Chapter 357

‘It’s not wrong though...’

That was the reputation of the entrepreneurs with a hunter background. They were emotional, unfamiliar with business, and flashy. They only cared about appearances and their overall image.

Therefore, the traditional entrepreneurs, who had been in the world of business for a long time, thought that those hunters-turned-entrepreneurs were easy to deal with. With enough praise and some vaguely plausible words, one could coax those entrepreneurs into doing anything!

‘So why am I so nervous about this?’

Stankey’s subordinate was agonizing over this meeting with Choi Yeonseung, but he soon understood why he was so anxious.

Choi Yeonseung was a bit different from the other hunters they had dealt with. Unlike the other hunters who were obsessed with wealth and fame, Choi Yeonseung was constantly saving people and preventing disasters through raids.

“Excuse me, Chairman, but Hunter Choi Yeonseung might be different from other hunters...”

“What nonsense are you talking about? All hunters are the same.”


Stankey’s subordinate was anxious, but he couldn’t do anything about it. He had to follow his superior’s orders.


“Hunter Choi Yeonseung! Or should I call you Chairman of Dragon Industry?”

Stankey welcomed Choi Yeonseung with a friendly and hospitable attitude that belied his intention to curse at him.

“You’re leading Dragon Industry on behalf of someone as great as Dragon Hwang. You’re truly incredible.”

“You don’t have to call me ‘Chairman.’ I’d rather you called me ‘Hunter’,” responded Choi Yeonseung as he took a seat. He wasn’t particularly ambitious about Dragon Industry. He was in charge of it on behalf of Hwang Gyeongryong, since he was still in the Abyss, but he didn’t want anything more than that.

Stankey was a bit annoyed by Choi Yeonseung’s attitude. He wasn’t trying to achieve anything and he had gotten his position by pure luck, and yet he was arrogant like this.

Nevertheless, Stankey didn’t betray his irritation. No matter how confident he was, he didn’t forget that Dragon Industry was a formidable company. There was no reason to cause trouble.

‘I have to play with him here.’

It was easy to be mistaken about Choi Yeonseung’s age due to his youthful appearance, but he was actually older than Stankey. Unaware of this, Stankey started running his mouth carelessly.

“I think I know why you’re here. It’s because all the factories in China have stopped, right?” said Stankey with a solemn expression.

Of course, China had always been a mess, but this time, it was worse than usual. In Guangzhou, a crazy vampire had shown up out of nowhere and declared, “This is my kingdom now!” After that, hunters rebelled in the west and the entire landscape changed.

As a result, everything from production facilities to logistic lines and power supplies was a mess.

“It’s understandable, Hunter Choi Yeonseung. Of course, I’m not responsible for this regrettable situation... Only a poor person would make excuses.” Stankey paused before continuing in a grim voice, “I won’t blame you if you break the contract with us and look elsewhere!”


Stankey’s subordinate, who was listening from behind, was taken aback by his words.


Dragon Industry was a huge client that made up more than ten percent of Western Systems’ revenue. Therefore, telling Choi Yeonseung that he could break the contract was pure insanity.

This was such a bad move that Stankey’s subordinate felt like they should grab Choi Yeonseung’s ankles and beg him to not listen to Stankey.

However, Stankey wasn’t an ordinary man either.

He figured that if he came into this meeting in a low-key manner, Choi Yeonseung would hit him with a bunch of reparation requests and changes in conditions. Thus, he had to come off strong in this negotiation.

-We can’t afford those things right now, so you should think twice before you make any requests like that. It might backfire badly!

Of course, if an incompetent person said something like this, they would be the one taking the hit. However, Stankey had something to rely on.

‘Western Systems is one of the leading manufacturers of core stabilizers. There aren’t many places that can supply the same volume to Dragon Industry. They wouldn’t find a better unit price overseas either...’

Stankey didn’t think that Choi Yeonseung would actually want to change the contract!

“Uhm, is that really okay?” Choi Yeonseung asked with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Stankey suppressed his smile and replied casually, “Yes, you may in fact do so.”

‘Hehe, now hurry up and bow down. Time to drop the hunter act!’

