198 Episode 13: Practical Exam Team Match Combination Table

I'm in the middle of a disciplinary exam right now. Sieg approached me as I waited in a professor's chamber like a needle.

"Do you even care?

They ask me what is absolutely natural.

"That's right."

I've been their teacher for over six months. It can't be bothering you.

But those guys left my hand. Yes, you've already graduated from me. In the first place, teachers can do it until, at best, they point to the student's path. All we have to do is move on with the students' own feet. Besides, I already taught you how to learn. And then they grow up on their own.

"I'm a student of the Lord. I'm very interested in the finishing touches, but what about there?

It is obvious from Siege's impending state that if the children fail, it will be very difficult. Apparently, a country called Empire is seriously motivated by me and Don.

When I tried to open my mouth...

"Hmm! Now I see your unpleasant face!

An old man with gray hair in armor blocked my words and shouted up in his ear. Was this grandfather indeed the head teacher of this college? This grandfather keeps yelling at me like this when I look at him.

I can't help but deal with all the objects in this hand. Only appropriately.

"That's good to hear. Congratulations."

When I smile with Nicole and state my congratulations, my neighbor Sieg shakes his neck wide, left and right while covering his face with his right palm. In contrast, the teacher's face stained bright red like a neglected boiled animal. Bad, apparently it was a mine.

"Oh, my God, that's so graceful!! You have a feeling of respect for the one above you -"

Spitting and curling like a machine gun. When a dark-haired man with eyes as thin as a line breaks in forcefully from the side of his head,

"Teacher, it's time to post a combined table of practice exams. The game will be attended by His Majesty the Emperor, the heavy ministers, starting with the royal family, plus His Majesty the Emperor. To boil down the fine schedule, the professor in the chief class is asked to wait in a separate room. May I?

Pass the big letter to the head teacher and whisper in his ear.

"Uhm. Okay."

Sieg sighs heavily at the head of the faculty, who takes his offering with his Ebisu face and exits the professorship room, a turn away from his earlier angry form.

"Ayamatsu, when I heard His Majesty was coming to watch the game, I floated."

"Was that where you were floating?

Don't be stunned in a way.

"Yeah, I'm sure he's usually yelling at you with that 30% increase."

A dark-haired man with thin eyes - Oscar clasps his neck and says so.

"I don't care about that fool or anything. Oscar, what are the results of the Combination Table?

He gives instructions to Oscar even as Zeke makes his right hand hang out as if he were going to shake it off with a fly.

"Yes, this is it"

Oscar takes the parchment out of his bag and gives it to us.

I opened the parchment and began to look through the contents.

"A joint match with an advanced grader? Bullshit!!"

While Sieg raised his thick blue muscle in Cricket Valley, he slammed the combination table to the ground.

"You don't have to be angry. Hands of this magnitude are within the limits of the original assumptions. rather convenient"

This college has classes C to A and a new S class this year. He then advanced three times at the college and graduated with a fourth-grade graduation exam at the end of the year.

Advancement is quite elusive, and many have been in school for several years, like Cliff, but have stopped in second grade.

This combination is a so-called total win by league games.

And there are three key combinations:

First League - Class S, Class C first rev, Class B first rev, Class A first rev.

Second League - Class C Regeneration, Class B Regeneration, Class A Regeneration.

Third League - Class G, Class C third regeneration, Class B third regeneration, Class A third regeneration.

The winner of the league, three teams, will play the final league and decide between first and third place.

"But this combination is not good for boulders!

"No, what are you talking about? League game. Inside, isn't it great!

Instead, it was the worst for Class G to be made into a tournament format and hit with Class S in the first round.

Honestly, only class S led by Caesar and Silfi will be able to compete with this G-class. That's self-evident reason from the edge. Well, the Memorial Satella will come off the delegate members on the boulder, but they must be working out pretty well.

My students would definitely score high on the individual exams first. Fear was this team fight from the edge.

"Yikes, your lord has no idea! Magic Instruction College is difficult to comprehend in itself. The representatives of the third regeneration, even in class C, are much stronger than in class A of the second regeneration. In just six months, you won't even be the other guy!

This Zeke statement is a little uncomfortable.

"Sieg, maybe you haven't seen the strength of S-class at the moment, with its eyes?

"Hmm! Non formally lends his name only to that class too much. Actually, Horus and Liott are in charge."

Again? But will the name of Secretary Horus appear here? That Jen is unusual. It comes across the line as a person in an extremely rational way. Silfi and Caesar are added there. I don't even want to see how enhanced S-Class is anymore. So, after all, this combination is not surprising.

"Right. Because, all the more so. Unless a filthy adult gives a lousy little bite for a reason, it doesn't get any worse."

The students will also be able to devour quite a bit to the top. At least it won't fail.

The end of the test bell rings. Are you done? My students would have scored a pass, and the team game is going to score tough. Probably all right now.

"Dirty adult... when I hear that word from your mouth, it's strangely convincing."

"Hey, what does that mean -"

"Yay, it's tough!!"

Professor Tori Hat - Rebecca jumped in to roll.

"What's the matter?

to Sieg, who dives into his eyebrows and asks,

"After the exam, Cliff Millard beat up the examiner ah!!"


That's the last thing I said.