Chapter 362: The birth of a new culture


Almost all of the 3845 North American cinema ticket halls have the same scene. Many young people waiting for the next screening of "Firefly" gather here to chat and read magazines and play mobile phones. There are also many prospective audiences who take valuable tickets and go to other places first. Went back and strolled for 3 hours before and after, it was really a torment! 3-5, looking forward to two years! It turned out to be 3 hours later than others. Those people were enjoying the movie. Alice was walking around, and she was so depressed that she was about to cry: "I will stay here and wait! I'm so mad, God ..."

"You don't understand, I really like Miracle Yang! But in his two science fiction movies, I have missed the field of" The Ninth District ", and now ..." she became more and more excited, and tears burst out in her eyes, She scolded the young boy who shut up in front of her with a vengeance: "When the pre-sales let you line up to buy tickets! You said it's okay, okay, okay! Do you think we're watching Batman !! Oops? Dating !!! "

Suddenly she glanced at a figure in the ticket-buying team and could n’t help but scream: “pp! Why are you there!” Alice ’s father who wanted to hide was very embarrassed. This was his daughter ’s first date, and he could n’t rest assured ,and so……

It is true that some people and **** fans are too despising Wang Yang's popularity and the public's expectations for "Firefly", two! Now they can only accept the punishment for waiting. ,,. j ,,,, o, s, h, u ,, o, m At the same time, all the "Firefly" screening halls, the audience is enjoying this fresh world of science fiction, with a cry of exclamation, the big screen In the aft cabin of Tranquility, Riva jumped up without warning, and the soundtrack suddenly became strangely tense. Mar, Jenny, and Zoe also responded quickly. Huo Di pulled a gun around his waist, and Kelly screamed: "Ah ~~"

When Riva jumped to the highest point and stopped in the air, the camera was so slow for half a second. With the sound of Peng, her two long legs kicked directly into the position of Jenny's neck and chest. Jenny "hum!" Ruiwa, who fell on the ground, supported the edge of the box with both hands, and a brown show fell into the box. She had kicked backwards, and Shuangteng laid his head down with a slap in the face again. "Huh!" Screaming, she also stood on the other side of the box! Looking at Kelly blankly.

"Wow!" The audience was a little scared, especially the fans who went to Sika. Is this still the sweet angel who sings and dances and is young and cute? Fierce and fiercely difficult action! Her body's flexibility is vividly displayed, her movements are smooth, natural and sexy. Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao's women's winter coat m is amazing.

"Don't move!" On the big screen, the left and unharmed Mar lifted a long classic revolver with a cool style and pointed at the mysterious girl with his back: "I don't care what monster you are, don't move!" "Under the close-up lens, Riva's face in the focus area is still without expression. There is a trace of gloom in the cold. With a sound of the soundtrack, she instantly moved, bent down and drove past the night, and Mar" shot "shot, Missed! Instead, almost hitting Kylie also made the girl frown and scream: "Captain, it's me !!"

The Reva evasion room has soared to the point that Mar is not a level contest. She knocked off Mar ’s weapon with a few hands and feet, and several times defensive flashing Mar completely missed. She suddenly took the middle and pinched. Marl's neck and the indifferent face made him feel terrible. "Peng !!" In the fierce punch of Marl's cheek, under the slow photography of high photography, his entire head appeared a layer of shocking sway, like being crushed.

"Hoooo!" There was another low exclaimation in the screening room. As an action movie fan, Sidney was dumbfounded. Riva is a Chinese Kung Fu genre, while Marr tends to fight freely. The martial arts shots have something in common with other aspects of "Firefly", that is, it is very different from other similar movies! The use of Chinese kung fu in science fiction films has long been common. The most famous of course is the "Matrix" series, but this is the first time in interstellar science fiction.

But what is fascinating is that the striking moves are violently boiling, yet yet beautifully beautiful. In this style, the sequence of the lens is still so mature and natural, and it does not make people feel dizzy or crude. On the contrary, there are some novel lens angles and techniques! This group of martial arts is the same as the battle scene of the quiet valley under the real gorgeous special effects and the train robbery. It is a top visual enjoyment.

Awesome! Fans of action movies couldn't help but praise, Miracle Yang is a master of martial arts since childhood! Sometimes a group of shots can already see the level, at least he is free to control the scene of several people.

