Chapter 370

-Was this all staged?

-It seems like this is happening for real.

-What the hell is Peleza doing? Oh, this is nuts!

-A friend of mine lives over there!

Incidents like this were usually contained to some extent. The people in charge were supposed to organize everyone and evacuate. However, Peleza failed to do any of that, and to make it worse, everything was being broadcast live!

It was truly rare to see a company drop the ball like this!

This situation was no longer about Peleza’s presentation being a failure! New frontier cities were being built in the Abyss, and this particular city was the first major one, which made this disaster that much worse.

Han Seha, who was evacuating people to the underground facilities, was surprised to see the live broadcast.

“They’re actually broadcasting this live?”

A businessman next to her was equally stunned.

“It can’t be... As expected, Peleza is something else. I can’t believe they’re not trying to cover up this whole thing. How can they be so confident?”

“If it had been our presentation, we would’ve stopped the live broadcast right away.”

“Did they not turn it off by mistake?”

“What do you take them for? There’s no way they’d make such a blunder.”

The people at the scene admired Peleza’s confidence. They were still broadcasting everything live even though the presentation had gone terribly wrong. It was clear that they were confident they could properly deal with this situation.

Otherwise, they would’ve turned off the broadcast for sure.


“Come here.”

How insolent...

“If you don’t like it, leave.”


Choi Yeonseung jumped and struck Illingars with Origin of the Celestial Fist. To Illingars, it seemed like Choi Yeonseung had suddenly just vanished into thin air before striking.

This infuriating trick...!

Choi Yeonseung kept attacking without responding to Illingars. There were many eyes on him, which naturally meant that he couldn’t use the power of existence. Still, it wasn’t difficult to deal with Illingars with this limited amount of power.

‘It’ll be a drawn-out battle.’

He wouldn’t be able to finish off Illingars with just one hit of the Origin of the Celestial Fist, but the damage would accumulate with each subsequent attack.

Choi Yeonseung would wear out Illingars with consistent attacks until he couldn’t move, then hit his vital point with concentrated energy.

-You’re really skilled!

The goddess of sloth also praised Choi Yeonseung. Constellations were generally not good at these types of fights. Given that they had been born with tremendous strength, they could only fight by going all out.

The only beings that could fight so strategically and fiercely were those who had been born weak and become strong. This particular fight was about hitting and running over and over again, gradually scraping off the opponent’s stamina.

At any rate, Illingars was clearly a powerful monster. He possessed such brute physical strength that he would be able to overpower Choi Yeonseung, who couldn’t use his power of existence in this fight, if he relied solely on his physical prowess. Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

However, Choi Yeonseung compensated for the gap in physical strength with his efficient techniques.



Perhaps because he got sick of Choi Yeonseung constantly disappearing and reappearing, Illingars enlarged himself and furiously lunged at Choi Yeonseung. He was determined to blow up the building behind Choi Yeonseung if he dodged his attack again. And sure enough, Illingars ended up blowing away the newly built advanced building.

Many of the buildings in the Abyss had been built with the latest technology in terms of architecture. Thus, those who were watching the fight live, especially the Peleza executives and those who held shares in the company, screamed in desperation.

-No! Dear God! You crazy monster!

-Hunter Choi Yeonseung! Defend the buildings!

But of course, Choi Yeonseung wouldn’t sacrifice himself for the sake of Peleza’s stock price. He dodged Illingars’ attack without hesitation.

He had no issues dodging these kinds of attacks because their trajectory was rather evident, and the monster was telegraphing his movements way too much.


[Peleza delivers the worst presentation in history... Their arrogance led to a disaster.]

[Fortunately there were no victims resulting from Peleza’s disastrous presentation. What were they thinking when deciding to make such a dangerous presentation?]

[Peleza’s stock price crashes... A ‘red light’ for partnerships...]

[It’s likely that more Abyssal monsters will go on a rampage... Growing unrest in the frontier cities....]


-I genuinely thought I was going to die. What type of nonsense are these crazy people doing, making us wear such equipment and doing something like that? The executives should be the ones doing such tests in the future. It was only the hunters whose lives were in danger!


