Half a month later, the Academic Affairs Office of No. 13 High School.

“Oh, okay. Do not worry, I will tell him.”

Director Li, wearing a striped shirt, nodded and bowed to the phone while wiping his sweat quickly.

The Academic Affairs Office of No. 13 High School is much simpler than that of the Affiliated High School, with some paper sticking to the old air conditioner.

The two desks were put together into one, and A4 paper and computers were piled up in a mess.

Ye Cheng was wearing a white school uniform, and the color of the shoulder line was no longer the iconic blue of the affiliated high school, it turned black together with the pants.

On his chest, he wears the school badge of No. 13 High School and a nameplate with his own name on it.

He stood in front of Director Li and patiently listened to him on the phone for ten minutes.

After Director Li hung up, he raised his head and looked at him with a simple smile: “I’m sorry, I kept you waiting.”

Ye Cheng nodded slightly.

Director Li rubbed his hands and said, “Since your parents have no problem, then you can go to class. Our school is also applying for recommended places this year. If there is any news, I will notify you as soon as possible..”

Ye Cheng let out a “hmm” indifferently, only to hear him say again: “However, are you sure you want to go to class 20? There are two in the science class that are not bad, you can choose as you like.”

“No, thank you Director.” Ye Cheng said.

Director Li looked at him with a strange look, and said embarrassingly, “Well, if you want to change classes in the future, you can apply for it.”

Ye Cheng doesn’t need to guess to know, the director might think that his brain is flooded.

When he transferred from the Affiliated High School to the No.13 High School, he wanted to go to the worst class .

When he came out with a stack of new books, there were already a lot of people in the corridor who came to watch the fun.

Opposite the office is the teaching building, Ye Cheng looked up and found that the opposite was full of people.

This posture is like watching monkeys in a zoo.

…it’s really idle.

Class 20 was on the fifth floor, he could hear chattering on every floor, and there was a faint smell of smoke in the corridor.

The ground is dirty, and he doesn’t know how long since it was cleaned.

A group of boys came towards him, fighting and shoving each other.

Ye Cheng frowned.

This kind of atmosphere can never appear in the affiliated high school.

He seemed to break into a whole new world, a world full of fireworks.

Two girls followed him all the way, leaning their heads together while they covered their mouths and talked.

“Really? Is he really a new student?”

“My friend from the affiliated high school told me. Damn it, I must have saved mankind in my last life. How can I be in the same school with two school grass!”

“He’s so good to me, who do you think is more handsome between him and the first brother?”

“They are different types, the first brother is a walking hormone. Ah! he turned around!”

The Siyuan Building of No. 13 High School is divided into two buildings, connected by a passage in the middle and dividing the science class into two parts.

Ye Cheng turned his head and asked politely, “Hello, how do you get to Class 20?”

The girl with bangs blushed and said quietly, “I’m from Class 18, I’ll take you there.”

“Thank you.” Ye Cheng nodded.

Qi Liu Hai took advantage of the situation and walked beside him.

Two girls pinched each other’s arms.

Qi Liu Hai accidentally bumped into Ye Cheng midway, and quickly apologized in a low voice, but Ye Cheng didn’t care too much.

Coinciding with the recess time, there were people coming and going in the corridor, and people turned their heads to look at them from time to time.

At the end of the corridor, the sign of Class 20 was rusted and hung shabbily on the door frame. Ye Cheng walked into the class, the classroom was silent for a moment.

He almost effortlessly, without any interruptions, saw Lu Xiao sitting in the last row.

The classrooms of No. 13 High School are not equipped with air conditioners, and the fans on the roof are blowing the test papers all over the place.

The hair on the boy’s forehead was curled up in a mess, revealing a small piece of his forehead and a handsome brow bone.

Ye Cheng never denied that the first time he saw Lu Xiao, he was attracted by that handsome face.

After accepting his sexuality since college, he knew exactly what type he liked.

Lu Xiao is the kind of celestial dish that grows in his aesthetics.

The outline of the face is deep and sculpted, the eyes are long and dark, and the standard eyebrows are pressed against the eyes; the bridge of the nose is straight and pulled up, and the lips are upturned with a strong sense of arrogance.

However, when he laughed, he had dimples, and this kind of childish appearance was uncontrollably liked by human beings and ghosts.

Ye Cheng looked in his direction for two or three seconds. He seemed to notice something, and looked up sharply.

Across the noisy classroom, the eyes of the two collided.

If it were seventeen-year-old Ye Cheng, he might avert his eyes out of courtesy or shyness.

But he was past the age where he would be shy when looking at each other, so he frankly swept Lu Xiao from head to toe.