"My sentence is not malicious." At this time, Mar fell to the ground motionlessly, seemingly dead, and the nearly breathless Jenny and Zoe could not get up for a while. Kelly, who had a pale complexion, put her hands in front of her and backed off again and again: "I really have no malice ..."

Reva did not have any other reaction, and continued to approach step by step. Kelly shuddered almost: "That's a compliment." The audience was unable to laugh due to the tension, and Reva pinched Kelly's neck. Mal They are still lying on the ground! The communicator Walsh's question "What's wrong?" Won't help. Just as everyone was worried, Riva suddenly closed her eyes and collapsed on Kelly. She fainted and passed the night, and Kelly's eyes were at a loss. , Smirking: "Hehe! Hehe!"

"It's okay." Many audience members were relieved and couldn't bear to see Kelly, who was so smart, knocked down with a punch.

In the ty1k movie theater, Claire applauded silently with excitement, and Riva's violent debut was impressive! Previously, she also worried that Jessica-Alba would not work on this screen transition, because she felt that Natalie-Portman's temperament could be fierce, such as in the stills and trailers of "V-Vendetta", but now Jessica showed another kind of beauty, she put down the image of sweetheart, and became very cold and gloomy, like a ghost girl floating on the lake, wet crossing the head, the expressionless face ...

"It's prettier than me!" Natalie chewed the potato chips bitely and touched her head wearing a hat, and suddenly a very boring thought flashed: "Maybe it's because she is prettier than me! It shouldn't be. "In the other theater, Rachel smiled. After so many years, she of course wanted to understand why she would" lose ". It wasn't just a simple understanding of the order or appearance. Miracle Yang is the girl who likes the pistachio sweetheart the most. At the cinema, Jessica glanced over her head

The fascinating Wang Yang glanced, for example, she seemed a lot ugly on the big screen. No, pregnant women are the most beautiful!

Some women have active minds, but the audience and critics have long watched the movie, and even the symbolic meaning of details such as lenses and lines are flawless. But they know that it is definitely not.

The recovered Mali first tortured the mysterious girl and determined that she was a living person. They naturally didn't know how she would be hidden in the box or how attackable? She has no self-mutilation and should not be a predator, unless it is a fleet leader, but according to their knowledge, the legendary predator leader is unlikely to wear a dress. The most knowledgeable Kelly who has not gone to school on the boat said "It is black to wear." It is even more impossible to say a word quietly after waking up.

After some arguing discussion, Marr decided to tie it like this first, and Serenity sailed towards the delivery city "Bato".

How many people guessed the meaning of the screenwriter here, especially Florida fans and critics, why is it called Barto? Bartow is a city in Florida, which also coincides with the range of Tranquility activity. The location is on the edge of a barren galaxy. Even more well-known, this small city east of the Tampa Bay area in central Florida is named after the Francis-s-Bator, the American Union officer who died during the Civil War.

In this way, things are even more complicated. If the political innuendo of the story is the United States of America, and the independents are the United States of America, there is absolutely no room for any discussion. The independents who lost the war will definitely not be the right side unless the magic is crazy. What does he want to say? Film critics have a headache.

"Hehe! Haha!" No matter what the audiences in the North and South America no matter what, the humorous lines make the laughter in the auditorium. The background and world settings of the story are also fuller and clearer with a little disclosure, a new The world of science fiction is accumulating.

The grassland is already sunset, and the serenity is flying towards the distant sky full of red clouds. There is a faint sight of the people rising up there. This lonely and beautiful picture makes the audience's eyes light up Natalie's "wow" Blink, that guy has been a mysterious western cowboy + oriental poetic and science fiction? But1u!

Unfortunately, in less than ten seconds, the big screen was switched to a small town, Guangluchang. There are tall hero stone statues and wooden pillars with red lanterns on the ground. Mature pumpkins, local residents celebrate the bumper harvest, a female reporter Shou Te microphone smiled at the camera and said: "Here is the scene of the harvest festival in Baishan City! We can see a lot of pumpkins!" ... "The picture is gradually drawn into a virtual The display screen was drawn far enough to see the surrounding mirrors, and switched into a bright bathroom.

