195 Lesson 10 Territorial Conference

Following reports from Drahachi that the students would not return, the search could also begin in a hurry to protect them safely at midnight. Apparently, he was searching for Criccarat without my permission.

To be honest, my liver got cold. It looks like we found a strange room at the bottom of the four levels, sucked into it and temporarily transferred to the 'Tower of Injustice'.

"The Tower of Untruth" is a vicious zone where I lose my life if I want to, even now. Compared to Criccarat this time, the demon appearance rate is low inside the Tower of Untruth, so it's like it helped.

Asking about the situation from the students does not give us any guidelines on how they have come about. Well, you must have felt pretty scared, and it's not impossible.

Anyway, it's just luck the students made it home safely. Exploring only the students of Criccarat is forbidden for the time being, and we shall definitely attach a guardian.

As for the business of the Maguire family, Baihui worm (Hakuchiku cucumber) is also important, but has priority over that. Reform of agricultural land. The new business is only a story based on an increase in the productivity of the territory, and it's only natural.

Unlike the village of Toto, this Maguire family has plenty of room, and the farmers themselves are not packed with cutting feathers. Consequently, the persuasion broke a special exoskeleton, but he was finally convinced to give a speech to the mayor of the village of Toto and to the majestic farmer of Gilles' introduction.

We are now meeting with the ministers of the Maguire family and the heads of the villages and towns to discuss the future development of the territory.

"Hey, what's the point of making that sewer?

The girl with peachy hair raises her hand and asks questions with her sparkling eyes in the front row.

Her name is Yui Maguire. It's a woman in my cousin. He still felt on his skin that this status quo was a territorial crisis, and he wanted to participate in the meeting. She is a woman, but something that will carry this land in the future. You are well qualified to attend meetings. First of all, anachronisms such as women not joining management are also good places. I therefore accepted it in two replies.

"Fecal urine can be a hotbed for a variety of infectious diseases, starting with colic. If it's handled properly, it'll keep the incidence pretty low."

A cheer rises from among those present.

Initially they didn't listen seriously to my children either, half-heartedly, but they invited the trusted members of the Maguire family or representatives of the village and town heads to Camelot, the main city of Ladle, to live there for a few days, before making a difference. Since then, no one has doubted my words at meetings.

Corolli, by the way, is the name of cholera on Earth in this world.

"Hmm. Does it also matter that Camelot's toilet was clean?

"Yeah, in Camelot, the faeces collected from each household toilet are sent to a certain facility via a pipe called a sewage pipe running underground. Purified there, cleaned and then flushed to nearby rivers, etc."

Many residents still drink river water. You can't just let manure and other sewage flow straight into the river. So I use a motor to collect manure in one place through a sewer pipe, where it is washed by active sludge, sterilized, and then discharged into a nearby river.

All this is due in large part to the establishment of generator manufacturing and the successful development of motors that will be the power established in steam engines.

Most importantly, only two major cities, Camelot and Arcloy, are able to sewage even my territory, Ladle. Although it would still be a long way from being popular in this territory as well.

"So, then, so, you're saying that we might no longer have to deal with the filth in each home here, like Camelot did?

"Oh, I'll cover that. But that's for the time being. We will now experimentally aim to install only public facilities"

First, this Maguire family still doesn't have the capital to just camelot. I am a merchant. I don't care how much territory I have in me, I'm not going to do charity, and it's too much for me to give up capital. Besides, it doesn't make sense for me to go all the way.

"We would like to improve the original facility in Shirokane Village and proceed with research and development. Just insects, the yarn they produce can be ferocious in itself, and our Chamber of Commerce undertakes the construction and research guidelines for this facility, okay?

"I don't mind. I can't deal with that one on the other."

Dimer represents everyone and responds that way.

The fiercely poisonous Baihui worm (Hakuchiyu) must be rebuilt from the facility in order to be studied. It is not of such an easily successful nature.

Right. We should now push for agriculture and general commerce, where short-term revenues are expected.

"Let's start with the infrastructure installation."

I began to open my mouth to specific territorial development plans.

A fragrant and sweet smell stimulates the sense of smell as we return from the Maguire's Lordship, which we used as a meeting room, to the Maguire family mansion where we are currently sleeping.

When I first visited this mansion in about six months, I brought a special cake from the Sagami Chamber of Commerce, but my mother liked it so much that she wanted to remember it, she asked the confectioners belonging to the Chamber of Commerce to teach it.

Since then, the Mother has made it in her spare time. The reason for this is also very easy to understand.

Advice, three proud mascots of the Sagami Chamber of Commerce were still sitting down today behaving in each seat at the dining room table with a fork in one hand.

"Yes, Dra, let's eat"



"Yes Desi"

A glance at Drahachi, Sheena and Haku, who shake up the fork well, dares the three of them to cheek rub as Yui gleams and thrusts his face all the way.

"Cute! Really cute!

I dye my face in a trance, and drabees seem a little hard to eat on Yui, who rains kisses on its cheeks, but from what I don't reject, it may not even be full.

In this regard, I ordered Drahachi to escort me here, along with Hatch, in order to protect the Mother, but I neglected it, and I grabbed the hearts of the women in this mansion all the time and became very popular.

Most of all, it seems like a situation where the three of us go out to play during the day under the name of security and only sleep in this mansion, but the toddler is fine with that.

Mother, I'm going back to college.

"Be careful. Definitely show your face once a week."

Mother, when she rushes over to me, she hugs me and then gently strokes my head.

"Yeah. I promise."

Initially, His Highness Mother strongly opposed me leaving the land. I try to convince her that I have to go back because I go to college, but I insist strongly that my mother will also go.

It's not like I don't like living with my mother. If we just live together, I'm sure you'll soon realize I'm not just a student, and you'll be worried. Besides, my mother is not a liar. If I even met Cliff face to face, my identity would become an almost well-known fact. That doesn't taste good.

In the end, after speaking to His Highness Mother about her ability to transfer, she managed to convince me to stay in this mansion at least once a week.

"I'll come stay as long as I can."

There is also the management of this territory for the time being. As long as I'm not busy, I'm going to show my face once every three days.

In honor of Dimer and Baldo, I activated my transfer to Straheim's chamber.