Chapter 296: Akatsuki Moves - Target: Daichi Hekima

Chapter 296: Akatsuki Moves - Target: Daichi Hekima

In an unknown location Orochimaru was leaning against the wall watching Shizune desperately try to stabilize her teacher with a malicious grin.

'Just as I thought. Her vital reaction is much better than all of my previous test subjects. But this is still a delicate moment. Things could go wrong at any moment. But if I can succeed, I'll be that much closer to achieving my ambition.'

As he watched the young medic work he noticed a paper with a seal on the nearby wall suddenly burn to ssh. The Snake Sannin's grin slightly widened as he saw the paper go up in flames.'So they found the body huh. They must have gotten the information from Mizuki somehow. Well, it won't matter.'

Orochimaru's mind went to the last time met with Ko Yamanaka.


Knock! Knock!

Orochimaru only had to wait a couple seconds before the door opened. He saw the surprise on Ko's face and couldn't help but grin.

"Lord Orochimaru. Please come inside. I just finished the task you assigned me."

"Kukuku... Hello Ko. I take it that everything went well."

"Yes Lord Orochimaru. Mizuki just left a few minutes ago. I did just as you asked and got the payment right here."

Orochimaru could see that the blonde ninja was nervous and trying to hide that fact.

"Good. I knew I could count on you. There is one more thing I need you to do."

"Whatever you need my Lord." Ko replied and gave a small bow. Orochimaru's grin widened as he looked at the man.

The Grass Sword suddenly appeared from Orochimaru's sleeve. The Sannin grabbed it and slashed at Ko with murderous intent. "Die for me."

The Yamanaka ninja quickly reacted and was able to avoid the killing strike but he was still wounded. There was a deep slash across his chest.

Orochimaru smiled as he saw that. "Very good Ko. You wouldn't have been able to avoid that strike if you weren't vigilant against me... And if I wasn't toying with you... Hihi..."

Ko was grim as he looked at his opponent. He knew just how dangerous the man in front of him was. "Wh-why? I have served loyally..."

Hearing that excuse Orochimaru's expression changed into one of mock disappointment. "Why do you lie to me Ko? Hihihi..."

The Yamanaka ninja was silent and was thinking of ways to escape.'He knows. Damn it. But I was so sure that I wasn't followed...'

The smile on the snake Sannin's face vanished and Ko began to feel his killing intent.

"I followed you to your meeting with the Leaf Anbu. I saw that Anbu forcing your hand. I know you're spying on me under threat from the Hokage. I could have killed both of you then and there but... Well, I had a better idea."

Ko immediately knew what Orochimaru did. "You want to use me to feed them false intelligence."

"Yes. That was the original plan. I know you were keeping an eye on my shipments and their routes. I thought about using you to send them on a wild goose chase but I've changed my mind."

Before Ko could use any seals to and try to escape, Orochimaru vanished from his position and Ko was stabbed through the heart from behind.

"It's better if they had no intel at all." The cruel Sannin whispered in Ko's ear. He sensed the man's vitals drop and in seconds the spy was dead and on the ground.

Orochimaru looked at the dead man bleeding on the floor with no outward reaction.'My plans can't have any wrinkles. I need to make sure all the variables are in my favor.'

He quickly sealed the body in a scroll and left the cabin after setting up the trap.

Flashback End.

'No loose ends.'Orochimaru thought as he looked at Shizune and the unconscious Tsunade.'Hmm... I wonder who triggered my trap?'



Daichi, Anko and Genma watched the explosion from behind a tree several meters away from the blast.

"That's a big explosion. I guess he really did lay a trap for whoever came here." Genma said with a raised eyebrow as he saw the fiery smoke rising into the sky.

"Shadow clones for the win." Anko said with a whistle.

The three ninjas got the memories of their clones and couldn't help but sigh. "So much for collecting evidence and clues." Genma spoke as he looked at the destroyed cabin.

"We do know a few things." Daichi suddenly spoke and the two Jonin turned their attention to him.

"I saw the wounds on that man's body. A slash wound across the chest from a sword and a stab wound to the heart. And he died about a week ago." Daichi looked at the destroyed cabin and then turned his attention to the inventory list infront of him.

In it the latest item was the hand of Ko Yamanaka.'This will definitely come in handy.'

"Orochimaru is being too careful. Something tells me we won't have any luck following our other leads." Anko spoke as she looked at the burning cabin with a dark frown.

Daichi's eyes narrowed as he looked at the inferno.'I can't waste anymore time. This is the best opportunity. Time to put my plans into action.'New n0vel chapters are published on

"I'm going to expand my search. We can't give up." Daichi spoke while making the seal for the Shadow clone jutsu.

