Chapter 239

After waiting for a few minutes, aunt Bing said she saw someone and waved to a woman in a mink windbreaker and a fashionable hat. That woman also waved to us, and then quickly came over, closer and closer, I looked at her, a beautiful face, facial features, not vulgar powder, a very plain person, but this kind of plain is very attractive.

Is that her? It's her!

Yuan Lin, I remember the name!!!

This woman is the one who told me about sun's past when I went to Paris for the second time. When she left, she left me two train tickets. I don't know whether it was unintentional or deliberate, but the answer was soon revealed.

"Welcome home." Aunt Bing gave Yuan Lin a hug.

"Welcome home." Sheng Peng is also ready to embrace Yuan Lin, but is held by Aunt Bing. Sheng Peng looks at Aunt Bing puzzledly, "why do you pull me?"

"Other girls, what do you hold?" Aunt Bing patted Sheng Peng on the head.

"Why can't I? Isn't it that men and women are equal? " Sheng Peng competes, but he is just playing. He aims to adjust the atmosphere. After that, he introduces himself seriously. There is no hugging. Finally, he shakes hands.

After saying hello, it was my turn. Yuan Lin took the initiative to stand in front of me and spoke before me.

"I said, we'll meet." Yuan Lin reached out to me and said, "introduce yourself. I don't know your name yet."

"Li Qiang." I shook her hand.

"You confused me. I heard what Yuan Lin said in front of me. You knew each other, but later I asked for my name." Aunt Bing showed a lovely expression with thinking, "do you know each other or not?"

"Once." Yuan Lin said, "in Paris."

"Oh, so it is." Ice aunt suddenly realized, "that you already know each other, certainly no problem with cooperation."

"I don't think so." Yuan Lin also smiles.

"Let's go, let's go back!" Sheng Peng carries Yuan Lin's luggage.

When I came here, aunt Bing drove. When I went back, I drove. Sheng Peng took the co pilot's seat. Aunt Bing and Yuan Lin sat in the back seat, chatting. I learned from their chat that Yuan Lin's cousin is aunt Bing's classmate. She is in China, and now she is in Beijing. She is married to a senior official, Secretary of the Ministry of public security and so on. She has great authority.

Originally, according to the plan, Yuan Lin was sent to stay in a hotel. Yuan Lin insisted on going to the company first, because tomorrow is Saturday. If you don't go today, you have to wait until Monday. Yuan Lin hopes to have a look first and have sufficient conditions to think about things. No way, we can't say she, and she is equivalent to a guest. As long as the guest's request is not too much, the host family can't refuse it.

When the company arrived, aunt Bing left. Sheng Peng and I took Yuan Lin to inspect the company.

During the inspection, Yuan Lin looked serious and serious. She didn't even let us introduce her. She said that she would introduce her again when the meeting was held on Monday. After the inspection, Yuan Lin asked for a lot of information. Yesterday Sheng Peng and I looked at the information and what we made, put it in a file bag and brought it back to the hotel.

The hotel is ordered by Aunt Bing. It's a business suite, one street away from the company. It's convenient. You don't even need to take a taxi. It's only a few minutes' walk away.

"Thank you both for today." Send Yuan Lin to the door of the room, Yuan Lin said.

"Yes, we are partners!" Sheng Peng said.

"Don't disturb your rest, tonight If we eat together again, we'll take care of you. " I took out a piece of paper with Sheng Peng's phone number on it. I just wrote it in my office. I couldn't help it. I didn't have time to print a business card. "If you have something to do, you can call us. Anyone can do it at any time."

"Thank you Yuan Lin put away the paper I gave her, "eat I'm afraid not tonight. I've made an appointment with an old friend. I'll be busy tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Next Monday is more formal. What do you think? "

"No problem, accommodate you!" It's better to accommodate not only her time, but also my own.

"Thank you!" Yuan Lin came into the room.

Sheng Peng and I left the hotel and returned to the company. I went to the personnel department and Sheng Peng went to the marketing department. General manager: I'm in charge of business and Sheng Peng is in charge of business. If I don't understand, I can learn it slowly. Now he's going to learn it. I asked him to be general manager. Sheng Peng said that it's unreasonable. He can deal with people better than me, but he's not as careful and experienced as me, so This distribution is the result of our discussion on the way back.

I go to the personnel department. I want to ask if there is any vacancy for Mo Xiaojie.

The HR director told me that the planning department and the customer department were short of assistants. I thought about it We chose the planning department which has a bright future and relatively good treatment. I asked the personnel director if there were any problems after graduating from technical secondary school. The personnel director was very smart and told me that it mainly depended on the qualification. If I had no experience, I could train step by step. I don't think it's a problem. Mo Xiaojie is so weird and has a good learning ability.

