Chapter 578

As time went by, Princess Dora probably fell asleep, breathing rhythmically.

Looking at this woman, looking at her golden hair, I feel a little strange. In fact, she is not bad, kind and rich, walking across Scotland. Whoever marries this woman is doomed to prosper, which is a positive thing. On the other hand, if you have a quarrel with this woman,

, want to divorce or do something out of line, you will die, and her family will have to kill you!

Time is still a minute in the past, I can't wait any longer, take out the mobile phone and turn it on, quickly enter the settings, and turn it to silent before I go back to see the call prompt. There are two call tips, Yuan Jiaming's and sun mengnu's. There's also a message. It's from devil sun. If you ask me if I have something to do, I'll tell her the situation here according to the reply.

Yuan Jiaming probably didn't know this number was mine, did he? Damn, I forgot to ask Princess la. I don't know if she said it's my mobile phone. I sweat to death. I'm so careless.

I wanted to wake Princess Dora up and ask, but I didn't wake her up because she was sleeping so well. When I think about it, I think it's impossible. If yuan Jiaming knows that it's not me who is in the hospital, Yuan Tong will certainly continue to look for it, even if he demolishes the house. No If Princess Dora told yuan's family where she was just now, Yuan Tong had just started to take action, that is to say, the princess was still in the house when Yuan Tong took action Shit, no, no, I have to ask, or I'll be worried!

"Caddy." I patted Princess Dora on the head and woke her up. "Did you tell Ken where you are?"

"No Princess Dora said, "I'm not It's stupid. "

"Fortunately, I didn't say that." I let out a sigh. "Go on sleeping!"

Princess Dora, well, she went on sleeping. This simple woman, who was crying just now, is quiet now.

The granddaughter replied and told me something happened outside now. She said that the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to us. Yuan Lin's uncle has encountered a lot of difficulties, which can be described as being unable to do anything. She estimated that there was another person behind the cooperation with Ye Jiacheng. This person was not long Juntian, nor Wu Song, nor Yuan Tong, but someone else.

I thought about it and thought it was reasonable. Otherwise, how could Yuan Lin's uncle be unable to do anything?

Next, I talked a lot with my granddaughter. I asked her to contact Zhang shu'er, but she couldn't, and her father didn't have any news. In my heart that call a bitter, and the Sun Demon girl to discuss to discuss, can't find a suitable way out. Later, sun asked me how much

my cell phone still had, and I took a look at it, and there was still half of it. Damn, we can't talk any more. We have to rely on this connection. If there's no electricity, it's a tragedy!

I made an appointment with sun to contact her tomorrow. I shut down immediately

This is probably the worst Christmas I've ever had. In this small place, I can't sit comfortably, sleep comfortably, smoke and even have no water. I wanted to find out if there was a button to open the glass, but I couldn't find it. I'm so depressed that I can't open the outside but can't open the inside.

Gradually, I am sleepy, can not stand, from the beginning of dozing, slowly fell asleep

I don't know how long I have been sleeping. I wake up. My first feeling is that my whole body is very sore. My second feeling is Hungry, very hungry. Princess Dora didn't wake up. She was still lying on my lap because she couldn't hold it. I woke her up.

"May I go out?" This is the first thing Princess Dora said when she woke up.

"No, I'm sorry."

"Oh." Princess Dora looked disappointed. "What time is it?"

I took out my mobile phone and turned it on. It was noon the next day. We were sleepy for so long, but there was no news outside.

I received five short messages on my mobile phone, four of which were from sun mengnu. The first one told me that I had contacted Zhang Shuer. The second tells me that the Hainan gangs are coming. She will act according to the original plan and make adjustments when necessary. The third tells me that Aunt Bing is crying to death, and she is cruel to me. Besides, Sheng Peng is crazy and wants to avenge me. Lei Hong knocks him out and locks him up in the ancestral house. The fourth tells me that long Juntian is completely finished, and Wu Song stabs him out. However, wu song has also been punished and many bad things have been dug out. I don't know who it is, but it is estimated that it is another person behind

. The fourth message was sent by Zhang shu'er. She said she knew where I was hiding, but she didn't think of a way to help me out. She couldn't contact her father and asked me to wait patiently.

I replied with two words: OK. Then reply to Zhang Shuer: the mobile phone has no power. If you have any information, send me a message. I'll see it. When it's done, I'm ready to turn it off. I take a look at Princess Dora and see her pitiful look and her grumbling stomach. I hand her my mobile phone and ask her to call her uncle.

"Say what?" When I took the phone, Princess Dora asked me.