He looked thinner than he was in his twenties, but he could still see the faint arm muscles through the school uniform.

As far as sitting height, it should be less than 1.89 meters.

It is estimated to be 1.83 meters.

Like a little kid.

Normally, after being stared at by a stranger for more than three seconds, it will arouse a sense of vigilance in the heart.

Lu Xiao’s eyes sank.

Fortunately, he didn’t have the ability to read minds, so he didn’t know what Ye Cheng was thinking, otherwise he might have gone mad on the spot.

The head teacher standing on the podium saw Ye Cheng coming, and immediately waved to him and said, “Why did you arrive so soon, didn’t I tell you to wait for me in the office? Come here.”

The head teacher was a middle-aged male teacher named Xu Chao, who always looked flushed and radiant.

He briefly said a few words to Ye Cheng, and then let everyone go back to their seats.

There are still a few minutes to go before class, and the next class happens to be his math class.

The classmates reluctantly returned to their positions, looking at Ye Cheng curiously.

In this class, many people have their ears pierced and their hair dyed. The little girl who walked over just now has tattoos on her fingers.

Ye Cheng glanced at Lu Xiao again. Fortunately, his hair was black.

Xu Chao patted the podium and said loudly, “Quiet, get ready for class. Before we start, let me introduce to you, this is Ye Cheng, a new transfer student in our class.”

He glanced at Ye Cheng and motioned for him to say a few words.

Ye Cheng instantly received countless attention, and calmly said, “My name is Ye Cheng, I came from the opposite monastery, please take care of me in the future.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he burst out laughing.

Xu Chao looked embarrassed.

“Monastery” is the nickname attached to the affiliated high school.

In the Nandu United Forum, every school cannot escape being nicknamed.

No. 13 High School is “kindly” called “Junkyard”.

Xu Chao cleared his throat, turned to him and said, “Go find a vacant seat and sit down. After the monthly exam, the seat will be rearranged, so you can make do with it for two days.”

Looking around, only the second-to-last row in the entire class has vacancies.

This position is diagonally in front of Lu Xiao.

When Ye Cheng walked over, unsurprisingly, he met his eyes again.

This time, there was a hint of coldness in the other party’s eyes.

The coldness of the male high school student being provoked.

Ye Cheng turned around and sat down.

Lu Xiao’s roommate was a thin guy, and asked in a low voice, “Brother Xiao, do you know this newcomer?”

“I do not know him.”

“Then why do you keep looking at him?”

“Are you sick? When did I look at him?”

“Ah? I… I just thought you guys knew each other.”

Ye Cheng pulled the corners of his lips calmly, took out the textbooks one by one, and put them on the desk.

After starting the class, he quickly discovered that the reason why No. 13 high School was so bad, it was not entirely because of the students.

Xu Chao’s teaching idea is completely “morning reading”, and a chapter is read from beginning to end, with concepts and topics together.

There are not many people listening, there are those who want to sleep and those who want to play with their mobile phones.

At the same table, Ye Cheng was pulled into a group chat, and the message above didn’t stop.

Tang Yuxuan: [ Why is Guan Gong still talking, I’m so sleepy. 】

Jiang Wei: [ Why, did you stay up last night again? 】

Tang Yuxuan: [ Ah Li treated us for the night, tsk, I don’t think he is sleepy at all. 】

Ye Cheng looked at Xu Chao, well, he looks like Guan Gong.

[T/N: Guan Gong, also known as Guan Yu or Guan Yun Chang (160 – 219) was a general who lived close to two thousand years ago in China. He helped his sworn brother Liu Bei to fight against the dynasty of Wei that seized the throne from the last Han-Emperor. He was also the sworn brother of Zhang Fei, another warrior of Liu Bei’s.]

After a while, he received several friend requests, and all the pictures were of girls.

Most of the girls in this class are bold and unrestrained, and a few have been staring at him for a long time.

He slid down and saw James’ head, nicknamed “Suspect X.”

Suddenly, his mind moved, and he tilted his head back.

Coincidentally, Lu Xiao was caught looking straight into his eyes.

He doesn’t know how long he had been watching.

Neither of them seemed to expect that their eyes would meet and Lu Xiao raised his eyebrows more clearly.

Ye Cheng turned back as if nothing had happened, and the pen in his hand accidentally scratched a line on the page.

He was too familiar with this expression, and was obviously a little annoyed.


One minute before the end of class, it was already chaotic.

Xu Chao raised his voice, trying to maintain the last bit of silence: “Just to remind everyone again, you must pay attention to tomorrow’s monthly exam! Go back in the evening to study hard, cheating is not allowed! Cheating is definitely not allowed! Do you understand?”