Having lunch with Sheng Peng at noon, Sheng Peng told me that the working atmosphere of the sales department was very depressing. Everyone had a straight face and looked like a dead man at home, and every day. Why From the boss of the sales department, this guy has strong working ability, but bad moral character. He especially likes to scold his subordinates. It's too much to scold. He always brings greetings to other people's ancestors. He once tried to scold male employees. Anyway, the whole sales department didn't like him. I didn't dare to say it, but I was cursing it secretly.Sheng Peng asked me to talk to him and even fired him. I don't think it's necessary. It's useless to talk about personal character. I believe Mr. Yuan talked to him and the problem still means it's useless. As for the fired, we are not fully familiar with the operation of the company. The sales department is so important. Let's have a look first and be more stable.

"Look at it first, then count it." I advised Sheng Peng, "it's not suitable for us to make a big move now. It's easy to make the people below feel cold. It's not worth the loss to start with the old minister as soon as we come here. Besides, we can't just look at one person's shortcomings. His strong working ability can't be ignored." Yes, the sales boss is very capable. I was surprised when I read the report. In one month, his personal sales accounted for 40% of the total sales of the whole department.

"I don't agree with you." Sheng Peng said, "it's good to be able to work hard, but you can't bully people because of this. The main reason is that we can't think that way. We should look at the whole company fairly. Due to his personal reasons, the turnover of sales staff is the highest in all departments of the company. A sales team should be integrated and United, and retain the old and experienced sales backbone. No matter how strong the individual ability is, it's useless, isn't it A long-term plan. "

"Sheng Peng, these words come out of your mouth and frighten me!" I laughed. "How many hours have you been in the sales department?"

"I always listen to Aunt Bing and my father's nagging, and I can learn a little from them."

"You're right, but a qualified leader should first understand what it's like to be a meritocratic leader, and also combine with the current situation." In this kind of class, sun has taught me a lot. What she said is very incisive, and I am also influenced by it. After practice, it depends on the environment. In the same sentence, you should not take too much action when you just take over. If you want to set an example to others, you have to find some big problems, small problems, and don't worry.

"Talent without virtue is despised." Sheng Peng a little angry, "anyway, I can't see."

"I have to see if I can't see it. I used to be like you. She quoted some behaviors of Han Xin and Liu Bang and the current situation at that time to persuade me. She said it very incisively."

"It's rare for women to like history. Your witch is really different from ordinary people."

"In fact, she doesn't like what she likes. We think she doesn't like what she likes. She just needs, needs of life, needs of work. She told me that she just studies the intrigues and intrigues in order to better protect herself." Yes, that's what demon Sun told me at the beginning.

"Poor thing."

"So, Sheng Peng Because of this, I'm very contradictory, I'm very guilty, I'm

"Actually, have you ever thought about it?" Sheng Peng interrupted, "you can break those rules. Why do you have to follow the rules? You see, in ancient times, you could ask for several wives, but now the law does not allow it, but there are loopholes to be drilled. It's just a marriage certificate. What if there is no marriage certificate? Dying? Although it will be morally condemned, I don't think it's wrong. You love her and she loves you. It's an accident. You want others to have no right to take care of you. I think it's more cruel to follow the rules. We can't keep each other when we love each other. What kind of bullshit morality separates the men and women who love each other alive. "

"Don't be so loud, others will despise you."

"Love despises, despises enough."

"Man, you feel very much today. What you say is so frightening."

"I'm scared when I'm serious." Sheng Peng said with a sly smile, "so I can't be serious all the time, or I'll be frightening all the time."

I'm speechless. I can turn it around, but I agree with Sheng Peng that the cruelty of the world comes from the bondage of thought. Why do we have to do this or not? Who set it? You say that the whole ethos is like this. It's the result of the evolution of the times. Bullshit, society is in decline. There's a saying: animals are always animals, but sometimes people are not. What does that mean? Curse, right? So many animals do not care, no matter what harm human nature, no matter what other people's love?

"To be honest, do you have any idea about that?" Sheng Peng said with a sly smile, "have you ever thought about it?"

"I don't know." I also smile, "or you give me an example."

"I don't have your qualifications."

"That's great. Let's go back to work, I think." I don't want to entangle that problem. Even if I don't think that way, I will slowly think that way, only to increase my worry. "That person can't move now, the situation doesn't allow him. His working ability is really strong. We need his working ability. We have to be open to some shortcomings and deal with them when we have the conditions, just like Liu Bang. We can only start when we run out."