Chapter 568

"I want to know why the princess has a wedding banquet in China." I can't directly talk to him about yuan Jiaming's problem. If I mention it directly, it would be a bit of a shirk of responsibility. So I have to talk to him one layer at a time to find out who exactly means it.

"Oh, it's Caddy's request. I don't know why."

"What does she mean? Do you have a more lively Christmas

"It's useless to be lively. Caddy has to like it. She's a willful child. Sometimes I can't help her." When she said this, Princess Dora's uncle had a kind face, which was really the expression of a father who talked about her children, rather than the parents of a very powerful family. "

his father left very young, and I can't manage her a lot, and sometimes I just make do with her."

"Understand." I laughed, "you are a very good uncle. Really, the princess always talks about you. What I just do not understand is that you are so good. Why do you let the princess has the final say in such an important matter? Oh, the important thing I'm talking about is engagement, marriage and choosing my husband. "

"Is there a problem with her choice?"

Princess Dora's uncle was so clever that he threw the question back to me. I really don't know how to answer. This is a very difficult choice. If I say there is a problem, it means there is a problem between him and me! The most important thing is that when she came here, she must have said something about

. In the end, sun was under control, saying that such a thing was useless and would only backfire.

And if I say no problem, then what am I doing here? For nothing? To die?

No, it's not like that. I still have to say it!

"There's a problem. You don't know this person. You don't know him completely. Maybe what you know is not true." I put out the cigarette, and then said quickly, "I have known this man for a long time. We have had a lot of fighting and hatred, and both sides have paid a heavy price. In the end, I won by a fluke. Unfortunately, I didn't kill him at that time. "

"He's back now, and I have absolute reason to believe that he's coming back for my revenge. In this way, it is not all the princess's idea to hold a wedding banquet in China. He must have cheated the princess behind her back. He not only lied to the princess, but also lied to you. He used you and your power to deal with me or contain me. Even now I'm talking with you here because of him. I've been waiting outside for so long, just like him. Everything is because of him. I don't know why you don't take it in your heart at all? On the contrary, I am willing to help a person who deceives you. If I were you, I would kill him... "

I have said what I know and what I have always wanted to say to him, as well as some of my own guesses and Yuan Jiaming's intentions. After that, I nervously looked at Princess Dora's uncle to see what he thought, believe me or not, or doubt yuan Jiaming! In fact, it's not necessarily useful. Sun must have said it, and it has evidence. It's much more true than what I said, but it all failed in the end

"He's not him." Three minutes later, Princess Dora's uncle said, "it's another one."

"No I said firmly, "he is him."

"I said no." "What I say is the truth," snapped Princess Dora's uncle

"I'm sorry, I can't agree with your facts, because according to my observation and my understanding, he is him. This is true. What you say is true, but I want to tell you that what I think is true." I have carefully thought that I must be tough, such a

negotiation can be balanced, I am weak, and it is certainly useless to be humble.

"Li, I don't like you. You are a young man. You should respect the old."

"I respect you, really, more than anyone else, because of your identity, because of your status, I have to respect you. Of course, even if it's not for these reasons, I will respect you, but I hope you can respect me too. That's what friends should do, right? " The clothes on my back are all wet. Although it's winter and there is a heater about six meters away from my left, I really can't help it. I feel cold and my heart is cold.

Princess Dora's uncle didn't speak again. His eyes began to get angry, but when he got to a certain level, he slowly recovered calm, and then he could even laugh.

"Li, I've said so much that I forgot about dinner!" He said, and clapped his hand.

Soon, the man with white hair came in, and then went out. Soon after, many people came in one after another, dressed as chefs, carrying plates of exquisite food

"Li, cheers!" The wine poured out and Princess Dora's uncle raised it and said to me.

"Dry!" I also served red wine.

There is a woman standing beside me, a woman who is taller than me by sight. This is for food. Princess Dora's uncle also has one. It looks the same. It's a sister flower. Two women serving at the table poured us red wine and cut the steak. It seemed that the scene was warm, but in fact it wasThere's a hidden danger.

