1489 The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01515, billion yen robbery

After chatting with her for about two hours, Judy slowly placed a dozen photos on the table in the living room. Almost all of them contained a beautiful and virtuous beauty.Her long, straight black hair was draped in the back, and her beautiful face was dotted with delicate features.Her long eyelashes, cherry-colored lips, and big twinkling eyes formed a look that did not belong to Xiaobi.

"Miyano Akemi?" Nie Kong's eyes widened, almost wanting to imagine that little Lolita who liked pranks more than a decade ago grew up to be so dignified and beautiful, showing the soft beauty of an oriental woman.

"According to our FBI's secret investigation, she has already changed her name to Masami Hirota and started working at the Kyoto head office of the Japanese state-owned bank a few months ago." Judy explained.

"Is there anything wrong with that?" Nie Kong asked strangely.

"She is very popular at work because of her gentle and kind relationship. But yesterday, a major incident happened in the bank where she worked. Perhaps you can read the newspaper to understand that a bank robbery of one billion yuan occurred. It is said that there was a bank robbery of one billion yuan. One billion yen is money distributed from the head office to other branches." Judy said seriously.

"What, is it related to her?"

"It cannot be confirmed at the moment. According to the witness's guards, there were three robbers. They were clearly two masked gangsters with pistols and a shotgun. At that time, several bank guards suffered only a few scratches. This morning, the police found that two robbers who robbed the bank were dead." Judy told Nie Kong carefully.

"How do you often know that they are bank gangsters?"

"Of course, because they searched their homes about the bank sketches, the detailed timetable of the money-carrying truck, and the escape route map, they often confirmed their identities. The police did not find one billion yuan of robbery. It seems They were the last gangster to kill, in order to monopolize the billion yuan. In addition to the two gangsters, one of the bank guards died yesterday. It is probably their accomplices. The three died in the same pistol. And I find it strange that all the murder scenes left behind a unique lipstick!" In fact, Judy said very clearly, she suspected Mingmei was one of the three criminals who robbed the bank.

"Have the police arrested Miyano Akemi now?" Nie Kong asked suddenly.

"No! Although the lipstick left behind is indeed used frequently by Akemi Miyano, the police guessed that someone deliberately framed her, and the police did not find any substantial evidence to prove it." Judy shook his head and said.

"She may be a robber, but I think that the murderer is indeed someone else, and deliberately pushed all the charges on Miyano Akemi." Nie Kong was suddenly startled, Miyano Akemi was in danger.

"Oops, there is a man behind the scenes pushing everything behind. If Miyano dies, the clue will definitely be broken." Judy said in surprise.

"Well, I guess he has a close relationship with the Black Organization, so we must stop them quickly." Nie Kong nodded as he said.

"Then... Then I will change my clothes now, Brother Nie Kong, you have to wait for me." After that, she hurried back to her bedroom.After hearing Suoso's voice, she appeared in front of Nie Kong in a refined dry suit.

Although the outline of a beautiful body shape, Nie Kong did not have time to take a closer look.The two hurried downstairs and drove to the residence of Guangtian Yami in Nie Kong's car.

Fortunately, Judy, as an FBI intelligence officer, often investigates her cause, so she knows where she lives.Otherwise, Nie Kong alone might not be able to handle it.

At the fastest speed, the car aggressively squeezed the cars on the street, like drifting, leaving only puffs of smoke for the people behind.Judy patted her huge Hungarian club, and almost didn't get a heart attack. Nie Kong was driving crazy.

Ten minutes later, Nie Kong parked his car in front of a six-story apartment.When Nie Kong was about to go up to meet her, she found that she was dressed in a beige OL uniform and left the apartment building in time.

The big eyes seemed to be melancholy, which made people feel pity.The white cheeks are like jasper, making people want to take a bite.Sure enough, it was Mingmei. Although she hadn't seen her in more than ten years, Nie Kong could recognize her at a glance.