Chapter 365

“You’ve grown used to Earth, so why are you being so soft?” asked Hwang Gyeongryong incredulously.

“...Cough. Alright, I get it! Stop looking down on me!” retorted Odaigon as he steeled himself.

In fact, Odaigon had seen and learnt a lot about how humans lived on Earth, so if he wanted to support Choi Yeonseung in the future, he couldn’t keep acting like the good and generous goblin he was.

Odaigon had to learn how to live like a wicked, filthy human being. He would be cold-blooded and he would never shed a tear again!

‘Why is he having such a hard time making a decision about those terrible criminals? It’s not like we’re executing them. It’s just forced labor...’

Hwang Gyeongryong was bewildered. He found it ridiculous every time an Abyssal race said that they were scared of humans. After all, the Abyssal races waged horrifying wars, which lasted hundreds of years and caused tens of thousands of casualties, out of boredom...

‘Actually, Earth must be strange for these Abyssal races.’

On second thoughts, it was actually strange for the billions of souls on Earth to constantly kill each other. It was just that Hwang Gyeongryong had gotten used to it...

“Hah, but what do they know? I’ll show these Abyssal guys the ferocity of humans and make them tremble in fear!” Hwang Gyeongryong grumbled.

Regardless of whether the Abyssal races were scared of humans, Hwang Gyeongryong intended to rule this kingdom in a human way. The new factory area, or rather, the factory prison was very much to Hwang Gyeongryong’s liking. He thought that Choi Yeonseung’s kingdom needed an area like this.

If Hwang Gyeongryong had known that such a realm existed when he was on Earth, he would’ve sent the worst criminals here instead to a prison.

‘This factory is perfect to punish criminals and also make some profit at the same time.’

“What do you want to make instead of explosions?”

“Wouldn’t it be nice for the orcs to have weapons?”

Nod nod.

The Monkey King nodded in agreement, perhaps because he also wanted a weapon. However, the orcs next to him said reluctantly, “We want new plows and pickaxes.”

“...Don’t worry, I’ll make that for you as well.”

At that, the orcs rejoiced. “Horaaay!! Woho!” They would get new farming equipment!

“Okay. I shall take up the task of whipping those scumbags.”

Hwang Gyeongryong got highly motivated. His stay in the Abyss had been too peaceful and uneventful, and now he finally had something to do.

He would squeeze these evil prisoners to produce different things!

“Gasp. Wait... If I set up a company factory here, I can make things for free without having to spend money on labor costs, right?”


Odaigon was horrified as he listened to Hwang Gyeongryong muttering to himself. When he was on Earth, Odaigon would always be repulsed by evil entrepreneurs, and now he realized that one of them stood right in front of him.

“...Can’t you just make a mobile phone or something?”

“Huh? My company doesn’t deal with mobile games.”

‘It’s good that we don’t make those!’

If Hwang Gyeongryong had also developed a mobile game, Odaigon would’ve been too scared to stay with him.


Dragon Solutions.

Among Dragon Industry’s companies, Dragon Solutions focused on the development of advanced materials.

Ever since the Abyssal gate had opened, numerous industries and companies had been created. Among them, the high-tech industry had also undergone a tremendous revolution. If one closed and opened their eyes, they would already see a newly developed material being released.

On that note, things like minerals, animal materials, plants, and Abyssal monsters were a new world beyond imagination.

There were two conditions for companies to survive in this new world brought on by the Abyssal gate; they had to be able to secure various rare monster materials, and they had to be able to analyze materials and create new ones using the data.

Dragon Solutions was able to survive in this industry because they could do both of those things.

“What happened to the renewal with the Mithra clan this time?”

“We finished it with a three percent increase.”

“What about the colodra skin?”

“We’ve secured thirty thousand.”

Choi Yeonseung had really fed the companies of Dragon Industry this quarter. His performance had been so outstanding that even the executives who hadn’t approved of him had no choice but to shut up and admire him.

On top of that, Choi Yeonseung had made a buzz in the United States with his amazing feat of rescuing Senator McGlas from the constellation’s clutches.

Now anyone who belittled or disregarded Choi Yeonseung’s ability would be considered a fool. Even though he was a hunter-turned-entrepreneur, he had proven himself, and the CEO of Peleza was well aware of this.

“I think it’s your loyalty to Hunter Choi Yeonseung that prevents you from accepting our offer.”


Monali was taken aback by the other person’s words. There was no loyalty in this cutthroat business world.

“There’s nothing to deny. I myself have heard that Hunter Choi Yeonseung has the ability to reach people’s hearts.”

The CEO of Peleza nodded as if he knew exactly how Monali felt. He had spoken with the hunters involved with Choi Yeonseung, and they all had attested that he was unique among the high-ranking hunters. It was only natural that such a hunter would be able to hold onto someone like Monali.

‘It’s just that the conditions are better here...’

Monali was completely baffled by the CEO of Peleza. Of course, he didn’t deny that Choi Yeonseung was one of a kind, but the reason he had rejected Peleza’s offer was simply because the conditions were better at Dragon Industry.

Hwang Gyeongryong and Choi Yeonseung were pouring money into reliable talents, so no matter how generous Peleza’s conditions were, Monali Gupta wouldn’t leave Dragon Solutions!

“But Monali Gupta, it would be better for you to accept our offer.”


“You will see later,” said the CEO of Peleza with an eerily confident voice, causing Monali to feel uneasy.

‘Don’t tell me... Did they develop something new?’


[’The Wandering Merchant Who Sells Destiny’ congratulates you on your victory!]

The wandering merchant came to congratulate Choi Yeonseung. At the moment, most constellations ignored the merchant constellation, which, of course, meant that VIP customers like Choi Yeonseung were very precious.

In addition, the dignity the merchant constellation felt from Choi Yeonseung was even stronger now. Only advanced constellations had such an aura about them.

Choi Yeonseung’s evolution was truly impressive considering that he had used to tremble due to not having enough soul stones.

[The ‘Wandering Merchant Who Sells Destiny’ gives you a gift.]


Choi Yeonseung was puzzled when the wandering merchant, who had always had high prices for his items, gave him a gift. Still, he accepted it.

[You have received a power!]

[Arrangement of Chaos]

[Rank: ?

Offer your power to the realm of chaos.]


This power allowed Choi Yeonseung to give away his powers. It seemed strange at first, but Choi Yeonseung quickly figured out what this was.

-What type of power is this?

The goddess of sloth hadn’t noticed it yet because she wasn’t human.

[The ‘Wandering Merchant Who Sells Destiny’ suggests that you use this power when you obtain a useless power.]

This was a power that allowed one to recycle other powers!

Choi Yeonseung had received quite a bit of useless powers from the boxes of the merchant constellation. However, he could now use Arrangement of Chaos to get rid of them and try to get better powers.

That was what this power was all about.

-...It’s so pathetic that I’m speechless...

The goddess of sloth was dumbfounded. It was extremely obvious what the merchant constellation was trying to do...

Even if Choi Yeonseung received terrible powers, he could get rid of them and try again... by buying more boxes!

The goddess of sloth was embarrassed by this blatant attempt to trick Choi Yeonseung.

-You think so? It seems like a kind gesture to me.

-...Are you serious?

The goddess of sloth was surprised, but after all, her standards were different from Choi Yeonseung’s, who was of human origin.