Chapter 351

"Witch, you were above me at that time, but I was just a humble employee. You were the director and the boss. You were ashamed to see me. What do you feel when you are my subordinate?" Isn't it wonderful? At the end of the day, I couldn't even think about it. Sun has become my subordinate. A year ago, I was more than a hundred levels behind her. Of course, I didn't treat sun as a subordinate. What she said was a joke. She was still my boss and my strong backing.

"Happy, very happy." Sun said with a smile, "there's someone up there. You don't have to bear any worries. Pressure can kill people, don't you know? I'm completely free. All the troubles are left to you. "

"Wow, that's what my witch said?" I caught sun's hand pressing her temple for me, turned the chair under my buttocks to face her, put my arms around her waist and put her on my thigh, "witch, let's talk about some serious..."

"How can we say that you are so serious now? This is the office! " Granddaughter wanted to stand up, but I held her tightly. She couldn't do it, so she could only yell, "let go, someone came in!"

"What are you afraid of? We're not cheating. "

"Let go, now."

I am very helpless to let go, because the voice of Sun Demon girl has a sign of anger.

"Relatives are here, you've missed them all!" Oh, I'm sorry to be angry for this.

"It doesn't matter. Let me be a tough designer to design a leak proof pad for you." I laugh, it should be laugh, I don't know, no mirror.

"If you can design it, it's absolutely crazy, but it's impossible. Let's get down to business."

"Zhou Qi wants to cooperate with me in business. Do you think I should agree with you in our present situation?" I really can't make up my mind. I need sun's wisdom to help me solve this problem. At least give me a pertinent opinion.

"Yes, that's good. We can get twice the result with half the effort." She went to the other side of the desk and sat down opposite me. "Zhou Qi is a little rich woman now. She has no place to spend money."

"Do you think you should agree?" I'm depressed. Isn't she thoughtless? That's the answer?

"Why don't I promise? It's a good cooperation. She has a lot of money. You're stupid. You're a perfect match. "

"Witch, I mean it." I keep a straight face. I've been extremely worried about this. The devil sun still makes fun of me. Ah.

"I'm also serious. It's true that powerful people work together to get twice the result with half the effort." Sun sighed. "I actually know what you think, but it's unrealistic. If you look at it from another angle, do you want to escape and give up? Zhou Qi is not a man who likes to show off, but she is not a weak woman

"It seems that you know Zhou Qi very well."

"How can the former enemy not understand? Know yourself and your enemy Sun gave me a fake smile and said, "even if you don't cooperate with Zhou Qi, she will do it herself. She just thinks that cooperation is good for both of us because we have common goals. In addition You have Sheng's family behind you. Do you understand? You refuse her not to protect her, but to harm her. "

Ah, it seems that I can't cooperate with Zhou Qi. What's the logic? However, seriously consider sun's words, it is really such a situation.

"Have you figured it out?" The granddaughter looked at me. "I think we should draw together all the forces that are not at peace with Ye Jiacheng and make a solid foundation for defeating him. We don't need to use each other, but we need each other to meet our respective purposes. We don't need any routines, right or wrong. If we think too much about it, we'll just miss the opportunity and backfire. In short, as long as the final result is which one you want, everyone It's a win-win situation if you want the outcome

"Well, cooperate as you wish. What shall we do?"

"You want to make quick money, don't you?"

"Nonsense." I rolled my eyes.

"Do business." Sun suddenly got up in spirit, "I have fully studied this city, we may be more trouble, we can focus on some of the surrounding cities, as long as we plan well for two years, we can make a lot of money."

"Where to do it? What are you doing? " I also spirit up, make a lot of money, who is not spirit?

"Wenzhou, this is the best place I got from my investigation. Our bearing factory is over there. We need to expand and expand. I will go for orders. There is absolutely no problem in this respect. Give me two months to double the orders." Sun stopped for a moment and continued, "in addition, we do daily necessities. I've done market research, and the prices of daily necessities will still rise substantially in the next few years. We don't do high-grade or low-grade, but we do medium-grade. Judging from the current living standard, medium-grade goods have greater development potential. Another one is to make health care products. However, it takes a lot of time to publicize. It takes about one or two years to get better, and the third year to start making money. However, once making money, the money comes very quickly. Of course, I have another idea: hospital. Don't get me wrong. It's not a big hospital in the urban area. We can't afford to open that kind of big hospital, let alone open it. I'm talking about small hospitals. In some places, the industrial areas are mixed with villages. There are hundreds of thousands of people in a big area. It's a long way to go to the hospital in the urban area. How can we get sick? So it's very popular in recent years. Hospitals make more money, don't you know? ""Daily necessities, health care products, hospitals, top ten profiteering industries?" I'm sweating. I've thought about daily necessities. I have this plan. I dare not think about the last two. Demon sun is bold and unique.

