Chapter 117

"You already know?"

"Why can't I know?"

"I can't imagine, ha ha, this woman has a lot to do with you? Have you ever done it? " Zhang Dingjun sighed, "Zhou Tianming is very resourceful. She designed it early in the morning. On the first day when Zhou Qi entered Feiya, she calculated a lot of people, including me."

I'm indifferent. In fact, my heart aches because I suddenly think of something. Zhang Dingjun reminds me that Zhou Qi entered Feiya on the first day. Sun said that I had sent an abusive post on the internal forum. I think it was Zhou Qi who did it. Only she had touched my computer. Suddenly, a more terrifying idea came out in my mind. Zhou Qi's intention of sending this post is to harm me? Why did you hurt me? I can't find the reason. I don't think it's harm, but help me to attract the attention of sun. But why me? Am I stupid? Again, is Zhou Qi so sure? Will the granddaughter pay attention to me? How can I help Zhou Qi even if she pays attention to me? She should not have used me if I knew, but I don't know if I didn't know. I believe she did.

I really feel terrible. It turns out that I have been set up in the bureau early in the morning, fighting like a whirlpool. I even think that the sun devil will not do anything? She actually knows everything? She is actually If it's true, I don't know how to deal with sun. I hate the feeling of being played with. I'm a human, not an animal. If I don't do anything, I will starve to death?

"Mr. Zhang, let's say something practical!" I suddenly feel very tired, do not want to entangle.

"What's practical?"

"What are you looking for tonight?"

"At noon, Zhou Tianming was by my side. Maybe you have guessed it. Yes, he came to me to cooperate with me to bring you down. He drew a big cake for me."

"Do you believe it?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Dingjun said with a wry smile, "in addition to drawing a big cake for me, he has also mastered some of my tricks, some of which he thinks I will be afraid but have little influence on me. I was surprised and even panicked when I was in fashion. I believe my performance has won him some trust. "

"And then?" Zhang Dingjun is full of bullshit. He is afraid of being infiltrated by Zhou Tianming when he cooperates. It can be seen from the events of these days that Zhou Tianming has a deep mind and a vicious means. Even if he defeats me, Zhang Dingjun will be the next one and die. Zhang Dingjun can't be so stupid to cooperate with Zhou Tianming. I don't worry that he is here to set a trap today, because Zhang Dingjun will get more if he cooperates with me. If my shares are controlled by Zhang Dingjun, Zhou Tianming will be the oldest. Of course, it's not good for me to let her lose face if I don't expose him.

"Then, we worked together."

"What are you going to do with me?" I sneer, "must be very vicious?"

"It's restructuring."

"Restructuring? What is restructuring? "

"Set up a board of directors."

"Ha ha, good move."

"This should be the old fox's last move."

"What is he going to do?"

"It's very simple. He proposed a scheme to implement mechanism voting. Everyone has the right to vote, but the role of voting is not big. It's just a show. The most important votes are in my hands and his hands."

"Why didn't you do that before?"

"it was impossible before, maybe there were directors in the past, there was a man who has the final say, but it was too complicated to say today." Zhang Dingjun lit a cigarette, took a puff, and clamped it. "The four generals have a balance of power. Apart from sun, we may have a common enemy, but sun is too cruel. He constantly divides us. Once, we almost facilitated cooperation. Although it was only superficial cooperation, each of us had a ghost in mind. Once the purpose of cooperation was achieved, the cooperative relationship collapsed immediately, but anyway, It's bad for the three of us to work together, but then Ding Li suddenly changed his mind. I don't know why. Zhou Tianming probably doesn't know either. "

"How could such a thing have happened?" This is what the devil Sun said. He overcame Zhang Dingjun. Zhang Dingjun was so miserable that he was still hoodwinked. Sometimes I really sympathize with him.

"Do you think it's strange?"

"No wonder." I shook my head, "Ding Li defected. Why don't you cooperate with Zhou Tianming?"

"This will only lead to a faster death, and sun can give Ding Li more benefits. Sun is a strong one, and Ding Li will agree, and then he and sun will be left. Even if sun snatches the management right, he will still have a good life." It's so fuckin 'complicated. In these fights, the granddaughter must control the balance for her own interests, so that they won't get along with each other. And they can't cooperate, they can't destroy their relationship.