I saw that the blue gloves played by Heath-Ledger were wearing a vest and shorts. He brushed his teeth in the mirror, and the virtual display screen was reflected by the glasses device he was wearing. Frontal close-up shot, looking at Harvest Gloves ’blue gloves revealing a bright smile. He quickly brushed his teeth and changed his clothes during the editing period, and made a delicious sandwich. At this time, the virtual screen reported another predator. Destroying the news of the casualties, the blue glove looked sad. He put on his gloves, put his glasses in his clothes pocket, opened the hotel suite and walked out, said to himself lightly: "The day is beginning."

n-dy-Bn. In a short shot and a line, the blue glove feels very kind and "beautiful", and the audience feels a little different. The gesture and tone of Heath-Ledger are all scattered with an aura, taking away the whole The aura of lens attention, not -n-dy-Bn, also deepens the weirdness. Today's young people are playing calmly and calmly making people's hearts turbulent. The acting is so good. George-Lucas can't help but think, what would happen if he chose Heath-Ledger to play adult Anakin?

At the time, for Anakin, the casting director Robin Grande received multiple audition tapes, paying attention to the candidates overstudied. Heath Ledger was on one of the long lists, just Robin Geiger. Rand strongly recommends Hayden Christensen with better temperament. George-Lucas also thinks that Heath Ledger is not handsome enough, and he and Natalie Portman have no contact with the lines and eventually eliminated himself. The most optimistic Paul-Walker, as well as Colin-Hanks, Eric-Ossen, who took the advice to choose Hayden-Christensen, how could they think that Star Wars fans are very dissatisfied, and now Heath —Ledger ...

Can Heath Ledger form enough threats? Nancy-Lino, the new graduate of Nantah, thinks about it. It is well known that blue gloves are a negative role, but not a bad guy can be played by anyone. He wants to make people scary, creepy, hateful, even hate and love. , The premise is that the credible threat power Heath-Ledger is a "school bully ..." that is not easy to provoke in "The Evil Girl Opposite". The fierceness of "Kelly Party" can also be scary. He will treat What is the shape of blue gloves? But Miracle Yang was so neat to choose him in an audition, she thought she didn't have to worry about it.

"Ding Ding Ding ..." With the soundtrack accompanied by the wind chimes, Tranquility came to the edge of the town of Bator. When Mar and his party parked the spaceship and took Riva to the streets of Bator, they belonged to the world of "Firefly". The unique style of the connected city is immediately apparent and charming!

This is West + East + Science Fiction! Stone-paved roads with pedestrians in cowboy costumes, pedestrians in Asian costumes, neon lights, red lanterns with "tea" and "wine", "Wang Kee Hotel" signboards in Chinese characters, and shops with English signs and bird cages on the trees next to the shop On the road, there are vehicles flying and flying with the dragon, eagle and star flags on the road, and cowboys driving smoked backward motorcycles ... Kelly is playing with an oil-paper umbrella painted with peony ink paintings. She chooses fruits from the roadside stalls, and Captain Marr urged to complain that Riva had a change of expression and looked at the wind chimes swaying in the wind at the door of the shop with curiosity.

A large part of the movie fan audience has already shined with their eyes,-! Everything on the big screen is too flavorful and novel, the world of "Fireflies"! They are destined to become the most **** fans because they are so charming! Another part of the fan audience is very interested, at least very rare and fresh, this atmosphere makes people feel good; another part of the audience has no special reaction to a beautifully designed future city; another part of the audience does not

As expected, this style is not very good.

Fanatic, like, don't care and dislike, but the number of dislikes and dislikes among the audience who struggled to win tickets is really very small, and 38.45 million theaters have different ages and careers across North America , Many, many groups of different ethnicities.

The "original" or all the versions of "Firefly" that passed away in the past due to the butterfly effect can not be compared with the level of the art team and the financial investment in production of the two. Today, the art director of "Firefly", The main creations of the art design, set, props, costume design, and visual effects department are all at the level of Orpheus. Under the guidance of the director, they dissect, shape, and produce every detail of the scene, from the original painting to the movie. There were amazing bursts and amazing effects.

It also makes the current film critics and fan audiences can't help but sigh again: "It's really worthy of a 200 million cost big production!" This is really a top-level and first-class behind-the-scenes team in terms of soundtrack, sound effects, photography pictures and action guidance! It can be said that as long as they are not affected by the director and the script to make a bad film, they all have enough chips to participate in the competition of Oluska, and I want to come too, follow Oluska's best director Pokémon to make a big production, who is not full What's going on? It's just that if Magic Yang collapsed over there, they would also draw the bamboo basket.

