Although the different world is twice the gravity.

But obviously, the energy intensity in the air here is not comparable to that of the earth.

Around is a vast world.

Not far away, there are a large number of towering trees.

The mountains in the distance are beyond reach.

Even the weeds on the ground are much coarser than those on the earth.

In this different world, I feel as if I have become small.

"Well, this time there are other tasks besides guarding the space crack."

Linluo looked at the crowd and said.

Other tasks?

When they heard Linluo's words, they also looked puzzled.

All eyes are on Linluo.

At this time, Linluo began to take out a series of things from her backpack.

"This is a load-bearing wrist guard, a load-bearing ankle, and a load-bearing vest."

Although these things look very soft, they are very heavy.

At this time, with Linluo thrown on the ground, there was a dull sound.

"One for each, which I paid a lot of money for."

Linlo looked at the crowd and said.


At this time, Zhang Jianren took the lead in picking up these equipment and preparing to wear them.

But when he just reached for it, he obviously felt that the equipment was very heavy!


"So heavy..."

Zhang Jianren struggled to pick up the vest.

The rest looked at the scene with a look of surprise in their eyes.

The vest doesn't look thick and it's soft.

Is it really going to be that heavy?

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that the wrist guard and the ankle guard weigh 50 Jin each, and the vest weighs 150 Jin. They are all made of special materials obtained from different dimensions. They can be bent and have good mobility."

Linluo said in a faint voice.

At the beginning, I started training in shanhaicheng like this.

"But it's really heavy..."

At this time, Zhang Jianren put on the heavy vest with great difficulty.

Just after wearing the vest, Zhang Jianren was a little out of breath.

It's too heavy.

Under the influence of gravity, the weight-bearing vest of 150 Jin has become a load of 300 Jin.

It's too heavy

"come on, and the wristbands and ankles!"

Linluo snapped.

At this time, everyone began to wear the weight-bearing equipment quickly.

They were all lying on the ground panting.

Just wearing them makes them tired to death.

"Well, get used to it today and start tomorrow. It's training."

Linluo said as she looked not far away.

Under Linluo's strong perception, Linluo clearly felt that there should be a beast nearby.

"Xiaohei, let's go."

At this time, Linluo assembled the painting halberd of Fangtian, then rode on the bone dragon, and rushed straight to the front!

Just after entering this strange world, he jumped from Linluo's shoulder to the little black playing around, and soon jumped to Linluo's body.

As linlo rushes forward.

"So fast."

"Minister, it's really strong..."

Zhang Jianren and others half sat up at this time.

At this time, they all looked at linlo who was flying out.

Looking at Linluo riding the bone dragon, they rushed to the distance at a very fast speed, and their eyes were full of worship.

[worship from Zhang Jianren, score + 200]

[worship from Deng Qingsong, score + 200]

[from ]


Linlo had already rushed to the front by this time.

Roar -

when I just rushed there, I heard a huge roar.

A huge figure of a strange beast appeared behind several monsters on the front side.

Second level beast, red armor fierce elephant!

Looking at this scene, Linluo's mouth is curved.

Finally we found the beast.

The beast is like an elephant, but its body is covered with a layer of red armor.

At this time, it made a loud roar, and wanted to use the sharp ivory to attack Linluo!

Looking at this scene, Linluo immediately showed a smile in his eyes.

At the moment when he rushed over, Lin Luodan, holding the painting halberd of the sky, rushed straight ahead.In the moment when the red armor rushed over, the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand directly split it out of date!

Rumble -

with a loud sound, the head of the red armor fierce elephant was directly split in two by Fang Tianhua halberd in Linluo's hand!

A lot of blue blood splashed out with the brain.

Some of the monsters in the back seemed to feel the terror power emanating from Linluo's body, and they all fled at this time.

Yeah? Are you all gone.

When Linluo saw this scene, there was a look of surprise in her eyes.

These monsters are smart.

Linluo took the body of the huge beast and went back to the crevasse.

"The minister is back!"

Zhang Jianren and other people get used to it at this time, and feel that they can stand up normally.

And at this time, their eyes can clearly see Linluo riding back on the bone dragon.

He is also carrying a huge and incomparable beast!

"What a big beast."

They look at this scene, their eyes are full of shock.

This beast, at least ten tons.

Unexpectedly, Linluo used her body to lift her up and ran back here.

[super shock from Zhang Jianren, score + 100]

[super shock from Deng Bo, score + 100]

[from ]


Rumble -

when Lin Xiu was close to them, he directly gave the red armored elephant to the ground.

All of a sudden the whole ground vibrated and made a huge noise.

"It's too heavy..."

Zhang Jianren and others were shocked when they heard the huge vibration.

"For the time being, there is no mission. We need to get used to this set of weight-bearing equipment."

"For lunch, and for dinner, eat the beast."

Linluo put it away, and then began to take out the pots and pans from another bag he had brought in.

These things, linlo has been ready for a long time.

"Cut the meat."

Linlo looked at them and said.

When they heard linlo's words, they quickly responded.

At this time, weapons began to cut meat on the carcass of the beast.

"First peel the outer armor, then cut it."

Linlo looked at their clumsy movements and said.

The meat of different animals is more nourishing, and the body of different animals is full of source power. After eating, it can provide a lot of power.

At noon, I roasted some exotic meat, and brought some soup.

Zhang Jianren and others are eating with relish.

Linlo looked at the way they enjoyed it and smiled.

Today is fun, but tomorrow will be hell training.

Minister's smile, a little scary

Some of the students saw Linluo's smile, and suddenly their bodies trembled.