208 Episode 23: Meaningless Thoughts

In a different atmosphere that didn't cheer one up, there was nothing else in everyone's life just to rush over to the students but the consciousness was being pruned.

After exerting healing magic on everyone along with Sieg, transport everyone in the fainting class G to the infirmary.

Is this the end as expected in a way? Satella is an awakener. Even after Jill's death, Satella was unstable. I knew enough that electing her as a representative member would result in such an irrational outcome.

"You rascal! I knew it!!"

From earlier on, Sieg is furious in a state like rushing through angry hair heaven.

Easy, easy, easy.

Encourage Sieg to chill his boiling head as he raises his thick blue muscles on his forehead and shouts out loud,

"Ugh! The Horus have ruined the blood and sweat seeping efforts of their children!? Plus, probably for adult selfish reasons!!"

They will point their gaze at you like they're going to shoot you.

"Even so, it was Satella's will, the same student, who ended the game. I guess what we disagree with is the difference."


"Besides, it is now a prerequisite to move to give a legitimate assessment of the outcome of this match. Didn't I?"

"I get it!!"

Often Sieg groaned, but lowered to his chair, closing his eyelids with his arms together.

Now, Mia is expelled if she stays put than the G-Class couldn't win. Yeah, I said, but I agree with Sieg. Our intestines are boiling back to those who trample on the efforts of our students at the convenience of our adults. Honestly, I don't have the confidence to stay calm in front of Silfi or Caesar right now.

(No, I don't mean people either...)

I had also ignored Satella's will and forced her to live as a student in this college.

Weakness of Satella, which has been particularly exposed recently. It was self-evident that one reason for this was the strength of my dependence on me. That's why I wanted you to enjoy life with the students of your generation and grow up to have a relationship like the G-Class we have today.

I feel like I'm doing something harsh against her. First, she's only a fifteen-year-old. To her I am equal to just one flesh parent. I don't need to dare point out how hurtful she is, such as forcibly pulling away from me.

But I can't stay beside her that long either. After all, I'm worried about her. In this world where I'm gone, I wonder if she can walk with hope.

People shouldn't live alone. Because that's supposed to be something you're dyeing and realizing at this age.

(Damn it! It's this thought again)

I have been frequently and unconsciously caught up in this unintelligible thought of hand lately.

I'm leaving this world? Does that mean you're gonna die? I'm sorry, but I'm not a prophet, and fatalism and shit. You must be paranoid.

Fine. Now, Mia and the others, we have to get the G-Class rating back to its original form.

My prediction is that it's time for them to move.

Multiple footprints approaching this one. Bingo, apparently.

The door opens rampantly and the mushroom-headed professor - Massie Moore shows up with a rough nose.

From behind Mash, a man and a woman enter the room, thinking of the execution department of the exam.

"Mash, what are you imitating?

Quietly asks Zeke when he turns his gripping face to the mash, which he has never even seen. Apparently, Sieg's guy, you're getting plenty clean on the toe.

"Cirabe Inés Navarro, evidence has been submitted that you have worked wrongfully in the Unified Discipline Examination of the Knights College of Magic. Show up at the professorship immediately. If you resist..."

When Mash raises his right hand, the executive will simultaneously point each weapon at me.

Half of the executive branch has a thin laugh, but the other half had a bright blue face like a dead man.

"Don't worry, you won't get violent. I'm interested in your theoretical composition."

I control Sieg with my right hand, who says something, and I give both wrists to a nearby woman's executive branch when I lift my hips from my seat.

"Also, I'm sorry. Professor Syllabe!"

She wore special magic restraints on both my wrists, even though she was so frightened to pity me.

"Shall we go then? Sieg."

"Have fun! He's totally uncomfortable!

Raising a poisonous sharp voice, Sieg also takes his seat and pushes the enforcement away from the room.

Okay, well, it's getting interesting. Now we can improve their quality as villains. If, as a villain, it were to come true in my eyes, I would officially admit it to you as my enemy.

But assuming you're not even a villain, when you're just a scumbag...