Chapter 382

"Did you find it?"

"Wow, it's a goal, one to zero!" Sheng Peng suddenly jumped up, pointed to the TV and said, "free kick, beautiful."

"Whether it's beautiful or not, if you don't look at the ball now, answer me, can you find it?"

"Nonsense, can't you find me? Watching football with you here? " Shit, it's better to watch the ball with me, thanks to what he said.

"What detective did you hire? The cheapest, right

"Man, how many people are there in Hong Kong? How big is the place? You think it's easy to find someone? **If you don't go out all day, what are you looking for? " Sheng Peng suddenly sighed, "to be honest, I'm very nervous, because I've been looking for it once, but I didn't find it. I'll go again tomorrow, one week, only one week. If I can't find it in one week, oh, I really don't know what to do! "

"Try to find it, go to TV stations, newspapers, magazines, radio stations, everything. Director Ding didn't say it can't be like this, did he? It's better to find a true love program, mobilize others to help you find it, and then make a touching love story live. Director Ding himself can be moved. Anyway, we have to use every method. We are not afraid to spend money. I have money. Is 20 million enough? If necessary, if the Hong Kong government doesn't object, you can hire hundreds of people to roar in each residential area with loudspeakers. Bus companies, taxi companies, banners and advertisements should be comprehensive. " I said I was excited and ready for a big fight. Unfortunately, I can't go. I can't leave.

"Why didn't I think of it?" Sheng Peng was very excited, "if I can't find it like this, it's my destiny."

"I'll find it!" I patted him on the shoulder. "I'll transfer it to you tomorrow."

"Shit, it's a goal again!" Sheng Peng jumped up again, "or free kick, beautiful."

"Can you not watch the ball?" How serious are we talking about? Looking for * *, Kui Shengpeng also watched the ball.

"I have money, millions."

"A few million is not enough. We have to pay attention to it alone. We have to wait for no time, or we will be too late to repent."

"Are you free? Take two days to accompany me. I'm afraid I can't do it alone. If I have to go to so many places, I'll be dead! " Sheng Peng said, "things on your side are not urgent. Sun's magic girl doesn't have an operation so soon. Aunt Bing is staring at her again. Here are Chen Jia, Ji Ruolan, Yuan Lin and Ding Shaoyue. I don't think there will be any problem. I've arranged for the shoe company! "

"I'm afraid not." Sheng Peng doesn't know that Ma Ruoyun's affairs are related to me and many things, but it's not convenient for me to tell him.

"What are you doing? I really can't make it myself. "

"I'll let Chen Jia accompany you."

Sheng Peng didn't speak. He turned to the TV. He was not happy!

At the end of the game, leave the ball with Sheng Peng. I'll take him back to the gate of the community, and I'll drive his car. My car didn't come back in Wenzhou. I didn't have a car. Sheng Peng didn't need a car for at least a week from tomorrow. I just drove.

After a while, I called Chen Jia. I thought about it for a long time before I called. I really didn't want Chen Jia to go away for a long time. After all, the upper floor of manqiao is very empty. I'm not here. Aunt Bing is not here. I'm afraid of trouble. Besides, her family is sick? However, Sheng Peng's business is so important that I have to transfer Chen Jia to her. Chen Jia is more suitable for running than anyone else. Chen Jia is conscientious, rigorous and efficient. He has relatives with * * and will certainly do his best. It's hard to say that there are such candidates but they are not as efficient.

More than ten minutes later, I went to a municipal hospital, because When I got through, Chen Jia told me that she was in the hospital.

In one of the intensive care wards, I saw Chen Jia. She was guarding a woman. Director Ding was also nearby. There was another woman I didn't know! This woman It's almost the same as the patient lying in the hospital bed. The difference is that the patient lying in the hospital bed is obviously older, and his face and spirit are worse.

"Director Ding!" I went in.

"Oh, here it is?" Director Ding introduced the woman beside her to me, "my wife, Chen Jia's aunt."

"Hello I see. Chen Jia's mother is lying on the bed. No wonder it's so similar.

"Sit down." Chen Jia moved a chair for me, "what can I do for you?"

"Nothing." I can't tell. Her mother is ill. Do you want her to go to Hong Kong? I promised her a holiday? To cash, "I'll see, before I give you the holiday tomorrow, you don't have to go to work, take good care of your mother."

"Recently..." Chen Jia took a look at director Ding, and then said, "is it suitable?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." I laughed. "It's OK. I'll arrange it."

"You have a conscience." Director Ding said to me, "if every boss is like you, the society will be more stable, ha ha."

I didn't say anything. This society is extremely cruel. How safe is it?

"We'll leave first. Let's talk."

Director Ding and his wife left. I'm very surprised why they came so late, but Chen Jia explained to me.

