Chapter 54

"Hey, what did you buy? Is there anything else? "

"From a friend."

"Can you..."

"You can ask."

"Ha ha, thank you first!"

When I had breakfast, I finally talked about the business. Then I sent Mr. Chen back to the original hotel, and left with the customer manager. I don't need to intervene in the next things. Huangshan will go to Mr. Chen with the person in charge of signing the contract. It's probably tonight. I'm not very clear.

"Mr. Li, you want to go back to the company Or

"Back to the company." I'd like to go back to the dormitory. I haven't seen the dormitory for a day. My level should be gorgeous, right? It's just Again, it's not appropriate to make a small difference at the beginning. Besides, I still have some questions to ask Huangshan, "manager Huang, do you usually treat customers like this?"

"Ah?" Huangshan was not sure what I meant. He turned his eyes and said, "Mr. Chen wants to ask..."

"Feel free to ask."

"It depends. If it's a female client, we have no reason Ha ha. "

"If business doesn't work out, what's the cost?"

"Our customer department will make a budget analysis in advance, depending on the customer value or the success probability. If it's a small value customer, we will control the cost of public relations expenses; if it's a large value customer, the public relations expenses are generally flexible, and everything depends on the situation. "

"I see."

"The scope of work of our customer department is to meet the requirements of customers as much as possible. In fact, it's not very easy to do. It's almost hard to work. For example, when we drink, when we meet customers who can drink, or when we meet some customers who are difficult to deal with, we will be very miserable. " Huangshan laughed, "Mr. Li, you know, there are all kinds of people in the world."

"Indeed, it's hard for you." Depend on you, eat, drink and play hard? It may be that you have to overstate.

Back at the blue cat headquarters, on the way to the office, many people nodded to me. Although I don't know if they were all sincere and sincere, at least I got superficial respect. It takes time and means to frighten these people from the heart I'm not in a hurry. I can afford it. I have to cure these people.

"Chen Jia, I need information from all departments, administrative information and operational information. They must be complete." Before entering my own office, I told Chen Jia. I can't do nothing. I have to study and know myself and the other.

"Yes, Mr. Li."

"How long will it take?"

"About two hours."

"No, two hours is too long. I can only give you one hour."

"Yes, Mr. Li."

Is one hour OK? Within an hour, Chen Jia has to go all over the departments, transfer information from each department, and then collate and give it to me. It seems a little difficult, but it's not something I need to consider, ha ha It's a little evil. In fact, it's not evil. I didn't really ask Chen Jia to do it in an hour. I just want to have a try on Chen Jia to see how good she can be, whether she will be flustered, whether she will be careless, and whether she will be fair and useless. Although Chen Jia used to be sun's secretary before, I'm afraid that her ability to be a director's secretary will not be low, but that's another matter.

An hour later, I was completely surprised. My desk was full of information. From the headquarters to the production line, the information of all departments was covered in it. It was really very detailed and there was no omission.

"Chen Jia, I am very satisfied with your work performance." This sentence is absolutely from the heart, how does Sun say: it doesn't matter if you can't be a boss, as long as you have a good secretary and know how to use it fully. What the devil said is so damn right, it's just Why does the granddaughter want to use Zhou Qi as a secretary? Zhou Qi doesn't belong to the capable type, and his hands and feet are a little slow. Besides Zhou Qi's slowness seems to be I don't know how to describe it. It seems deliberate.

"Thank you, Mr. Li!"

"You can go out."

"Yes, Mr. Li."

After two hours of research, I finally got a comprehensive understanding of the operation of blue cat and found that there were problems in many places. For example, in the production department, they will arrange shipment according to the customer's level. That is to say, if the level is high, even if the order is placed later, it can be raised first. Otherwise, if the level is low, it is useless to order first. One sentence is to provide low-level services to low-level customers. Another example is the marketing department. When they develop agents, they don't have a regional consideration. They can develop two agents on the same street. These two problems are very serious. The first one will affect the integrity and even lead to compensation. Second, it will cause vicious competition and eventually destroy the market.

Damn, it seems that we can get rid of these two problems completely.

"Mr. Li." Chen Jia calls from inside.

"What's the matter?"

"It's time for lunch."

"Oh, really?"

