193 Lesson 8: Exploring the dense forest

Perhaps not even a few minutes have passed. Open the lid, wake up and check the perimeter.

The floors, the walls, even the ceiling, Mia and the others had been thrown out into the gold-dyed room.

"Here... what?

"I don't know. But isn't it somewhere in Criccarat?

Pruitt gives his best thoughts when he jumps into momentum.

Each of the other fellows stood up to make sure his body was safe.

All safe. I feel like my shoulder stiffness has relaxed on that fact, and Mia exhales heavily.

"Um, this place, it's not even in the information on the guild."

Put your hand on your jaw and Eight speaks to himself.

"Looks like that's the way out!

At Teresa's fingertips was a large door with brilliant decorations.

"Looks like the only thing that looks like an exit is over there. If we stay here, it won't be clear. Let's move on."

"Even if we wait here, there's no guarantee that the rescue teams will come...? There seems to be no other way. I guess I agree."

Everyone nods to the opinions of Pruitt and Eight, the two top G-classes, and moves forward to the luxurious doors. And when Eight carefully touched the right palm to the door, he slid sideways, along with the sound of a zuzzling stone rubbing.


Everyone was breathing without words at the unusual sights that spread across the glass of vision.

"This is Criccarat... right?

Pruitt's squeezing trembling voice. That would be confusing. Because there were only dense forests where tall trees thrived, even looking over all directions, except for the doors that also existed in Potsung and Sur on the big trees behind them.

"It should be, but I might not be too sure"

That's how Teresa squeaks as she looks up at the bright sun gleaming slightly from the shadows of the trees.

"What do we do? Once, back?

To Mia's suggestion,

"Right. Let's go over it again. There may be another hidden door back in Criccarat."

"No objection"

"I guess I agree."

"Me ooh!

They all agreed.

I'm pretty sure the current situation is an emergency first thing.

Teacher Syllabe, how to deal with distress, part 1 - Classify distress according to the degree of urgency.

And in situations where there is no urgency, inappropriate behavior is strictly forbidden. The first step is to explore ways to unlock restlessness.

Now we should calmly investigate this strange space.

"In the end, the only way out is..."

I went back and surveyed every inch of that golden room, but the hidden room, the magic formation couldn't even discover one of the grates, scratches, or stains.

I feel a full wreck or, currently, I'm dropping my shoulders as if they've all been let down.

"There are two options you can take. Do you want to wait here for rescue? Or do we investigate the perimeter? any of this."

When Eight looks at Mia and the others gleefully, he asks for his opinion.

"I think I should investigate. There's a sun in the sky. There can't be a dungeon. It must have been transferred around the continent somewhere. If we get to the nearby villages and towns, we'll figure it out."

"I guess I agree with Pruitt, too. If that's like a trap, being here doesn't necessarily mean rescue is coming. No, even if the rescue comes, if that's a few months from now, we're gonna starve to death here. Then at least we should investigate while we can."

In all likelihood, Mia agrees with Pruitt and Cliff.

Outside this room, the dense forest zone. If this is in the dungeon, that sun will be just an illusion or a crop. But it really didn't seem to Mia that the real landscape was false.

That magic formation was on the upper fourth floor. You'll be discovered someday, but that's not necessarily within a few days. As Cliff said, there is no chance that it will happen in a few months.

Besides, assuming we can get food around here, we can't stay here for a month without starving to death. Because if they do, Mia and the others will be expelled from the School of Magic Instruction.

For Mia not long ago, school leaving meant my mother's death. I could never have been expelled. But my mother has already been saved. So another reason Mia is so obsessed with the School of Magic Instruction right now. That is - because I want to continue taking Dr. Syllabe's classes with these people.

That is selfish but as intense an aspiration as it was before. You can't be stuck in a place like this.


"I think Mia should investigate, too."

"Right. I agree with everyone."

Eight looked at Mia and the others,

"Looks like you got an answer. Let's explore. But it's no different that this room is a safety zone, and today I'm going to make it my only investigation around here. So what do you say?

I will present a policy of investigation.

"Oh, I have no objection."

On behalf of Pruitt answered, and Mia and the others lifted their hips and knocked at the door to that dense forest again.


Mia and the others proceed carefully, step by step, paying attention to their surroundings among the growing trees.

"I knew it! The terrain is changing!

Whilst Pruitt drifted thick wolves all over his face, he slammed his right back into the tree beside him.

"Pruitt, calm down. Even then, we just call in the demons."

to words urging Eight's restraint. Pruitt was leaning down temporarily and eating up his back teeth, but when he shook his neck a few times,

"Bad. A little disturbed"

I'm going to say some words of apology.

"Nothing's fine. Besides, do you still think we've been wrecked?

Eight looks over together and mouths the question that Mia and the others were most concerned about right now.

"The landmarks are missing, and it would be reasonable to think so."

"I'm sorry. Because of me..."

I squeal like that with a faint, fading voice that doesn't even seem like my usual pleasant Theresa.

"You know, we've been living together for almost six months already. We know best how little you are. within the scope of the assumption."

"Yes, now it is."

