Chapter 524

"All right!" After fully testing the toughness of the steel wire, Huang Qiong said to me.

Huang Qiong tied the other end of the steel wire to the fire pipe and tied it together after several circles. Then he put the earphone he got from the sniper in my ear, tuned a channel for me and told me that it was only for the two of us. I think it's incredible that Huang Qiong can even do this. He said that it's actually very simple. Any low-level special forces can do these simple communication tools.

I'm ready. Huang Qiong is also ready. He aims at the opposite side with a sniper gun. When the two robbers turn to patrol, he immediately tells me to get out of the window. I got out and stood outside. The wind was so strong that I couldn't open my eyes. And after looking down, I was afraid. Before, I didn't think I would be afraid. I overestimated myself. Damn, I'm a little weak now.

"You can go, now." Huang Qiong said quickly, "hide well after passing there and wait for me to come."

I took a deep breath, hung the belt on the steel wire, recited the Buddha's blessing in my heart, and then slipped out

I feel that my body is floating to the opposite side in mid air. The speed is much faster than I imagined. I want to shout out, but I dare not. I can only hold the belt tightly and stare at the guardrail. With the distance getting closer and closer, I suddenly became timid. The skills Huang Qiong told me were suddenly forgotten, and I became flustered. Huang Qiong probably saw it. She yelled at me in the communication tool and asked me what I was doing, so that I could quickly release my strength with both feet forward, and hurry

"Mr. Li, don't do such things next time. I'm scared to death by you." When I landed safely, Huang Qiong's depressed voice came from the communication tool.

"Nonsense, next time I It's enough to do this once. I'll do it next time when I'm sick. " I still have a lingering fear when I think of that scene. At that time, I was very nervous, especially when I got closer and closer to the guardrail. I twisted my body in a panic, and then my back collided with the guardrail. With a bang, I almost fainted. Fortunately, I didn't faint, I didn't let go of my belt, and finally I climbed up safely. Damn, if I let go at the last minute, I guess my family will have more graves.

"Show me the wind. I'll be right here." Huang Qiong said.

I hid by the air-conditioning compressor to observe the two robbers. They were about 50 meters away from me, carrying guns and looking around. I didn't find anything unusual. I told Huang Qiong that she could take action. Immediately, Huang Qiong's body came out of the window, put the belt on the steel wire, rubbed her feet and flew as fast as she could. He is carrying a bag and a gun in his shoulder, but his body is very flexible, like a leopard. Especially when it comes to the guardrail, he can stand firmly by rubbing and turning his movements skillfully. In less than a minute, he has appeared beside me.

"Huang Qiong, I'm scared by you!" I said.

"It's nothing. Boss Lei is more powerful. He can climb with his bare hands." Huang Qiong said, while observing the situation outside, he told me.

"True or false?"

"Really, as long as it's not smooth glass or something like that, there's no problem with ten or eight layers of water pipes."

I'm speechless. Ten or eight floors. Is Lei Hong so powerful?

Huang qiongfei quickly turned over his bag and took out a dagger from a sniper and gave it to me. He said that I can't use a gun, and the gun has a strong recoil force. I can't do it without training, and the accuracy is almost zero. Instead of wasting bullets, give me a dagger, and I'll just follow him. In fact, I didn't want to use a gun to make me kill, although If I don't kill the other side, the other side will kill me instead, but I still resist to let me kill.

"Ready?" Huang Qiong said, "we need to solve the two robbers outside first. We can't let them shoot, otherwise the robbers below can hear us."

"Just say what you can do!"

"No way, although the sniper gun is silencing, one shot can only solve one problem. The other one will surely find that they all have walkie talkies." Huang Qiong thought about it, and then said, "unless one of them is attracted, I'll go to other places to snipe the other, and you'll be responsible for solving the problem." Then Huang Qiong gave me a smoke bomb, "use this, pull here, pull it open, the smoke came out, I took the opportunity to flash behind the opposite row of compressors. If the two robbers come together, I'll copy back. If there is one, you can find a way by yourself. Don't fight hard. You have to delay. I'll solve the other and help you immediately. "

Huang Qiong is ready, and so am I. he motioned for me to pull the smoke bomb. I pulled it and threw it outside the air conditioner compressor. A white smoke rose. Huang Qiong took the opportunity to quickly run behind another row of compressors, and then disappeared

Holding a dagger, I watched the two robbers from the crack of the air conditioner compressor. I saw the smoke rising. One of them came up, and the other was armed with a gun. I was on guard and paid attention to the direction of the smoke. Look over to see that gradually approaching, I lie under the air conditioning compressor do not dare to move, until he arrived! I saw that the cloth shoes he was wearing were brand-new. He was very careful in his walking posture and rhyme. He walked very slowly. I think he should observe around as he walked!

