231 Episode 45: The Bad Hobby Prince

"It's a contract for the transfer of Sagami Chamber of Commerce rights. Sign it!

Words that were guided to the large hall in vain and conveyed in standing and condition were what I expected.

"It's ridiculous. Where is my duty to do that?

"You have served the inhabitants of my land as slaves. That is unacceptable in the end. It's useless to refuse. I'll ask the central justice department to transfer my rights as damages."

Totally good for Lord Curros. How can these morons of the Gateway nobility be one pattern?

"I know that's how you've brought in justice and smoked delicious juice before, but that's no longer a dream to come true,"

"What does that mean?

"Beginning with the Attorney General, you rulers of the Gateway aristocracy have been dismissed one after another. There are no more judges in the center who will join your lawlessness."

Count Novar initially laughed spirally, but the Count frowns at my spare time.

"Is that the truth?

Truth, of course. In that Imperial District II - Civalier, the fact of adhesion between the Gateway nobility and the bandit group Laguna became decisive. And at the same time, the adhesion of the Gateway nobles and the Ministry of Justice.

Currently, the Secretary of the Interior is taking the lead, accelerating the dismissal of corrupt and sinful judges and the replacement of generations by young and competent judges, including Justice Luca.

"Anyway, I can't believe what I'm saying. You can try and claim damages and do it.

If your claim is false, my chamber of commerce is going to claim $500 billion for damages for your illegal activities. "

"Five hundred billion?

Count Novar, who speaks with a feverish voice. The vicinity of the Count all over the room is also looking at each other. I guess I'm not getting a pin right now for being too huge.

"Of course not? You tried to take away all your wealth by presenting false facts from me. So I'm going to take it from you, too. Everything from you."

I stand up in my seat and make a smile as I reach the end of Count Novar's eyes and nose.


Make a small scream and avoid sight from me instantly. Not at all, you rude bastard.

"With every year you chase, the master's smile, you're getting vicious. Now the devil turns around and runs away."

I'm going to make a claim that Mura won't.

"Such a cliché, who would believe it!"

"Believe it. Come on. At any rate, there are many witnesses. For example, with His Highness Olivia, who had been treated together. Ah, yes, she is greatly angry that you, the lord, have abandoned the people and fled, even as she finds out you are colored. We'll make it a problem when we get back to Imperial City."

After all, I thought I would give Olivia's name and be a werewolf, but in a blink of an eye it would be an extra look.

"His Royal Highness Olivia is the one who will be Prince Franco's regular room. And my daughter's going into Prince Franco's side room, too. This means that I will be in kinship with the royalty of the kingdom of Bitsley.

And Prince Franco tells me that your transcendence will be a problem. If His Highness Franco's claims are ignored, relations with the kingdom of Bitsley will deteriorate significantly. What does the imperial government want such an end, such as to piss off the kingdom of Bitsray, to protect one busy kid "


Hmm, I see. Are these guys still in such a sweet fantasy world?

Sure, that theory would have applied to the Empire a few years ago. But the imperial government has already decided to be ready to dong patsy with the world. The kingdom of Bitsray? The three mighty nations don't have to know, and they can't even look at the complexion of small and medium-sized countries right now.

No, then why did the Imperial government turn me over to this land? If I were to visit Count Novar's territory, which is where the dog monkeys belong, I would have predicted so much that this would happen. So this is...

"That's why. This is not a bad story. Give me the Sagami Chamber of Commerce? That would have been this territory, and I would have watered all your foolishness."

You must have mistaken me for thinking about it and being silent that I was being thrashed by despair. Standing in a good mood, he peeks into my face and suggests so.

"Um, do you see the prince?

I want to question Prince Franco's will. This fool may not have thought of it, but if he's going to speak up to troubles within the Empire, it's internal affairs interference. It is not acceptable at all. Because the elimination should be finalised at that point, at least from the Georges.

"The prince..."