Everyone dragged their voices: “We got it—”

There was a frenzy in the class between classes.

The tablemate stretched and asked Ye Cheng, “Have you brought all your books?”

Ye Cheng said, “The teaching materials are different, so there is no need to bring them.”

“Are you commuting or living on campus?”

“Morning study.”

His deskmate is like a curious baby: “Are you from Jiulong?”

“Bai Ze’s.” Ye Cheng answered briefly.

“Oh, the third station of Line 2 is quite close.”

They chatted for a while, then his seatmate got up and said, “Want to go to the toilet?”

Ye Cheng wanted to get acquainted with the environment, so he stood up and went out with him.

Lu Xiao in the back row was long gone. You don’t need to think about it to know that 80% of the time he went to smoke in a corner.

Regarding the issue of his smoking, Ye Cheng said many times to stop but he always smoked secretly behind his back.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help squinting his eyes.

Ten minutes later, the class bell rang twice.

The physics teacher slowly walked into the classroom holding the textbook.

Five minutes later, Lu Xiao also walked in slowly.

The physics teacher said a few words to him, then turned to continue the lecture.

Lu Xiao glanced to the side, and there was no one in the transfer student’s position.

His roommate came over mysteriously and said, “Brother Xiao, the newcomer was blocked in the toilet by Zhou Kai!”

Lu Xiao raised his eyebrows: “?”

“Jiang Jin, don’t whisper.” The physics teacher called him by name.

The classmate immediately became silent.

After a while, Lu Xiao tapped on his desk, “Go on.”

Jiang Jin hurriedly shared information with him: “Zhou Kai is a brute, he said that the newcomer stole his little girlfriend. I don’t know if it’s true, or if he just wants to find an excuse to beat him up.”

“Brother Xiao, should we sneak out to watch the fun?” Jiang Jin asked.

“What’s there to see?” Lu Xiao said in a sullen voice.

He made a few strokes on the book, making the paper dirty.

Jiang Jin pursed his mouth sadly, and continued to eat melons in the group.

[T/N: Eat melons means to gossip]

A minute later, the person next to him stood up.

“Brother Xiao?” he asked suspiciously.

“Go out and smoke a cigarette.”

Taking advantage of the teacher writing on the blackboard, Lu Xiao walked away from the back door without looking back.

Jiang Jin scratched his head and said to himself, “Didn’t you just smoke?”

At the corner of the corridor on the fifth floor is their smoking settlement.

Next to it is the toilet.

As soon as Lu Xiao approached, he heard a lot of movement inside.

This place is far from the classroom, there is no one around, and the door of the men’s toilet is tightly closed.

He casually lit a cigarette and walked past the toilet door with his hands in his pocket.

The yelling and scolding inside gradually became clearer, mixed with the sound of fists colliding.

The smoke was swirling around, Lu Xiao clamped the cigarette between his fingertips and exhaled slowly.

The toilet door slammed open, and a person flew out from inside and fell right at his feet.

Lu Xiao stopped and glanced down.

Lai Zi from Class 18, Zhou Kai’s younger brother.

Lai Zi covered his face and mourned, looking into the toilet in horror.

Lu Xiao followed his gaze and looked over.

A tall and thin figure rushed out, unable to stop, he almost collided with him.

Ye Cheng had a face-to-face with him.

This is the third time he has seen this face today, and the first time he has gotten so close.

The complexion is even whiter than that of a girl, there is hardly any pores under the light, and light blue blood vessels stretch out on his forehead, which made him look emotionally unstable.

A few sweaty locks of hair stuck to his cheeks, making people feel he is even more shockingly white.

Thick eyelashes cover the light brown eyes, with a slight arc at the end, and there is a delicate tear mole under the left eye.

In just a few seconds, he only had time to remember these eyes, there was a fragile beauty there.

Ye Cheng stopped in front of him.

The distance between the two was only ten centimeters, and he smelled a faint smell of tobacco.

Lu Xiao’s fingers curled up a little bit.

There seemed to be a slight shaking in his chest.

At this moment, he saw Ye Cheng’s pupils tighten.

There was a violent roar from the toilet: “Fuck your mom! You dare to beat me, see If I won’t ruin you today!”

The next second, Ye Cheng suddenly became tense, he bent over and squatted down.

Lu Xiao was immersed in the bewitchment of the scene just now, and stood there in a daze.

Before he could figure out what was going on, he saw that behind Ye Cheng, Zhou Kai threw his fists at him.

With a muffled sound, he was punched in the face.

The author has something to say:

Brother Ji: I just want to eat a melon…