When he walked a few steps away, I took a deep breath and climbed out quietly with a dagger in my hand. Unfortunately, as soon as I got up, he just turned around and saw me. He immediately pulled the barrel of the gun. At that moment, I had two choices. I either turned around and ran immediately, or I jumped over. I chose the latter. I jumped over and bit his arm. He pulled the trigger, and he screamed, but his voice was covered by the sound of the air conditioner compressor, and I couldn't hear it outside.He rubbed my foot, rubbed me away, and wanted to continue to carry the gun. The dagger in my hand was thrown out, and it hit his arm. He suddenly snorted again. I took the opportunity to jump over and pinch him again, and at the same time, I pushed him with my knee. He is very strong, hit me a dagger, arm is still so powerful, anti pinch me, push me all the way into the air conditioning compressor, hit my head thumping thumping thumping, dizzy. Gradually, I couldn't breathe. His fingers were very strong. I felt that his throat was going to crack. Damn it. I couldn't stand it. I gave up pinching him and reached for my hand. I touched my arm and the dagger. I immediately grabbed it and twisted it. He called out again and let me go.

I kept coughing and panting, only to take a few breaths. When I saw him pull the dagger out of his arm, his eyes were red, and he approached me step by step, I turned and ran. After a few steps, he got to the fence. He caught me and put the dagger in my back. However, due to the fact that I was wearing bullet proof clothes and the location problem, the damage was not great. I feel very painful, that kind of pain almost makes me faint.

I was pinched by him again. He pressed my head and pushed it outside the guardrail for a clear purpose, trying to get me downstairs.

What to do? What should I do? I keep asking myself this question!

Panic, I grabbed his arm, I felt the wound, I dug hard, but no effect, he bit his teeth to hold back. I had to give up digging his wound and instinctively felt everywhere. Finally, I felt a circle. I pulled it to see what it was. I raised it up, but I didn't see it clearly. He saw it clearly first, and his eyes were frightened. He immediately let me go and touched his waist in a panic.

The next second, I finally saw clearly that it was a bomb. I knew that if it exploded, we would all die. So I didn't think much about it. I immediately tried my best to hit him with my head, move his feet and turn him out of the guardrail. He yelled and fell, only fell a few meters on the explosion, a loud bang. At that time, my head was still outside, and I could see the red flame rising, very fast, and the heat wave was very hot. Instinctively, I turned back and bumped into a soft object, which was Huang Qiong's body. He hugged me.

"Are you all right?" Huang Qiong asked me and slapped me in the face.

"Nothing." My voice has changed. I've been pinched by that guy twice. My throat is sore. Fortunately, I solved him successfully. Shit.

"I solved that one, but we've exposed that loud explosion. It's estimated that the robbers below already know." Huang Qiong laughed, "so we have to act quickly."


Just then, we suddenly heard the gunshot, and then several people ran in. They were the workers who repaired the apron, huddled in a pile to hide.

Huang Qiong went out to have a look and said that a robber had come up!

"Will anyone shoot?" Huang Qiong asked the workers who repaired the apron.

"I will. I've played the field game. I really haven't tried it. I should be able to try it." One of the guys said.

"What's your name?"

"People call me a bus."

"Bus, it's not a joke. It's about human life. You'd better be sure."

"I have confidence."

Huang Qiong looked at the bus for several times, then decided to give him a gun, told him how, don't waste bullets, keep don't let the robbers attack, he wants to go to the eighth floor. I don't know how Huang Qiong got to the eighth floor. He held up his sniper gun and fired two shots in the opposite direction. Then, the other end of the steel line was broken and the whole line was hung on our side. Huang Qiong went to the guardrail and quickly pulled out some buttons from the sniper to hang on the steel line. He grabbed the buttons and immediately slid down

I watched from above, and I could see Huang Qiong. This guy was hanging in the air, and with one hand, he felt in the bag with the other. Finally, he took out the glass knife and scratched the glass in front of him. Damn, he wants to go to the eighth floor like this, but it's a good way. Why can't the police think of it? Maybe they think of it, but this method must be based on the occupation of the roof, they dare not act.

In addition to seeing Huang Qiong's actions, I can also see the shrinking crowd below. Many people, police and journalists, all look up. They can see a person hanging in the air. At first, they are in a daze. Later, the spotlight is flashing and they take this scene one after another.