"Li, there's something I'd like to find out. Which one is your wife?" All of a sudden, Princess Dora's uncle asked me, and then he laughed, "of course, you don't want to say that I won't force you."

"It's nothing like this. I'm not married yet. Here is my favorite woman, so I'm here! Now that you've mentioned it, I'll ask, what are you going to do with her? I know she offended you, but I promise she didn't mean to I put down my fork and continued, "she just wanted to help me. It's kind. I didn't know she was here, otherwise I wouldn't let her come and disturb you."

"She's bothered me. I've always been the same way to deal with such people."

"What to do? What have you done to my woman? "

"Nothing. I let her play with my pet. My pet is very interesting." Princess Dora's uncle began to smile. The smile was a bit cruel, so I think the pet he said must be a cruel thing. Anyway, my legs trembled a little

"What's your pet, please?" I asked, very nervous, I hope I guess wrong.

"Boa constrictor." Princess Dora's uncle made a snake like gesture and said with a smile, "hundreds of pounds of boa constrictor."

I stood up, I really want to rush to strangle him, but can I? No, and what he said may not be the truth, so I have to calm down and find out whether it is true or not.

"Lee, you're angry."

"Yes, I said I would protect her all my life and not let her have an accident. Now is she really in trouble?" I looked at Princess Dora's uncle and forced myself to say in a calm voice, "if it is, I will avenge her at all costs. No matter how difficult it is, I will try."

"Ha ha, determination is good."

"I want to know if what you said is true or not." I continued my calm tone, pretending, "if it's true, we don't have to eat dinner!"

"Does it really matter? Li, be aware of current affairs. "

"I know nothing about current affairs." I said a dirty word, "when you get off the plane, you confiscate my mobile phone and hold me with a gun. After arriving, you make me wait for a few hours, and then you treat me to dinner as if nothing happened. As a result, you tell me that my woman is used by you to feed pets, a few hundred pound boa constrictors. What do you want me to do? Are you angry if it's you? "

"Of course I will be angry, so I understand you." Princess Dora's uncle put down his fork, wiped his mouth with a cloth, and asked me with a smile, "so what are you going to do? I fed your woman to your pet. Are you going to feed me to your pet? "

"That's my plan. Unfortunately, I don't have pets. I'm afraid I can't do it now."

"As you said just now, no matter how difficult it is, you will try it. Will you?" Princess Dora's uncle asked me this question very seriously.

"Yes, certainly, at all costs."

"Well, I'm very satisfied with your answer. Young people should be determined. It's not enough to die. It's just a life. I'm ready to sacrifice for my family all the time." After that, Princess Dora's uncle clapped his hands. After about a minute, a man came out from a door behind him

It's magic sun. She's all right. She looks at me, expressionless, and then sits in the middle chair.

"Li, I am not a devil. Although Miss Sun has offended me, I will give you face."

"Thank you I was relieved, but only for a while, I was nervous again, because the devil's face was grim, it was estimated that it was not so simple. Now we are OK, it doesn't mean we are OK!

The atmosphere was silent. Princess Dora's uncle didn't speak any more and concentrated on the meal. But I didn't have dinner. I was looking at my granddaughter all the time. She was also looking at me, but she didn't speak. I didn't know why, as if I couldn't say a word, and I didn't know what to say. About I also

think it's not suitable for us to talk. Unless we speak English, I don't know what Princess Dora's uncle will think.

The silence continued until Princess Dora's uncle finished his meal. He wiped his mouth clean again, took a sip of red wine, drank water, and then lit a cigar for himself. He looked very leisurely. He leaned back in his chair and looked at me and sun magic girl with a smile. For about a minute, he patted his palm. This time, the number of times was obviously more than before.

Immediately, two men in black suits and glasses came into the door beside me. They were holding a silencing gun in their hands. One came to me and the other came to sun's side and pointed the gun directly at our heads.