Count Novar glances at one corner of the room for just a moment, frowning. There was a man there, bent and with a broken jaw in two. That guy is definitely the guy who was kicking the basio. Intense chills run through its delightful and warped face.

"Where's the prince!? I want to see him right away! Bring him here!

"Calling Prince Franco and all that disrespect! It's gonna be an international problem!!"

When you rigidly hoist your eyes and grab Count Novar's chest barn,

"Fine, I'll bring him in. That's what I'm saying!!"

Lift high. At the same time Count Novar's men draw their swords and point their swordtips at me.

(Master Gray, how are you doing?

A spy whispers in my ear as he disappears.

(Still waiting)

It's just that I give instructions and I stare at him.

"Oh, hey, Lord Grey, what the hell?

Chobi mustache clerk to my sudden transformation, Arnold asks hesitantly.

"These guys probably dyed their hands at what they shouldn't do best as rulers"

Of course, it would be if my worst predictions had been met.

Just then, when Prince Franco, a golden-haired good man, enters the room in a cheerful manner, he frowns uncomfortably.

"Come on, what the hell is a lowlife doing to me that would make me my father-in-law?

"You, whose blood is on that fist?

"Uh, I found out"

Prince Franco peppers his tongue out that he's done. Fucking scumbag. This guy offended my biggest contraindication.

"No way......"

Arnold, looking at Prince Franco and Count Novar with a bright blue face,

"Count Noval, I'd like to ask you something. Did you sell our people?

I was trembling, but I ask in a strong tone that doesn't make me say yes or no.

"Arnold, my lord, to me..."

"Fine, let me know!!"

Arnold sounds golden. Soldiers lowering the sword that was pointing at me for Arnold's nasty demeanor.

"What are you doing! Get rid of this disrespectful thing!

When Count Novar's men reign their swords in sheaths without obeying that order,

"That's right! Kill him! My orders!

Nor do the knights of Prince Fool's men make it slight just to look at each other.

"When you return to your home country..."

"Now I'm asking Count Novartis! Just shut the fuck up for a second!

Arnold spits words of restraint at the stupid prince in the shape of a demon.

"I know..."

I am the Count of Novartis. Tighten your chest.

"Spit out."

I smile and force myself to confess. Count Novar tries to draw his cheeks and ask his men for help, but he throats at the too cold gaze directed at him.

"Hih, the favelas brought in the colors! We should kill them, and that's what we've been doing in our territory all along. This guy used the people of that territory on his own."

"That's not it. You grabbed a kid from the Glades, didn't you? Jesus or no. Answer me. Isn't that easy?

Tighten the chest barn even more slowly.

"In the Empire, the territory's inhabitants are the property of their lords. Especially my freedom to live and kill such filthy and vile slum scum. Just let me make the most of that a little bit!

"How dare you..."

Arnold shudders into small pieces when he pokes his knees and puts both hands on his face. That would be the case, too. These past few weeks have been struggling desperately with me to save that life. I would be desperate if they took that away so lightly.

When I throw Count Novar away, I approach Prince Franco.

"Guide me to the child you toyed with."

"I don't like it. Why would I..."

Grabbing the hair of a noisy, whimpering fool prince, he slaps it on the floor.

What the fuck? I, HELP - Grrr!! "

Beat him again and again until he grows up.

The knights of the Fool Prince try to stop me, but they are surrounded by the men of Count Novar.

All the faces of the counts' men, including their proximity, are distorted as ghosts. Apparently, not everything in this territory is rotten. Well, that's why I can't save you.

"Look, just say it again. Answer me. Answer me and I'll break your bones one by one."

"Wow, okay, don't do it badly!

"The crumbs!

I twist and break his left arm.


"Okay. Don't call me. Show me right away. As long as the child is satisfied with five bodies, I will save his life. If not, you know what I mean?

After a few flat-handed hits, he nodded again and again, and the idiot prince ran out.