"L1" no matter whether it is a fan of Magic Yang, Evelyn, or Rist, who generally likes Magic Yang, many people, regardless of boys and girls, cried out: "Cool!" Love house and Wu, a more serious taste, brought by "Kung Fu Panda" Intimacy, many times a person likes or dislikes a thing or a new thing. It is often just a thought. There are many elements that affect these thoughts. It may even be a TV soap opera that is forgotten when I was a child in the memory of the sea. A word from the actor.

Now it ’s magical! Evelyn's eyes lit up, Claire's eyes lit up, Lister, Tom, Shan Chi ... I have to say that "Firefly" has a halo of "doubling the effect", he is a magical person who leads the trend and affects the world, and they are Young people eager to appear in a new interstellar science fiction culture already have "Star Wars" and "Star Trek", there is no need for a similar style, and now it is finally here!

"This is a new culture." Looking at the charming Bartow, George Lucas narrowed his eyes slightly. Maybe it will be a new trend, maybe not, but it must be a new culture, a firefly culture.

However, the movie is not a science fiction style painting. The five-star setting alone is naturally not enough to make it a classic. The movie has its own narrative rhythm. After a short shopping by Marl and his party, the story became nervous and brought The Margins of the goods arrived at the delivery warehouse. Kelly and Walsh did not follow. They did not expect that the former independent soldiers who wanted to know each other for many years, and today's shark help boss refused to pay because of "this is not the goods I want". , But want to leave the goods black and black; Mar is certainly not soft.

"Mal, do you think it's the time of war, do you think you are a captain? I respect you three points, but you shameless face, bastard! Without me, you would have finished, kill me all!"

The bald-headed tattoo shark's voice for the boss's fierce and unhealthy voices has not fallen, and the nervous audience has been introduced to the boiling atmosphere by the popular music. The circling Riva also exploded. She shouted "Ah" and the scream of "Ah" gangsters. I saw that Riva directly used her legs and hands tied together The members of the gang have been running out of water.

"Wow!" Mar, Jane, and Zoe were all stunned. The audience in front of the screen was also stunned. The action fans were almost trembling with excitement. This mysterious girl is simply Bruce Lee! Exaggerated than "kill Bill"! ! Punching, kicking, jumping, flipping ... Sure enough, as the visual effect introduced by the magazine, it is simple and gorgeous, smooth and thrilling, full of power, degree, and heavy explosion! Kung Fu shines again in science fiction films!

Roger and Albert of "Chicago Sun" couldn't help but raised two thumbs, what a perfect sweeping action scene! This is! Beautiful action sequence, beautiful tough girl! Previously, he rated "Kung Fu" as "a party like Judge-Chen and Buster-Keton (a gathering of the famous cold-faced jokester with Quentin-Tarrentino and Benny Rabbit ...", now all are magical Yang ... At this time, Riva finally stretched out the rope again, and the two hands shrank the thick rope in an instant. Roger-Albert and the surrounding audience exclaimed: "Oh ho!"

"Ahhhh!" The free-handed Riva was even more fierce immediately, and under the fast-paced passionate soundtrack, all the rounds of the heroes had almost been cleaned up. She jumped into a row of glove boxes and stepped on it. After leaping down, leaning over with fists and knocking down a front cheer ~ ~ she shouted violently: "Drink ho--" At the same time, she turned sharply and shoved her legs. Sexy, the audience felt soaring power, soaring adrenaline!

Punk! The skirt of the dress lifted up elegantly, Riva's left foot pivoted and the right foot lifted up, the slender leg fell down with strength, and the foot in short boots fell heavily on the half-height box of soil. Muffled! Under the close-up lens, the wooden box collapsed from the beginning to the bottom and was torn apart. The black cargo bombs loaded inside strewn around the floor, and Riva shouted again "drinking". His face was cold and his eyes were murderous, his right leg was just standing , The left leg lifted up and kicked into the shocked Duluo hiding behind the box!

Linked legs! She kicked heavily in the chest and belly of the trousers, forming a "ten" gesture with the ground, almost picking up the trousers! The big guy screamed "Ah" screaming and flew down, Reva's eyes slowly moved, and there was no longer a gangster standing in the entire warehouse.

"Hoo ..." Mar froze the muzzle of the hand reel gun that didn't fire at all. Just as they were speechless, Riva said a little nervously, "They want to kill us."

"Wow!" The audience of the 3845 theaters exclaimed and praised all the bass. The fierce and domineering Riva alone is worth watching "Firefly", the most beautiful scenery this summer! so amazing!