“Well, I’m grateful for your kindness, but I’m also sorry at the same time. Please don’t take it personally. My main duty is to lead Dragon Industry well.”


Stankey was stunned by Choi Yeonseung’s reaction.


Choi Yeonseung had managed to appease the goddess of balance and deal with Stankey, but there was still a lot of work waiting for him. Even if Aine and the talented secretaries helped him, it was Choi Yeonseung’s job to make the final decisions.

“I’ve arranged the high-priority ones in order. You have to assess them and make a call... By the way, Adaquaniel, do you have any intention of working for my fund?”

Aine was amazed by the angel’s abilities.

‘She’s incredible.’

-Is Torigava struggling with production?

-For the core stabilizers? It’s the cost of making them that’s the problem. The technology itself isn’t that difficult.

-Western Systems has a reputation for being able to produce large quantities at low prices.

Other companies couldn’t keep up with Western Systems.

After hearing the explanation, Choi Yeonseung nodded.

‘We have no reason to accept this proposal.’

Dragon Industry’s current supplier for core stabilizers was doing well at the moment, while Torigava was asking for more money.

There was no reason to raise the cost.

“I’m sorry, but it won’t work. We already have a contract...”

“I know. With Western Systems, right? But they had a lot of factory lines in China, so it will be hard for them to respond immediately. Torigava is different!”

“Doesn’t it cost more?” asked Choi Yeonseung.

“I thought you would say that,” Koyle said with a wide grin. “We will supply you the core stabilizers for ten percent cheaper than Western Systems.”

“...How is that possible?”

Choi Yeonseung didn’t understand. It wasn’t like Torigava had recently received technology from a constellation, so how could they reduce the cost so much?

“It’s because of the government’s support,” Koyle replied in a hushed voice so nobody else could hear them.


Choi Yeonseung was lost for words. So in other words, President Georges had taken a liking to this company and supported it with tax money... Then, he had sent over his right-hand man to negotiate a contract with Dragon Industry...

‘Is France doomed?’

Choi Yeonseung couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Adaquaniel spoke to him telepathically from the side.

-Hunter Choi Yeonseung, this is just my opinion, but I don’t think it’s a bad idea to sign with Torigava.

-Really? I haven’t even met with the CEO and I’m already suspicious.

So birds of a feather really did flock together... It made sense for an entrepreneur who was close to President Georges to have a screw loose.


...Despite his misgivings, Choi Yeonseung complied with Adaquaniel’s suggestion to meet with Torigava’s CEO once.

“I-it’s a pleasure!”

Surprisingly, the CEO of Torigava seemed to be a sincere person. He came out with the product himself and explained how it was made and how it worked. This made their offer more trustworthy.

Choi Yeonseung was rather perplexed by his earnest behavior and asked, “Are you related to President Georges?”

“Huh? No!”

“Then how did you get close to him?”

“Uh... I think it’s because I donated a lot. I donated a lot of money because I was scared, but I think he appreciated it... It was an honest gesture of goodwill...”

-If you pay a lot, I will take care of you!

Aine carefully examined the paperwork and nodded. If the French government offered support, there was no reason to refuse.

At the moment, Western Systems couldn’t provide Dragon Industry the amount of core stabilizers they needed, so it wasn’t a bad idea to sign a contract with a different company.

“Alright, we’ll take a good look at the contract.”

“Thank you! I will do my best!” the CEO of Torigava exclaimed enthusiastically. He didn’t want to miss this opportunity to sign with Dragon Industry!

“I’ll eat Korean food every day and play K-pop at the factory!”

“...Say that one more time and I’ll throw the contract in the bin...”


-I still have to meet Western Systems and ask them about it. Maybe they can find a way to somehow provide us with the necessary quantity.

-It’s a good idea. They’re trading partners, so it would be nice to talk things through amicably. I think you’ve become pretty used to things, right?

Choi Yeonseung tried to explain the situation to the chairman of Western Systems as politely as possible. If they managed to come up with an ingenious method to meet the demands of Dragon Industry, they could keep working together.

“I won’t blame you if you break the contract with us and look elsewhere!”


Choi Yeonseung hadn’t expected this reaction from Stankey. Did he actually hate the contract with Dragon Industry?