Chapter 231

"I'm relieved to hear that!" Zhang Dingjun said he was relieved, but he looked worried.

"Don't think about it. Even if there's a problem, I can handle it for you." I smile with confidence. I want to make Zhang Dingjun feel that there is no problem between me and sun. Even if there is a problem, we are acting. It's a conspiracy. I just said that only when I leave the blue cat can I get peace. Zhang Dingjun can't deny that. So the trick is very successful. However, at the moment when Zhang Dingjun was relieved, I added: the premise is that you must do me a favor.

Foot did not finish bathing, the mobile phone rang, practice often call, I immediately to Zhang Dingjun farewell.

Suddenly, he called Lian Chang in the morning and said that he would come back tomorrow. Suddenly, he changed his mind and came back tonight. Could Lian Chang finish it What happened to her? Who is she? She is Xiaojie from Ningbo. Maybe she is the prostitute of Mo Xiaoyan's sister. After finishing the business in Guangzhou, Lianchang had to work hard to find the ID card. He had come back the day before yesterday. I asked him to go to Hangzhou.

Zhang Dingjun found out that Xiaojie had gone to Hangzhou, but he was probably sure that he was somewhere, and Lian Chang was waiting for a rabbit. He finally found Xiaojie according to the photo provided by Zhang Dingjun. Xiaojie was a liar. After Lianchang told me, I secretly took a picture of Mo Xiaoyan and sent it to Lianchang on my mobile phone. Xiaojie saw it, but still didn't believe it. At least Lianchang said in the morning that Xiaojie didn't believe it. Now she's back. I guess Lianchang took Xiaojie with her.

To the railway station, sure enough, I saw Xiaojie, and Mo Xiaoyan looks particularly similar to a woman.

Xiao Jie is wearing thick down and carrying a small bag. She looks tired. Maybe she doesn't recognize me, or she has a little impression. I see his expression of thinking, as if trying to search for memory.

"Don't you remember me?" I said with a smile, "Ningbo."

"Oh, I remember!" Xiao Jie took a look at Lian Chang, "are you his boss?"

"So it is." I turned to practice, "you go back to rest!"

Lian Chang took out an ID card from his pants pocket and gave it to me. Let's go!

Looking at the ID card, I had a complicated feeling. I was a little nervous and nervous. I was afraid that my guess would finally come true. It was really the truth. The most important thing is, I don't know what to do, tell the witch sun? Will sun magic girl believe it? One more Ye Jiacheng is so powerful that I can not fight against him. I can only bear it. Of course, I will continue to check With substantial evidence, it's impossible for sun to believe it.

Anyway, I'll give my ID card to * * tomorrow. She should be able to help me and give me the answer.

"Where are we going?" Xiao Jie asked me.

"Let's find a place to stay for one night. We need to talk about it." I must have a talk with Xiaojie first, so as not to make a mistake of a joy and a failure, thus arousing Mo Xiaoyan's pain. I'm not going to let Xiaojie see Mo Xiaoyan tonight. I'll give both parties a shot first. Anyway, if I have time, I have to find out what Xiaojie thinks before I talk to Mo Xiaoyan.

"Well, I'll pay you what I owe you by the way." Xiao Jie said.

I laughed awkwardly, took Xiaojie to leave the railway station, found a hotel nearby, checked in and checked in.

Xiao Jie went to take a bath. I sat on the sofa thinking about things and waiting for her. Xiao Jie had been washing for half an hour before she came out and sat opposite me. She took out a picture and put it in front of me. I took the photo and sent it to Lian Chang. The person in the photo is mo Xiaoyan. Mo Xiaoyan is hanging clothes on the balcony. Because it's night, the light is a little dark, but the outline of the whole person can be seen clearly.

"Where do you live? What about your parents? " I started the questions I wanted to ask, although I knew that little Jackie would make sure she had feelings about herself, such as her life experience, of course I'm also interested in someone who is very similar to myself.

"Your My staff said that it might be my sister in the picture, right? " Xiaojie first raised her own question, and then began to answer my question, "my ID card is from Sichuan, but I know I'm a picked up child. I don't know who my biological parents are. My adoptive father and mother have died. When I was 15 years old, I told me the truth before I died."

"I'm sorry." It's terrible.

"Answer my question."

"It should be your sister. First of all, you look very similar. Second She told me that she had a sister who was separated when she was very young I looked at Xiaojie, "I knew you first. I have memory. The moment I saw her, I thought it was you. Later, I gradually realized that it was not you, but I didn't tell her I'm afraid I'll make a mistake. "

"She What kind of person is he? " Xiao Jie continued to ask me, "OK?"

"Well, she's a very traditional woman. She's kind, caring for her family, and hardworking." I told Mo Xiaoran's story again and told Xiao Jie what Mo Xiaoyan thought, "she thinks about her family first, even if she is not a close relative."

