Chapter 315: Educated Youth and Farmer Girls 14

At the call of Mr. Yang, Zhou Zekai used the food bills borrowed from Mr. Yang to ask everyone to rebuild the house where Zhou Zekai lives now. All were repaired in accordance with Zhou Zekai's intention. Quite a feeling, Zhou Zekai also specially opened up a place to plan to spend.

The educated youths in the village knew everything after saying this. In fact, most of them looked at Zhou Zekai's jokes. They already knew each other's background. Only Zhou Zekai was out of hand when he came on the road, so Everyone speculates that his family's conditions are not so good, otherwise how could he see the village chief's daughter and a village aunt as soon as he came into the village? There must be another picture! Look, right? The house where they lived was all made by the village head. This is the rhythm of getting into the burden! It's the most ridiculous thing to add to these years. The educated youth naturally think that Zhou Zekai's behavior is not like a man.

Regarding the rumors outside, Zhou Zekai didn't care. When he went to town again, he brought Yang Yuehua and called his parents.

"Mom, rest assured, everything is fine with me here, Mr. Yang takes good care of me, and I get along well with Mr. Yang's daughter. I want to talk to you this time. I plan to talk to the month. Hua is engaged. She is a good girl. I want to marry her, so I want to tell you. "

The Zhou family on the other side of the phone were all stunned. I didn't expect that my son would just go to the countryside. Moreover, it was still rural. This caused Zhou's mother to immediately frown, and what she wanted to ask, she was robbed by her husband.

"The man's husband got married and started his business. I support you. Although the family can't get through now, but how's your situation over there? Since the engagement, don't be wronged by any girl. I will send it to your mother. A thousand dollars is a gift. "

The Zhou family is not without money. The Zhou family is not only rich but also powerful. Because of this, Zhou Zekai's trip to the countryside is also in response to the policy. His brother is definitely not married. He just happened to graduate from college. The family had originally arranged work for Zhou Zekai, but Zhou Zekai thought that if he went to the countryside, he would make better achievements, so Zhou Father did not stop it this time.

As the Zhou Father who had visited the countryside, he knew the meaning of going to the countryside this time. There were no more than a decade. I am afraid I ca n’t come back. The fastest is five or six years. I look forward to my son's growth in the countryside.

"Dad, I have already made money. I do n’t need to send the money here. People here are mischievous, it ’s bad to be known, and they also need money at home. You do n’t care about me. Yuehua just happened to be with me. By your side, would you like to talk to Yuehua? "

Yang Yuehua, who was standing aside, was already nervous. She thought that the person on the phone was Zhou Zekai's father and mother. She felt nervous and overwhelmed, and Zhou Zhou said she could speak.

In the end, the phone was handed to Yang Yuehua. Although nervous, Yang Yuehua still wanted to show the best in front of the parents of the person he likes.

"Uncle and aunt, my name is Yang Yuehua, and I am very happy that Brother Zhou can be assigned to our village."

This made the father on the other side of the phone laugh, but he laughed, thinking that the girl should be sincere, with no heart, watching his wife look unhappy, and said to the phone.

"Yuehua, right? My son is on your side thanks to your care. Thanks to your father for me, saying that I will invite him to drink when I have a chance. I agree very much with you and my son, and hope that soon I can see you in the future. I believe in the vision of my son. I also believe that you are an excellent girl. Therefore, I agree to give you my son and hope you will be happy. "

The mother Zhou on the side pulled her father's sleeve and wanted to speak, but Zhou father did not give it. In such big things, women's choices are often dazzled. Since a man says that he wants to marry a woman, then prove this Women have the virtues that he admires, so many girls don't pay attention when their son is at home, why do they just like this Yang Yuehua? That must be something that Yang Yuehua has for his son to appreciate! So Father Zhou supports any choice of his son!

"Thank you, thank you Uncle! I am really happy ..."

I was so excited that I didn't know what to say, so I was recognized by Zhou Zekai's father. This was a very incredible thing for Yang Yuehua. She even wanted to see the old man right away.

"Well, don't thank me. I don't think you can get engaged or married. Let my son treat you well. Before you get married, you can call the family and change your mind. Remember?"

Father Zhou groaned, thinking that his son had a daughter-in-law, and his mood was exceptionally good. After talking for a while, he changed his son to speak, and hung up the phone without giving his wife any chance.

"Old man! What do you mean! Your son is willing to marry a girl in the countryside?"

Mother Zhou frowned, she was extremely disapproving of this matter.