"Talk about our situation, you first, and then I'll talk to him." Damn, this phone call must be made by Princess Dora while there is still electricity. Otherwise, the uncle of Princess Dora may not believe what she said.Princess Dora began to call, but it's a pity that she didn't get through. Her uncle turned off the phone. Later, she called the housekeeper and told the housekeeper what had happened. Finally, I said it. She reluctantly explained what was going on and asked the housekeeper to tell Princess Dora's uncle on her behalf. After hanging up, I looked at the power, and then

lost one grid.

I'm lost in thought, thinking about three things. First, who's behind it? Why is Cheng Wu sung? Second, what is Zhang shu'er's father doing? Not really killed, right? Damn, if I'm really killed, I'll be a tragedy. What's wrong with me? Third, why is Yuan Tong OK? This is the military region. With so much discipline, Yuan Tonggan is his boss. Why is there no movement on Mao? I really want to break my head. I'm not familiar with officialdom. I really don't know how Yuan Tong operated.

"Li, I'm so hungry." Said Princess Dora.

"I'm hungry, too, but I can't help it. There's no food here, just some jewelry." It's ironic enough that there are so many jewelry around us. If we don't say 10 million, there must be millions. But at the moment, they're not as good as a ten dollar lunch box. A lunch box of ten yuan can still

no matter what we eat and eat, these millions of jewelry are not farts. If I can, I really want to buy a hamburger and a coke with a million yuan. I will give a million yuan to whoever gives me these two things.

"You can't eat jewelry." Princess Dora had a bitter face.

"Nonsense, I know you can't eat it, caddy, Princess Dora. Now you can see that money is really useless at some times." Or that question, what do you want so much money for? Keep a pile of money starve to death, ha ha, this is the biggest tragedy of life.

"I want to eat roast lamb legs." Princess Dora swallowed and continued, "I want to drink red wine and take a bath."

"I also want to, forget it, comfort myself."

The whole noon was spent in hunger, and the taste was very uncomfortable. Seeing Princess Dora's pathetic appearance, I really want to break the glass and go out for a big meal, but this is unrealistic. A big meal is probably my last lunch. I can only stay up and talk to her to distract her. The problem is that I find this method more and more ineffective. First of all, I'm so hungry that I don't want to move. I think it's very hard to speak. She didn't want to move for a long time. She lay in the carpet and died with her eyes closed.

Ah, this spoiled woman probably hasn't met this kind of situation since she was a child. This trip to China is a deep experience for her.

Fate, it is invisible, but it is difficult to deny its existence, there is a saying is very good: out to mix sooner or later to return. If I hadn't saved her in Thailand, she would have been suffocated in the elevator. Then she helped me a lot, and then Because of me, Yuan Jiaming got close to her, causing the present situation. The blow to her is not only the physical hunger, but also the spiritual pain of being cheated.

Then she didn't go to Thailand at the beginning. If I didn't save her at the beginning, there would be nothing later. This is probably the so-called self arrangement in the dark, just like the movie "Butterfly Effect", which is magical but inevitable.

The afternoon is coming soon. For the time, it's a step-by-step run forward. But for us, it's spent in torment. The more we go down, the more tormented we are. Now I don't think about starvation any more, I think about water, starvation It's going to take a long time,

no water to drink. Shit, it's going to kill you.

"Li, are you ok?" Princess Dora's voice was feeble. "I want to go out. I'm going to die!"

"Me too."

"You call my uncle to see if you can save us. I don't want to die here. I'm still young."

"We're not going to die here." I took out my mobile phone and turned it on. The battery was one grid less and there was a lot of information. However, the situation was not optimistic. I haven't found Zhang shu'er's father yet. "Katie, don't worry. We can go out soon if we have good information." As if nothing had happened, I cheated Princess Dora,

to give her hope, but who gave me hope?


"Of course, but I haven't heard from your uncle yet. I guess your uncle should be on the plane. Isn't he coming to China?"

"It should be." Princess Dora thought about it, and then said, "I miss him very much."

"He'll show up."

Time continued to flow. Suddenly, I heard voices outside, including Yuan Tong and Yuan Jiaming.

What the hell are they doing here?

I didn't dare to make a sound immediately. I also made a voice gesture for Princess Dora. I felt that it was not safe enough. I covered her mouth.

"It's a family. Now the overall situation here is settled. As long as Lao Zhang is solved tonight, nothing will happen." Yuan Tong's name is yuan Jiaming Jiacheng. It's really Ye Jiacheng!

"To be secret and clean, Lao Zhang is always a figure. If he is missing for no reason, he will be thoroughly investigated. By the way, where do you hide others?"