"Her parents are gone?" Xiao Jie looks sad, because it might be her parents, too.

I nodded.

"How do you know each other?"

"How did you meet It's a long story. If you can You ask her, but I can tell you that she saved my life and is my benefactor. Now she lives in my house because of Mo Xiaoran. ""What does she do?"

"Drugstore, a pharmacist."

"I What I do Is it suitable for me to see her? "

"You've come. Sometimes it's not so complicated to think about things. Not everything can make you choose many times. Do it when you want. Don't wait for no chance to regret it." I believe Xiaojie wants to see Mo Xiaoyan, otherwise she won't come. As for her career, why should she be a lady? No other job? Anyway, I won't tell Mo Xiaoyan. It's estimated that Xiaojie's parents don't know. Changing her job is a new start.

"Let me have no regrets. It was hard for me to accept at the beginning." Xiao Jie smiles, "but I've decided. As you said, I've come!"

"I'll take you to see her tomorrow." I stood up and said, "let's go. I'll see you at noon tomorrow."

I left the hotel, and now I can basically confirm that Xiaojie is mo Xiaoyan's sister. Look forward to every day. The meeting of the sisters tomorrow must be very touching.

I took out a cigarette and lit it for myself. Suddenly, I saw a figure shaking around the corner, like Ma Xiaoying. I immediately ran after her. It was ma Xiaoying. She was hiding in the corner and just wanted to stretch out her head to see I thought I was still at the door of the hotel. She was shocked to see me so close.

"Ma Xiaoying, what are you hiding from?" Didn't you see me take a woman to the hotel? But I went up an hour ago. Did Ma Xiaoying wait so long after seeing it?

"I passed by." Ma Xiaoying panic, she lied, must have seen!

"Come on, let's go home. I'll tell you as we go." I took Ma Xiaoying's hand, identified the direction, and then stopped the taxi.

In the taxi, I told Ma Xiaoying the general information. I told her before that I said there was a woman who saved me in Wenzhou, and I may know her long lost sister, who lives in my home now.

"Oh, so it is." Ma Xiaoying leans against me and smiles.

"Or what do you think I'm doing?" I also smile, but it's an evil smile, "fool?"

Ma Xiaoying did not speak.

The taxi soon took us home, Ma Xiaoying's home.

After cooking noodles, I lay on the bed. I told Ma Xiaoying what happened recently. I selectively told her that I am grateful. Ma Xiaoying did it for me Make an exception to ask your aunt. Although, at the same time that Ma Xiaoying's aunt helped me They have their own interests, not completely help, or even trade, but Ma Xiaoying does not know, can not blame her. Of course, I won't tell her all this. It's enough to be grateful

"Mr. Sun is back?" Ma Xiaoying was a little bit alarmed.

"I'm back. I've been driven away. She already knows about us, and..." After getting along with her recently, I know that Ma Xiaoying can understand me very well, so I then told her about the fake Bodhisattva, and even told her a lot of things, "I'm very strange, even the things that have happened since I started running are very strange." I took out the ID card and said, "maybe there will be a result soon!"

"Well Isn't Mr. Sun very dangerous? " Ma Xiaoying grabbed my arm, "why don't you stay and help her?"

"What can I do if she drives me away? But I'm not saying that. It's good for blue cat that I leave. "

"I hope so!" Ma Xiaoying sighed, "it's all my fault."

"Don't be silly. It's none of your business. It's my problem. I'm a jerk."

"Why don't I go to Mr. Sun..."

"No, you don't care about these things. Sleep. Pregnant women should sleep more." I touched Ma Xiaoying's stomach, "did you kick?"

"No, but I can feel it. Guess it's a boy or a girl?" Ma Xiaoying looked at me seriously, "do you like boys or girls?"

"Girl." I said, "it's good for a girl to look like her mother, but it's bad for me, asshole dad."

"I've given birth to a boy and I'm mad at you!"

"Why are you mad at me? You can't be mad at me." I hugged Ma Xiaoying, "sleep, her mother."

Ma Xiaoying soon fell asleep, but I didn't. I even turned on the light and looked at Ma Xiaoying sleeping.

This is my child, her mother. Ah, we would be very happy if we were not involved in the messy struggle of Feiya. Now I can't even give her the most basic. What I want to sleep with her is another woman. She doesn't mind. Actually I still feel better when she scolds me, but she doesn't scold me. She knows the rupture between me and the devil, and says Help me explain.

Explain what? Help me save another woman's heart? As a woman, it's really hard for her to think like this. It's broken It's better for her. She can monopolize me. There won't be another mother after the baby is born. However, Ma Xiaoying did not think so. She thought more for me than for herself. Ah.