"What kind of girl in the countryside is a girl in the city, isn't it all women? I don't think the girls in this city are going any better! Otherwise, your son can't see any of them? Gui Juan, don't you Thinking so much, I'll tell you the truth, this time when my son went to the countryside, I just let him go to exercise. I can't return in five years. If you think about it, your son will be 22 this year. Everyone takes care of him, how lonely do you think he is in the village alone? Why not find a wife who is gimmicky, think about waiting for your son to come back, and bring your grandson back. Are you happy? "

Father Zhou can see and think that men can survive in any environment. He believes that his son is the same and is a very intelligent person!

"That ... that's the same, hey! I can't be the master of this family anyway, what does he love to do! Just bring me my grandson back then!"

Zhou mother made compromises for her grandson. You must know that Zhou Zekai's brother was married at the age of twenty. Zhou Zekai is now twenty-two, and there is no object. He almost died of Zhou mother earlier.

In short, this engagement is considered a notification. When the village chief Yang heard his daughter talk about his in-laws, he regretted that he didn't follow along and thought about talking to his in-laws when his daughter got married in the future!

This matter is so certain, I am really happy. On the afternoon of the same day, Zhou Zekai bought Yang Yuehua's favorite clothes, which were regarded as engagement gifts. The most popular these years, that is, the red sweater on the top and the white skirt on the bottom. Extraordinary spirit, coupled with a pair of high heels, is complete.

After returning to the village, the village chief Yang was so happy. When he met someone, he told the other daughter to get engaged with Zhou Zekai. Although the engagement process only required the loved ones of the two parties to eat, now Zhou Zekai ’s family is not there. Then he invited his second uncle and mother-in-law to come and eat together!

The banquet on this day was very well done and meaty. The two uncles were an old man in the village, very wise, chatting with Zhou Zekai at the table, and admiring this young guy very much. As for Yang Yuehua's grandmother Seeing that his granddaughter could find such a talented young man, he was also very satisfied and praised Zhou Zekai frequently.

After eating, it was considered to have settled down the bedroom. Zhou Zekai also changed into clothes made by Yang Yuehua himself. I have to say that Yang Yuehua's craftsmanship is still very good, and the clothes he made are very fit and comfortable.

This is the case in the countryside. It doesn't matter what the pomp is, as long as the two of you are willing, I will be happy.

By the next day, the whole village was almost aware of this matter. After all, the village was so big. As long as something new happened, it was definitely transmitted. Regarding Zhou Zekai's engagement with Yang Yuehua, everyone also congratulated the two. People think that they are the sum of heaven.

When those educated youths saw Zhou Zekai go down to the ground, they were weird.

"Well, who am I? ~ Isn't this the village head's son-in-law? The village head's son-in-law is still here to work? Shouldn't you wait for your wife at home?"

Talking to the educated youth Lu Zi, who is talking to the countryside, he is very repulsive to rural people. Think of Zhou Zekai's behavior of holding the village's thigh like this, the other person is a deep-hearted person! No wonder they were not with them at the beginning!

"Lu Zi!" Hang Ziqi held Lu Zi aside and refused to let Lu Zi say these words, but she also agreed with her heart. If she really likes rural girls, why did she just like the village chief's daughter? If this is not planned carefully, to calculate the village chief! That Hang Ziqi is unbelievable!

"Who am I son-in-law, you don't need to care."

Zhou Zekai turned his head and looked at the speaker, his voice was very dull, and he didn't take this matter to heart. He knew that these educated youths would be utterly beyond recognition in this country. They were willing to hold the shelf in the beginning of the year, wait In two years, we will work hard to adapt to this village!

After all, there are only a few places back to the city. How can they go back when they have so many educated youths? Moreover, there is still a cut in line, it is not as simple as they think.

After working on it, he felt that his life was quite fulfilling now.

As for the girls, it's the same. Everyone congratulated Yang Yuehua on this matter.

"I said, Sister Yuehua, you and Comrade Zhou are a natural pair! What's that called? Wolf ... Jackal?"

Zhang Ying is again sulking. She is already engaged and has no feelings for the educated youths from the village. At this time, it is also a congratulation to see Yang Yuehua really engaged to Zhou Zekai.

"It's a handsome girl."

Huo Xinlian reminded that there was actually a bit of envy in her heart. When did Yang Yuehua marry Hang Ziqi in the novel? She doesn't remember that much anymore, but now she hears Yang Yuehua's engagement with Zhou Zekai, she still feels envious, and her heart is a little bit emotional. She wants to show off with Hang Ziqi. Thinking of the relationship between the two these days, Huo Xinlian has decided. These days , Must showdown with Hang Ziqi, he must have been going back for several years, he also likes himself so much, must also agree to get engaged first, right?

Yang Yuehua was blessed by her friends. She had a happy smile on her face. She knew how happy she was.