"It's a mess, you guys!" I sighed. "Why do you like fighting so much? As far as I know, demon sun has really brought a lot to Feiya. Feiya's brilliance today has contributed most to her success. You must admit that. Since she's doing so well, can't you be more relaxed? Play at home, let her do, every month waiting for dividends, with their own so tired? Does it make sense to stir up your brain every day to count others and guard against being counted by others? " I really don't think it's meaningful. It's good to be idle. If you have money, you can take care of it. If it were me, I would have sent myself home long ago. My life is only a few decades. It's better to die than to live in struggle every day. Besides, they are all so old. What's the use of fighting?"You are naive." Zhang Dingjun shook his head, "I ask you, why do so many qualified people in ancient times doze off to fight for the throne? Is it meaningful to be an emperor? Even if we buy and sell official posts in modern times, why are these? Is it meaningful for an official to be scolded by the people every day? If these things only look at the surface, it is really meaningless, tired and scolded. But you see behind the scenes, how powerful and energetic are you? Emperor, seventy-two concubines from three palaces and six courtyards, as long as you are willing, you can change a woman every day until you die, and use your mouth to serve you. If you are not happy, the whole world will be scared. You can destroy whoever you want. What about modern? How about being an official? How easy it is to do something, go to the hospital when you get sick There are reimbursement and gift giving. You don't know, do you? I tell you, anyone who is sick has to spend money. Except for officials, they can make money when they are sick. Ironic? And is that all they have to do? There are so many benefits. It's hard to say they are complete. What I know is just a drop in the bucket. "

I was scared. I never thought of that. However, these words from Zhang Dingjun's mouth are all facts. Ancient emperors and modern officials can fight for one word of power. Money and power, this is the devil, the devil that can harm everything.

"Got it?" Zhang Dingjun patted me on the shoulder, "brother, you are too tender. It's not that you have a low IQ, but that you have a sense of all aspects of life. You have good opportunities, but this circle is not for you. This is the most unfair thing in the world. You don't like fighting and being emperor, but you were born in the imperial family. Some people want to be emperor, but they come from poor families. Of course, there are only a few grassroots emperors in history, and they won the Jiangshan throne only through their hard work and many lives. what about you? You are walking on the road hit by good luck, but you think it is bad luck. You know what? I hate you very much. Really, you see I'm the boss. It seems that I'm boundless, high spirited and invincible. But if you ask sun, I'm afraid I'm not even an opponent in her eyes. Even Zhou Tianming looks down on me. Do you think I shouldn't fight? Do you think I should not fight for my position? I'll tell you that when the fight comes to this stage, it's not just about money but also about many things, such as face and self-esteem. "

I was scared again, really, not that I belittled myself, nor that Zhang Dingjun belittled me. In their eyes, I was really a child soldier. I didn't know anything. I didn't even have the heart to fight. I didn't even know that fighting was to maintain my self-esteem.

"Mr. Zhang, to be honest, I'm scared by what you said. Why? "

"What, why?"

"Why do you say that to me?" I don't think Zhang Dingjun just wants to tell me something, because these education will let me get experience from it. Experience is what I lack most now. When I have experience, my wings will be hard. It's more difficult for Zhang Dingjun to defeat me.

"For myself, that's for sure. I said to you, "if you want to find someone to cooperate with, will you find someone who can control or who can't?"

"Do you think you can control me?"

"No, I haven't thought about controlling you all the time. It hasn't been and won't be. Now we are cooperating. I need my partners to be strong and smart. If you are a fool who doesn't know the rules, you will kill yourself and finally implicate me. That's my purpose. You see, it's so simple. Why do you have to think so complicated? Does it make sense? "

"Don't ask me if it's meaningful. For me, your fight is meaningless."

"Maybe, but the struggle still needs to continue until it can't be fought any more. Now there are no losers."

"Do you think you will win?"

"No one can judge whether he or she will lose or win. We all have to look forward. Moreover, as I said just now, when the struggle reaches such a stage, it is no longer a matter of simple struggle. There are still many problems involved. The more factors involved in anything, the more its true meaning will be infinitely compressed. " Zhang Dingjun suddenly laughed, "there is a saying: in order to love and love, fighting can also have this kind of view."

"Well, I'll admit you have a point, but we're pulling away!" I lit a cigarette for myself, "tell me about Zhou Tianming and your other purposes."

"Are you in a hurry?"