"All three can make money, make fast money."

"OK, let's go to Wenzhou tomorrow." I like this feeling very much. It's like having the magic girl sun around. She is a strong person who can be a representative of the stage and a military strategist after retirement. It's unreasonable for such a strong person not to make a fortune.

The next day, we set out to Wenzhou. We went to Wenzhou with our granddaughter, Chen Jia and Zhang Dingjun, who is an old lecheron. The old lecheron has contacts in Wenzhou. I need such allies. As a matter of fact, I really regard Zhang Dingjun as an ally. Although he is lustful, he has a good character. Moreover, he has been so badly hurt by me. I have the obligation to help him recover his losses and make money and business in advance.

We gathered in manqiao parking lot and drove a business car. I was going to drive, but Sun said wait. Wait, said sun, how dare I resist? I don't want to die yet.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, a red Ferrari raced in

"I don't have eyes, do I? Is that not Zhou Qi's car? " Zhang Dingjun said.

Yes, it's Zhou Qi's car.

I'm sweating. Does the devil sun have an appointment with Zhou Qi? Go to Wenzhou with Zhou Qi?

"This Secretary Chen, can I change seats with you? " Zhang Dingjun, no matter whether Chen Jia wants to or not, immediately got out of the car and turned to the front door of the co driver's seat. He said with a smile, "secretary Chen, please."

Chen Jia took a look at me, got out of the car and sat in the back.

"Why are you so afraid of Zhou Qi?" I said to Zhang Dingjun, "Mr. Sun, you are not afraid. Are you afraid of Zhou Qi?"

"The concept is different!" Zhang Dingjun took a look at sun in the back seat and said with a smile, "sun is always sunny, Zhou Qi is cold."

"Fresh, I'm sunny." Sun Demon girl smiles.

"It's fresh." I looked at Zhang Dingjun, "are you confused? Is Zhou Qi a cold type

"Be cold to me, will you?" Zhang Dingjun said.

After a while, Zhou Qi stopped and came to our business car. Sun opened the door and let her get on.

When the car is on the road, the depressing thing is that since Zhou Qi got on the bus, the atmosphere has changed. Zhang Dingjun doesn't talk much, let alone Chen Jia. If you don't take the initiative to talk to her, she doesn't say a word. It's strange that the two beauties have a good chat, and one of them is whispered in their ears. It's hard to imagine who Zhou Qi is? In the past, he was the Secretary and undercover Secretary of demon sun, betraying her.

They are all women, so easy to turn fighting into friendship? Well, even if it's so easy, there's always a reason? What's the reason? I find myself bored. They are chatty, aren't they? Do I want them to fight?

Halfway through a gas station, stop for gas and go to the toilet. After that, I bought a lot of expensive drinks and snacks. On dog day, all the goods in the gas station shop are one third higher than the market price. It's a rip off.

The car was on the road again. The driver had been changed and Zhang Dingjun was driving. I didn't take the co driver's seat. I sat in the back. I want to hear what sun mengnu and Zhou Qi talked about.

"Mr. Li, do you want me to give you a seat?" Zhou Qi said she sat with sun.

"I don't dare to trouble you. I'll sit with Chen Jia." I sat next to Chen Jia and picked up a piece of potato chips. Chen Jia was tearing it down, but she didn't even have time to eat. "I have something to eat with Chen Jia!"

"Sit with me and have nothing to eat?" Sun said with a smile, "come here, come here, I'll feed you."

"Forget it, I'm afraid to swallow it." I don't know how to make a joke like that.

"You deserve it."

I'm speechless. I seem to have come to the wrong place. As soon as I come, they stop whispering and talk about women's topics such as beauty and skin care. I'm so bored that I get flustered. I'd rather go to the front seat and smoke with Zhang Dingjun.

"No more?"

"I'll talk to Mr. Zhang about something." I've been bored for more than an hour. If I don't leave, I'm sick.

I talked with Zhang Dingjun all the time until Wenzhou. At this time, it was more than two o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone was hungry. So as soon as I entered Wenzhou City, I found a hotel with local characteristics. During the meal, sun had been talking about her work. She had already found a friend to be our guide. She said that she was on her way here. After we finished eating, she should be almost there.