately running for their lives, a ferocious hound exuding magic power leapt in front of them

‘There are monsters here as well?!’

But to their surprise, the hound ignored them and instead roared ferociously at the steel spider.

“Are you okay?”


The hunters were so happy to hear that voice that they were on the verge of crying.

“That looks like a C-grade monster. How come you can’t kill it?” asked Choi Yeonseung incredulously.

One of the Mount Hua Sect hunters next to him whispered, “Chairman, maybe it’s because they’re not skilled enough.”

“Don’t be so mean. Not everyone is as talented as you.”

“Maybe it’s because they didn’t learn martial arts.”


Leslie was dumbfounded. As a B-grade hunter, she had never been dismissed as being incompetent.

“That monster is weird! Be careful! Its defense is way above C-grade!”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Heh, that’s what we used to say after failing a raid.”

The Mount Hua Sect hunters nodded in understanding. It was common practice for hunters to make an excuse that the monster they failed to defeat was actually A-grade.

The hunters involved in this Second Realm raid were trying to get the armor ahead of everyone else.

However, just because the materials were there didn’t mean that the armor would magically be crafted overnight. The process took time, especially if the product was new.

Thus, Choi Yeonseung could easily say things like “If you want the armor, you’ll have to listen to me,” but he didn’t want to do that.

‘The clans have a lot of scoundrels, so they might not give in to our threats and just make due without the armor.’

Choi Yeonseung felt that several clans involved in this raid were blinded by greed. Several countries were also directly involved in this, weren’t they?

If he proposed that everyone get the armor and cooperate, it was likely that the clans would just refuse and say that they would rather let their hunters die than cooperate with Choi Yeonseung.

-It’s a bit frustrating when you think about it.

-The sane one will inevitably suffer when surrounded by insane people...



“The hunters from the Deep Rising clan want to join us,” said one of the Mount Hua Sect hunters who had just returned.

“Huh? The ones who couldn’t kill that C-grade monster?!”

Wouldn’t those guys be useless...?

“...Deep Rising is a pretty decent clan,” a Dragon Industry employee said reluctantly. They thought it was absurd to disregard the Deep Rising clan like that, given that they had a better track record than the Mount Hua Sect.

However, the Mount Hua Sect hunters tilted their heads.

Were those hunters actually decent? It certainly didn’t seem that way...

“Well, we have no reason not to let them join. Let them do whatever they want.”


Adaquaniel said, “It’s nice that sincere actions are valued.”

“That clan is sketchy. They don’t really do much good.”

Choi Yeonseung didn’t really have expectations for the Deep Rising clan. If all the clans had pure intentions and worked together with Choi Yeonseung to save lives, the world would know peace and everyone would be united.

However, Choi Yeonseung’s prediction was wrong this time.

“Chairman, the New York Fires have offered to join us.”


“Three other clans are also...” said Adaquaniel with a happy expression as though she had been the one who convinced them. “It’s thanks to your pure heart, Choi Yeonseung!”

“No, that’s not it. There must be something wrong somewhere else.”


Adaquaniel was a bit sullen.


Illaphael, a household member of the Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons, firmly reported on the situation.

-Master, I don’t think it would be wise to cooperate with Isabella Meyer. That human being is kind of crazy.

[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ accepts Illaphael’s words.]

-Thank you, Master.

Illaphael had initially tried to cooperate with the humans, but he had quickly changed his mind. He had heard that Meyer’s faction was the best offensive unit on the US side, so he had wanted to cooperate with them, but the crazy atmosphere had ultimately dissuaded him from that.

Illaphael didn’t feel the need to cooperate with such a shady individual.

-I don’t think it’s a bad idea to move with Hunter Choi Yeonseung, but...

[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ doesn’t have a bad opinion of the hunter, but he also has no intention of conceding this matter to the household member of another constellation.]

-I understand. Then I will handle it myself.

Illaphael stood tall on a cliff made of various metals and mechanical parts. He could see a majestic aurora created by a powerful magnetic force, embellishing the sky.

The mechanical dragon was sleeping underneath that.

Illaphael was the first one in this raid to find the mechanical dragon. He concentrated magic power and power of existence into his hand, creating a murderous javelin that could penetrate any defense and kill the opponent instantly!

The household members of the angel constellation were especially powerful against dragons.

-Detection system operating.

-Determining danger level. Automatic reaction initiated.

Along with the sound of devices, the ground below Illaphael suddenly changed. He was startled to find out that what he had thought to be a cliff was actually one of the mechanical dragon’s limbs.


Illaphael was taken aback, and the mechanical dragon reacted much faster than him. Before he could use his power, waves of metals engulfed him. He couldn’t react as the mechanical dragon was dragging him towards it.

In less than a second, the angel disappeared.

-Checking intruder danger level. Above standard. Initiate combat.

The mechanical dragon got up from the ground, its body massive. The entire terrain around it shifted and clung to its body.


[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ will give you an item.]


Choi Yeonseung was taken aback by the unexpected gift. What was going on?