After An Qingya heard this, she could not help but burst out laughing.

Why is the Brother Chen so funny? He's obviously trying to cheat others for their money, and he's even trying to crack a prescription!

Yang Wendong and the other two trembled, but didn't laugh like An Qingya, instead, their faces were filled with not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and on top of that, there was a little lingering fear in their hearts.

When they were at the intersection of the business street, they had received 1500 yuan like that!

Only, Chen Mo's methods this time, were clearly more ruthless than before.

Liao Gaang had always been acting very low-key from the start.

The others paid the medical fee of two thousand yuan, and he paid the same two thousand yuan.

Right now, Chen Mo impatiently waved his hand, signalling for them to leave. Liao Gaang also stayed in the crowd to keep a low profile and walked towards the door.

Just as he walked to the door and was about to step out, Chen Mo's voice rang out.

"Coach, their appearance fee is 2,000 dollars, are your appearance fee the same as theirs? "I remember your team member saying just now that you're a black belt level 5 Taekwondo grandmaster. A grandmaster level figure is equivalent to a normal student, it's 2000 RMB appearance fee. I don't believe it at all!"

After saying that, Chen Mo curled his lips, shrugged and said: "Of course, I have no right to ask how much your entrance fee is. But just as I was looking at your face and taking your pulse and looking at your manners, I came to a rather bad conclusion. That is, your illness is much more serious than those students of yours. If you want to treat it, the two thousand dollars' medical fees are a little small! "

After speaking like this for so long, it was as if they despised your father for not giving you enough money!

Liao Gaang secretly cursed, and hesitated.

At this moment, he was only one step away from the door.

Once he walked out of the door, no matter how arrogant this Chen Mo was, would he still dare to beat him up in front of all the students in the gymnasium, and then openly force him to pay the "medical fees"?

If he really did so, then today's matter would definitely spread to the school's upper echelons.

At that time, as a student, what awaited him would be a heavy punishment.

I can even take this opportunity to sue him for extortion!

Thinking about it, Liao Gaang moved his feet and stepped out of the door.

But before he could take action, he stopped again.

Was he ambushed by Chen Mo?


His arms were dislocated, and he couldn't force himself to open the door?

That wasn't true either. The team members who had hastily fled earlier didn't have the leisure to close the door casually.

Then why?

Because Liao Gaang thought about the role he played in this matter.

If this matter was exposed, Chen Mo would be punished by the school, but he himself would definitely not be able to handle it.

As the president of the Taekwondo Society, he was willing to accept money and be a thug!

And the guy he was going to beat was actually a student of the school!

Not only that, the place where he was going to hit was the Taekwondo arena of the school!

If this matter was exposed, those who knew him would know that he was the president and coach of the Taekwondo Society.

Those who didn't know him would think that he was some scumbag from some gang!

Such a scandal alone was enough to ruin the reputation of Taekwondo!

If this news were to spread out, where would the students come to join their own society and pay the training fees?

With his Taekwondo Black Belt's strength, as a master level coach, he could rely on the society to earn a few hundred thousand yuan every year.

If this matter were to be exposed, not only would it not benefit him in the slightest, it would also cut off his road to riches.

For the sake of the tens of thousands of dollars in his pocket, he would disgrace himself. Was it worth it?

The answer was obvious.

Who would give up the whole forest for a single tree!

Moreover, if this matter was exposed, it would definitely arouse the attention of the school. If they thoroughly investigated it, would his Taekwondo society be able to continue doing business?

With his mind full of twists and turns, Liao Gaang finally understood the pros and cons of this matter.

He stopped in his tracks, turned around, and forced out a smile that was uglier than crying, "Dr Chen, how much do we need to pay for the treatment?"

"It's too far away, I can't hear you clearly, can you come over and talk?" Chen Mo stood in his original position and looked at Liao Gaang, who was at the door, as he said that.

Liao Gaang had already weighed the pros and cons in his heart, cutting off any thoughts of escaping.

As he walked, his arms hung lifelessly by his side. Occasionally, he would feel pain and there were gasps coming from his mouth.

Yang Wendong and the others who were watching from the side secretly exclaimed in delight at her miserable state.

"Dr Chen, how much am I short on fees?" Liao Gaang endured the pain and repeated the words he had just said.

Looking at his expression, Chen Mo suddenly exclaimed with a cluck of his tongue, "Coach Liao Gaang, right? Your body is strong and your willpower is strong. When you took out the money from your pocket just now, your hands were painful, right? If an ordinary person was dislocated, the hand would not be able to move. But coach, you are not like ordinary people. Relying on your tenacious willpower, you chose a total of two thousand yuan, no more, no less, no less, it's just right. I admire you. "

Maybe others could not understand Chen Mo's words, but as the person in question, Liao Gaang understood everything in an instant.

This fellow was clearly saying, "Little brat, I saw it all when you paid me." Everyone knows how much money you still have in your pocket!

"This …"

Liao Gaang looked troubled.

He had more than ten thousand dollars in his pocket.

Pang Qiang gave him a total of fifty thousand, but he only gave his fourteen subordinates a total of two thousand.

The remaining twenty-two thousand was all in his pocket!

This guy's heart, is even darker than Pang Qiang's!

"Ai, from the looks of it, your face is in pain. I'm sure your hand will be in pain. Let me show you first, and we can talk about other things later."

Chen Mo said, and was about to lean forward, when Liao Gaang jumped in fright, and quickly retreated, "There's no need, it's just a small wound, it's fine."

Finished speaking, Liao Gaang stiffly took out all the twenty thousand dollars from his pocket, "Doctor, here is your diagnosis fee, please accept it."

Both of Liao Gaang's hands had been dislocated, and he was trying his best to endure the inhuman pain. When he took out the money from his pocket, his entire body was drenched in sweat, as if he had just been fished out of water.

Chen Mo did not take the money, but used both of his hands to grab onto his arms and used the Body Metamorphose Scripture. Ka ka, one of Liao Gaang's arms was restored.

"How much are you paying for the clinic? Just order it yourself."

Liao Gaang grudgingly used the hand that had just recovered and matched his dislocated hand to count the number with difficulty.

This is twenty-two thousand dollars, the number is enough. Because when he had received Pang Qiang's hand from him before, he had already ordered it once.

So this time, he also put on an act, made do with it a little, and said: "Chen Mo … Doctor, here's twenty-two thousand. "

Chen Mo didn't care about it, as he flipped over it in his hands, and suddenly kicked Liao Gaang, who was in front of him, flying away.