"My mother just finished the operation, and her brain tumor worsened. The doctor said that she would be fine if she could wake up tomorrow, but even if she could wake up, she might lose part of her memory. I don't even know whether she can remember it or not." With that, Chen Jia began to cry. This was the second time I saw her cry. It was very pitiful."It's OK. Maybe it's not that bad?" Ah, how come there are so many bad things recently? I am not good, people around me are not good, I have no time to care about Mo Xiaoyan. Mo Xiaoran was in a fight with others in the correctional institution. He was broken in one arm and told me that I couldn't find time to have a look.

All of a sudden, Chen Jia hugged me with her head on my shoulder and cried

"I don't want it. My mother won't remember me!" Chen Jia cried and said, "I'm scared!"

"No!" I patted Chen Jia on the back to comfort her. I once heard that Chen Jia's father had died a long time ago. Now if her mother Also sick to lose memory, said to Chen Jialai is undoubtedly very cruel.

After crying for more than ten minutes, Chen Jia stopped crying, slowly let me go, wiped her tears and said to go to the toilet. After going to the toilet, she returned to normal, but everyone knew that she had cried, and her eyes were especially swollen.

"Is Mr. Sun OK over there?" After sitting down, Chen Jia asked me.

"Wake up, the operation date has been set, you don't have to worry about her side, take good care of your mother!" I took a look at Chen Jia's mother, prayed silently for the woman, and then said, "there's nothing wrong. I'll leave first. Do you need to call me

I left. Chen Jia took me to the elevator.

On the way home, I always thought, who else is suitable to accompany Sheng Peng to Hong Kong? Is Ji Ruolan suitable? It's like she's the only one, or I'll go myself? Two days? I have nothing to do before I find the traitor. If I find him, I can come back immediately. Sheng Peng really needs help. It's too much trouble. He can't get it by himself.

All right, let's make up our minds!

It's decided. I called ma Ruoyun and told her that I was going to Hong Kong for two days, so that she could let me know as soon as possible.

Go back to sunmo's house, take a bath, and then call Zhou Qi. At this time, Zhou Qi is in charge of watching sun's magic girl, and aunt Bing goes back to have a rest. The situation over there is very good. Zhou Qi has been chatting with devil sun, who has just fallen asleep.

"Qiqi, thank you for your hard work." Good Zhou Qi came back, although she had done some wrong things before, but her essence did not change because of others forced her to change, she did not change, I feel lucky, I am very moved, "tired, go to the next room to have a rest, aunt Bing should have told you!"

Zhou Qi let out a cry!

"I'll go to Hong Kong tomorrow and ask Sheng Peng for help. Please tell Aunt Bing."

"Be careful!" Zhou Qi said, "don't worry about this side. I'll let you know as soon as there is any change."

Hang up the phone, I was also moved, unconsciously think of and Zhou Qi scenes.

The next morning, I took my ID and changed clothes to the airport ahead of time. When I saw it was me, Sheng Peng was very surprised, but he didn't say anything. He put his arm around my shoulder and entered the ticket hall.

As we checked the flight last night, we got the tickets and boarded soon.

In the plane, Sheng Peng and I discussed how to act separately until we got off the plane and someone picked us up. Here comes a man and a woman. The man is the boss and the woman is his assistant. The man's Mandarin is very bad. Sheng Peng and I frown. Fortunately, the female assistant's Mandarin is not bad. She can communicate with us at normal speed. However, no matter what kind of people, we have to bear to communicate with him. He is a local snake, the person Sheng Peng introduced to us by his father.

When we left the airport, we got on a business car that he came to and said to take us to the hotel. We said to do things first, so we discussed it in the car. I told him the result of our discussion with Sheng Peng on the plane and what we wanted.

"We have to go to the hotel first!" The man said that his surname was Wan and his assistant's surname was Nie.

Sheng Peng and I are a little hesitant, do not want to waste time!

"No!" Mr. Wan continued to use his seriously substandard Mandarin to say to us, "I need time to make arrangements, and I need to find people from all walks of life to come here. It would be better for you to tell them all the requirements. I'm afraid that the poor delivery will affect the quality of work."

Sheng Peng and I looked at each other and agreed!

Half an hour later, Mr. Wan sent us to a very luxurious hotel. Miss Nie took us out of the car and arranged for us to take care of the hotel. Mr. Wan went alone and said he would come back to us in two hours.

Miss Nie opened a large and luxurious business suite for us. There are three rooms, a reception room and a conference room. The rooms are very good. Sheng Peng and I live in one.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have something else to do. Let's go out!" After taking us into the room, Miss Nie said.

Miss Nie left. Sheng Peng and I were drinking tea, smoking and waiting in the conference room!