5 solid clones popped up in a large puff of smoke. Under the cover of the smoke and in just a split second the real Daichi gave two of his clones a scroll. Of the 5 shadow clones created, two of them had very specific instructions.

With Daichi's two clones.

Itachi meanwhile was trying to figure out a way to inform the village of the information he was gathering here.'If anything happens to Tsunade it would make the other villages bolder and they would start to act. Things are bound to go out of control in such a scenario. They need to find her as quickly as possible before anything happens.'

"Has information about this incident spread to the other villages?" Itachi asked with a calm tone.

"No. Based on my observation, even amongst the Leaf village only a handful of people know the matter. Several high level Jonin who are investigating the attack, her student Daichi and the Hokage." Black Zetsu replied.

"Where do you think that snake hid them?" Deidara asked.

"Attacking one of the Sannin and a member of the Senju clan is bound to bring Orochimaru trouble. But abducting them. If it were me I wouldn't even stay in the country for a while... But then again I might... just to see who would come after me..." Kisame said with a blood thirsty grin.

"Any information on Orochimaru's movements?" Itachi asked with a nonchalant tone.

Black Zetsu was silent as he heard Itachi's question. He knew the man was a spy.'Obito didn't say to keep the information hidden. So he must have a way to stop Itachi from contacting the village.'

"I was able to analyze his travel patterns for the last several months and I might have something. There is a chance he's in the Earth country." Black Zetsu replied after careful consideration.

"I don't think he could be in the Stone village. That damn old Tsuchikage wouldn't trust Orochimaru one bit and he wouldn't give him any assistance or hide that snake in his village." Deidara quickly shook his head and replied.

"I didn't say the Hidden stone village. I said he might be in the Earth country. And you're right Deidara. Based on my intel, Orochimaru didn't go to the village. He met with someone in the Stone Royal court. But I don't know any more. He managed to keep things hidden even from me."

Deidara nodded in understanding. "Ohh that makes more sense. Oh man. That old man is not gonna be happy if anything happens." He chuckled as he imagined Onoki's angry expression if he heard the news that Orochimaru and Tsunade were in his country.

"If the other villages find out about the situation in the village, they would definitely try to take advantage." Sasori knew that everyone would be looking to tear a piece of the Fire country if they showed any signs of weaknesses.

"Yes. That's why we'll need to monitor the situation closely. And if the opportunity arises then we can take advantage as well." Pain replied.

"What about Tsunade's student?" Kakuzu suddenly inquired.

"Shizune? She was also taken. Whereabouts unknown." Zetsu replied.

"No. Not her. I'm talking about Daichi Hekima." Kakuzu had a grin as he asked this question.

"Hey Kakuzu. You going after that kid?" Hidan asked his partner.

"I'm considering it."

"Based on my information, he left the village this morning with Jonins Anko and Genma."

"What are you think of, Kakuzu?" Pain asked the man.

"Based on what we know, that kid is quite the medic ninja. He could be a valuable bargaining chip for us. Maybe even hold him for a nice ransom."

Pain was thoughtful as he heard that.'If he could heal my legs then I'll be that much stronger.'

"The Leaf village is on high alert. All movements throughout the country are being monitored." Black Zetsu replied.

"Where is Daichi now?" Pain suddenly asked Zetsu.

"Hmm. If I'm right, his team should be near the capital. Are you planning on going after that kid Pain?"

The leader of the Akatsuki organization nodded. He turned his attention to the Zombie brothers. "Kakuzu, Hidan. Your tasks have changed. Track Daichi Hekima and subdue him. Then bring him to me."

"Alright. Let's go kill some Leaf villagers." Hidan's excitement was visible to everyone.

"No. You should only go after Daichi if he's alone or if there is only minimum protection. You're not allowed to attack the Leaf village or cause too much chaos in the Fire country. Our organization still needs to maintain anonymity." Pain gave the order.

"What about the rest of us?" Kisame asked while Itachi remained silent.

"You'll complete the current tasks and wait for further instructions. Depending on how this situation develops, we might have to take action."


"That is all." With that Pain's figure disappeared from the cave and then everyone else left as well.


Somewhere in the Land of Snow.

Itachi opened his eyes and slowly stood from his spot. He began to make his way towards the nearby woods while his partner stood and stretched his arms. Itachi only took a couple of steps before he saw a masked figure hidden in the shadows of the woods.

'Madara. He's making it obvious that he's watching me. It seems I won't be able to send any help to the village...'

"What is it, Itachi?" Kisame came up from behind and asked.

"It's nothing. Let's go." Itachi gave a short reply and started moving in another direction.


Author's Note.

The Zombie brothers are after Daichi and they know where he is... what will happen. Some explosive action... a battle is coming in the next chapter.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen(No space)