Chapter 316: Reciprocity

"Sister Nanjun, I will, let me pack it for you!"

Yan Yihe had already stood beside Nan Jun at some point, and was about to reach for the book Nan Jun handed to Qiao Yun, as well as the light blue book cover.

As required by the chemistry teacher, chemistry books must have a cover, and all students in the class must be of the same color.

Nan Jun deliberately asked her deskmate to bring two for her, thinking that she would buy Qiao Yun's together, and fearing that he would not accept it, so she made such an excuse.

Unexpectedly, a Yan Yihe came out halfway, which caused Nan Jun a headache.

Qiao Yun turned back with his half-turned body, and didn't continue to say the rest.

He was not a person with ingenuity in the first place, and he was really not good at such delicate tasks as wrapping book covers.

"No, I will pack it myself."

Nan Jun retracted his arm and said without raising his head.

Yan Yihe felt ashamed and stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

A playful voice came from a girl behind him: "Young Master Yan, why don't you pack it for me!"

"Get it yourself!"

Yan Yihe slapped the handed book away, turned around and returned to his seat.

The girl was not angry, she bent down to pick up the book from the ground, patted it lightly, and then looked towards Nan Jun with her head raised halfway, her eyes full of provocation.

But Nan Jun was not at all interested in their childish love triangle behavior where you had a crush on me and I had a crush on you, so he didn't even know that he had such a rival in love invisibly.

"Qiao Yun, Qiao Yun..."

The voice behind her was like chanting a spell. If Qiao Yun didn't want to pay attention to her, that person would brazenly keep screaming until everyone around him looked in Qiao Yun's direction.

"What else is there?"

She said she knew how to wrap books, so why did she tell him?

"Give me your chemistry book, and I'll cover it for you."

Nan Jun shook the book cover in his hand, the sunlight from outside the window shone in and reflected on that warm smiling face, dazzled Qiao Yun's eyes.

If a person like Nan Jun intends to get close to someone, no one should be able to escape!

"No, thank you, I can pack it myself."

The so-called not getting paid for nothing, Qiao Yun didn't want to owe her anything, and didn't want to have anything to do with her.

"Don't you know? It turns out that you just don't want to give me a bag..."

Nan Jun pretended to be disappointed and muttered softly.

The aggrieved look made Qiao Yun unbearable for a while, and blurted out: "Don't you know how to wrap yourself?"

"I do not know."

Nan Jun threw the book and the book cover on Qiao Yun's table, and raised his chin cheekily, insisting that Qiao Yun do it.

Not wanting to waste any more time for a book cover, Qiao Yun turned around and started working.

Only then did Nan Jun curl the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, that contented look has not changed for thousands of years.

As soon as school was over at noon the next day, Nan Jun stopped Qiao Yun who was about to leave the classroom.

"What's wrong? Didn't you bring your meal card?"

Qiao Yun looked at the girl in front of him with black eyes. Could he attribute Nan Jun's actions to entanglement?

Then what is her purpose?

Find it interesting, or fresh?

Nan Jun still had the same smiling face, he shook his head slightly, and shook the meal card in his hand.

"Bring it."

Qiao Yun rolled his eyes, turned sideways and was about to leave.

"Didn't it be agreed yesterday that I would invite you for lunch today?"

Nan Jun trotted after him, and said persistently.

"Need not."


"It's really not necessary."

"Reciprocity is courteous."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Nan Jun directly stretched out his hand to grab Qiao Yun's arm, and the eyes of the students who walked by with their mouths covered were clearly gossip.

"You..." Qiao Yun blushed in a rare way. Facing such a person, he was really helpless.

"Let's go, what's the relationship between classmates having a meal together?"

Nan Jun deliberately pretended not to see Qiao Yun staring at his hand holding his arm, and took him directly to No. 3 cafeteria.

This was Qiao Yun's first time entering the No. 3 canteen. Looking at the environment and dishes inside, a sense of inferiority that he had never felt before sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Before meeting Nan Jun, he was just a grass that survived the ravages of wind and rain.

Now, Nan Jun showed him the sunshine, and he realized how humble he lived.

"Nanjun, there's really no need."

Qiao Yun wanted to pull his arm out of Nan Jun's hand, but Nan Jun refused to let go.

"You helped me when I was most helpless and gave me the best you could give me. I just took you to have a meal at will, and you have to refuse like this. Do you think Nanjun is a Is it someone who is not worth paying?"

It was the first time that Nan Jun looked at Qiao Yun so seriously, and said something that he couldn't refute, but Qiao Yun couldn't take the steps he wanted to leave.

What Nan Jun said was right, the meal that Qiao Yun invited Nan Jun to eat yesterday was in exchange for a week's worth of dinner.

Qiao Yun didn't say anything, but Nan Jun knew it in his heart.

"Master, dry pot cod, a bowl of sea cucumber and millet porridge, one secret-made squab, two shrimp dumplings, one piece of roasted goose crisp. Steamed Australian senbei with garlic, steamed shrimp with garlic, and roasted goose emperor. and also…"

Nan Jun wanted to order more, but his arm was tightly held by someone.

"Enough is enough, the two of us can't eat so much."

Looking at the dishes Nan Jun ordered, Qiao Yun's heart was bleeding.

This meal will cost him two or three months of food expenses, prodigal girl!

Looking at the bowls and dishes on the table, Qiao Yun wished to stuff all of them into Nan Jun's mouth.

"Eat slowly, if there is not enough for us to ask for more, since I want to invite you to dinner, I must make you full, right?"

Nan Jun smiled and pushed the bowl of sea cucumber and millet porridge in front of Qiao Yun. It didn't look very good, but it was very nourishing. It was most suitable for a malnourished child like Qiao Yun.

"I'm not a pig, how can I eat so much."

Qiao Yun muttered something out of his mouth, which caused Nan Jun to chuckle.

Regardless of the strange gazes around them, the two began to eat the delicious food on the table. Qiao Yun never thought that being with the rumored Miss Nan family would be so comfortable.

She seems to be different from other rich kids...


Qiao Yun burped again, looked at the last half of the pigeon, and frowned.

"Forget it, if you can't eat it, don't eat it, don't be overwhelmed."

In order to let Qiao Yun eat more, Nan Jun also ate a lot, and now the food is piled up in his throat.

"No, it's too wasteful."

Qiao Yun waved his hand at Nan Jun, and then went to reach for the half pigeon again.

Seeing his oily hands, Nan Jun felt that nothing in this world was so cute.

Taking out a pack of wet wipes from his pocket and putting them on the dining table, Nan Jun didn't say anything more.

She knew that she was a little too anxious, but seeing him suffer in front of her eyes, she really couldn't turn a blind eye.