I don't care. It's important to eat. I have to go to the dormitory after dinner

Lunch with Chen Jia, in the collective canteen, sitting in the high-rise table, everyone ate in silence, no one spoke, and even the whole canteen was surprisingly quiet, which was quieter than the Feiya canteen, even if the devil sun was sitting in the canteen. It's strange. I don't know if it's the existing atmosphere in the canteen. Maybe for other reasons, I don't have time to do research.After dinner, Chen Jia took me to see the dormitory in a residential area two blocks away from Lanmao. The environment of the community is OK. It's quiet, but Dizzy, I don't know how to arrange it. Chen Jia and I live under the same roof, but they share different rooms, toilets, living rooms and balconies.

In the afternoon, my work schedule was full. When Chen Jia reported her schedule, I hardly fainted.

Ah, it's not easy to be a boss!!!

"Let's go!"

Chen Jia followed me with a stack of papers.

"No, it's not You put down the documents and we'll go to the production base first. "

"Test Are we not going to a meeting? " Chen Jia's tone of surprise.

"After the meeting."


"Chen Jia, no, but I'm not used to looking at information unilaterally, because it's not convincing. I'll always be on the spot to master what I want to master to a greater extent. " Joke, if I haven't even inspected the production base, and I don't know how to produce, then let me have a meeting with the leaders of the production department? Shit, I'm not that stupid, am I? Let them wait in the meeting room first. Anyway, putting them back in their respective offices is also playing cards and chatting have nothing to do.

Blue cat's production base is not far from the headquarters, 15 minutes walk to.

To be fair, the blue cat production base is still quite large, with several large factories and modern dormitory areas, occupying a huge area. However, the person in charge of the base How to put it? Like a migrant worker, or not like the factory director, at least There is no factory director in general overalls yelling in the warehouse, even the boss stand to dare to leave the boss aside.

Chen Jia is going to step forward and I stop him. I watched the factory director, who was not like the factory director, yell and scold at a group of loading workers. I didn't walk slowly until the loading was finished and the car drove away.

"Director Su." The factory director's surname is Su Mingwei.

"Oh, hello." Factory director Su was ready to shake hands with me. He found that his hands were dirty. "I can't shake hands, ha ha."

"It doesn't matter." I understand, "even Director Su has to put on a hexagram. The business of blue cat is very hot."

"Not so much!" Su Chang's smile is a bit bitter, "we talk while walking."

I don't seem to know my identity. Ha ha, I find it very interesting.

"You see, go to the office and have a cup of tea first? Or check first? "

"Check? Oh Check first. "

"This way, please."

The following time, Director Su and Chen Jia led me to inspect the workshops, warehouses and some dead spots. I don't know whether Director Su regarded us as the fire department or the Health Bureau. Anyway, he regarded us as inspectors.

"Well, Director Su, let's go to the office and have a talk."

"Yes, this way, please."

In the office of Director Su, there was a man and a woman. Director Su was puzzled.

"Are you

"Fire department." The man replied.

"Fire fighting..." Su factory director Leng for a while, "Oh, Hello, sorry to have kept you waiting."

"Not long." "Let's go," he said

"This way, please." Director Su looked at me suspiciously and led a man and a woman out.

Ten minutes later, factory director Su came back with a smile. He should not have been checked out.

"This is Mr. Li." Chen Jiali introduced me.

"Oh, Mr. Li." Director Su held out his hand to me awkwardly. His hand had been washed.

"It's a little joke. Don't blame factory director Su!"

"Ha ha, no way."

"Of course, I'm actually a very serious and responsible boss. The reason I'm joking is that I want to know more about Director Su from the side." I laughed. "There's an answer. Director Su is very capable and a general But shouldn't generals be in the middle of the battle? Please explain to factory director su what's going on? "

"This Director Su hesitated.

"Director Su." I'm sitting in the chair of the factory director. "I'm here to solve problems, not trouble. Do you understand?"

After more than half an hour's talk with Su Chang Chang, I finally had a complete concept of the production base. The leading group of the production base is very simple. There is a factory director, a factory director's secretary, and even no deputy factory director. The rest of the departments are independent and not under the jurisdiction of the factory director, such as finance, procurement, quality inspection, etc All the departments are directly controlled by the production department of the headquarters, that is to say, factory director Su has no real power in his hands.

Factory director Su was very angry when he told me. His expression told me that if the dogs in the production department could be more straightforward, blue cat would not have many problems. Factory director Su also gave a detailed description of the problems existing in blue cat, especially in the production base. Generally speaking, the appearance is different from the inside, which seems to be very beautiful, but in fact, it is only a small part, and the bad part is deliberately hidden.

"Bad" is the original words of factory director su. At that time, he wanted to use other words instead, such as dirty and so on. Finally, he hesitated to use a bad word. Perhaps Director Su still has some reservation for me, the new boss.