-That’s what I’ve been saying. Those from above are trying to silence me, but this is just outrageous. Everybody saw what happened. Do they think they can cover this up? Honestly, I can’t imagine how many people would’ve died without Hunter Choi Yeonseung’s help. Did you know that Peleza didn’t even issue an evacuation order?

Peleza was trying to somehow remedy the situation, but this was completely out of their hands. Too many people had witnessed their gross negligence and incompetence. Not even executives from other companies who owned Peleza stocks could help them.

-Why didn’t you give an evacuation order? What were you thinking?

-If we defend them in this situation, our stocks will also go into the ground.

The monsters were more of an issue than the presentation itself. Just like Illingars had threatened, more monsters were flocking in the cities.

-Confirmed monsters in Area 8! Confirmed monsters in Area 8! Hunters, go!

“Is this a joke? It’s only been thirty minutes since the last fight! I haven’t even restored my magic power!”

-Confirmed monsters in Area 15! Confirmed monsters in Area 15...

The problem wasn’t the monsters’ levels, but their overwhelming numbers and the frequency of their attacks. As more and more monsters stormed the cities, the flaws in defense systems became apparent, even though the people who had designed them said that they were foolproof.

This wasn’t just Peleza’s problem anymore.

“Thank you for helping me like this.”

“N-no, it’s not a big deal.”

Choi Yeonseung thanked Kwon Yeongseung. Following the presentation debacle, Choi Yeonseung casually shook off the Peleza executives trying to latch onto him and set out for the city built by Dragon Industry, which was also in danger.

The city had been built in a relatively safe location compared to other cities, but he still couldn’t let his guard down.

After arriving, Choi Yeonseung summoned the hunters from Earth and waited there. Of course, Kwon Yeongseung and Han Seha also stayed in the city in order to help.

“Even though he says he wants to help, he most likely had a dark hidden agenda. He was going to team up with Peleza, remember? He’s probably flattering you just because the presentation turned out to be a disaster,” said Han Seha.

“N-no! That really isn’t the case! Hey!”

Kwon Yeongseung looked at Han Seha with tears in his eyes.

Of course, someone from the clan had contacted him and said, “This is a good thing. Please help Hunter Choi Yeonseung in case any similar incidents occur in the future.” However, Kwon Yeongseung was helping out of the kindness of his heart.

“People get so defensive only when they’re exposed for their misdeeds.”

“What about you? You’re part of Hanseong Group! Hunter Choi Yeonseung! If I’m suspicious, then so is she!”

‘Are they kids?’

Kwon Yeongseung wouldn’t usually engage with Han Seha’s blatant provocations, but now he was acting childish. It seemed that his conscience was pricked.

Choi Yeonseung clicked his tongue. To think that two A-grade hunters who represented South Korea were fighting like this...

“Should we... just keep preparing like this?”

The Mount Hua Sect hunters were also at the scene.

Iris, who was watching with her colleagues, seemed worried. They could fight as much as necessary, but being constantly vigilant wasn’t easy. The hunters in charge to protect other areas would eventually become exhausted.

“No, Iris. Aren’t you confident with the current measures?”

“We’re trained in martial arts. We won’t get tired even if we stay on the lookout for twenty-four hours with no sleep.”

“...Drop the useless bravado.”

Choi Yeonseung looked at the Mount Hua Sect hunters with a dumbfounded expression. They were bluffing unnecessarily in front of him because he had taught them martial arts, but they weren’t fooling anyone. Martial artists were humans at the end of the day. They would get tired after being on the lookout for too long.

“I’m going to put up a shield around here.”


The hunters present were surprised. Wouldn’t that cost a lot of money?

“Is he doing this because he thinks money loses its value over time?”

“What value...? You’re not even the one spending it. Besides, have you seen the recent accomplishments of Dragon Industry? I’m sure they have plenty of money to spend.”

“I’m really jealous. Why doesn’t he teach business as well on top of martial arts?”