"Yeah, it is. Teresa can't help it."

to dissonant utterances from everyone, including Mia,

"Boo, what does that mean, no?

Theresa swells her cheeks and raises her voice of condemnation. Finally, I became like her. It doesn't look good when you're depressed by Teresa. She should always be happy and innocent.

"Anyway, I think we just have to move on. I hear you can get stuck like this within a special juncture, or maybe there's something hidden nearby."

"Right. I agree. Let's move on."

To Cliff's proposal, Pruitt nodded with a strange face.

"Well, let's go"

With Eight's words sealed off, Mia and the others resume their exploration beyond the woods.

When you walk about an hour on the ground between dim trees, it is in your sight that the light source is blurring ahead and illuminating the area.

"Looks like you're out of the woods."

Eight lifts only a few rugged eyebrows and forcefully declares them in his mouth.

I don't even think there's a village or town ahead of me, but still, it would have been a bit more than wandering this dim mountain path.

"I wonder if it's even a river up ahead. It's sweaty, it's disgusting."

"I don't know what it is. I have a few months' worth of water, and now I need to weigh myself in."

After the prute has taken the wooden water bottle from the magic bag and included it in the outlet, apply it to your head.

And now it's November. Originally, it's supposed to be chilly, but the enthusiasm is stuck in a small room in the middle of summer with no windows for a few hours.

The importance of water was taught so badly in the labyrinth exploration class that this time we had ensured enough water, but if we hadn't brought so much water, we might not have been able to move with dehydration long ago.

"I know, I know."

With his mouth pointing and water in his mouth, Teresa smiles bitterly but Eight points his fingertips at the light source.

"But we do have our limits, too. Let's take a break over there."


"I agree!

Surely Mia was physically limited, too. For once, I want to take a break.

"Don't just lose your mind!

"Oh, you too."

Cliff also nodded loudly at Pruitt's jaws, and Mia and the others proceeded to walk towards the light source.

through the dense forest, the retina recognized the nasty sight,

"Is it a lake?

I squeeze that word out of my mouth somehow.

Naturally, as far as I could see in front of me, the water was stained bright red like blood.

Eight licks a lick of water,

"No, this is the sea. I think it's a red tide. I've never seen it before, so I'm not too sure."

Yes, I assured myself.

"Ugh, sea!? This is it!?"

When Pruitt raised his bare voice, clasped it in his hand and included it in his mouth.


I spit it out on the ground.

"It'll be a few minutes more than in the woods, and we'll stay here for the night"

With a bitter smile on Pruitt, Eight took the tent out of the magic bag and started assembling it, so Mia and the others got to work to help with it.

The sun is setting and we're having a little early dinner now.

"I wonder where this place is?

Even as he looks at the surface of the water that is quiet as death, Pruitt speaks bossy and questionable.

"You have no idea. One thing I can tell is that it's quite far from Straheim."

"We can go home...?

Theresa squeaks small, dyeing her face into a thick color of anxiety rather than appearance.

"It's okay, I can go home!

Holding both hands of Teresa, who trembles small, Mia declares forcefully.


Recently, Teresa started showing different faces in front of Mia and the others from time to time. Her worried expression, which gave a rare glimpse, was so beautiful and luscious even in same-sex mia.

The reason she changed would be the matchmaker in the example. I've been consulted several times with my name and my identity down, but even though I was worried about all that, I'd stop talking about it at all for a time at the border as if I'd blown it off.

Might be a good opportunity. Let's ask Teresa what happened to that thing.

"Teresa, you know..."

Mia nearly opened her mouth. At that time...

(Get ready to evacuate)

When Pruitt extinguishes the fire, he gazes at a point on the vast surface of the water but whispers, grabbing his own spear and standing up.

When Mia and the others lifted their hips from the chair in front of the tent, they set up their weapons.

There were countless little creatures on the water at the end of Pruitt's gaze.

"Just take the magic bag and run away to Morinai once!!"

"Right. We should."

Eight also nodded, setting up his favorite magic sword but retreating a few steps later,

"Oh, that..."

He was watching the woods while Teresa rounded her back as if she were scared of something. Naturally Mia's neck heads into the woods...


I manage to push the scream back into my throat.

There were countless bright red eyes in the woods staring at Mia and the others.

"That's not good. Perfectly surrounded."

A number that is not the norm of the glance of the red light in darkness. Ten is better than ten.

It would be too, too optimistic to expect all these demons to be miscellaneous fish.

And a few two-handed, two-legged fish showing themselves from the water.

"Heh, get down!!"

In Pruitt's reversing voice and confession, Mia and the others hold their heads together and bow down to the ground.

A fishy figure with both hands and legs is distorted, and something passes along with a tremendous wind-cut sound over the skies just about a minute above the heads of the Mias. And the roar of the beast, which contained plenty of anger from among the tree seas, wooded the spirit.

In a moment, a tornado arises that runs a radius of four or five meters from the sea of trees, and the great trees rise high in the sky and become shattered fragments, falling to the ground.

The landscape of the tree sea, illuminated by the moonlight, was further enlarged in concentric circles, at the centre of which several wolves, ranging from 4 to 5 m, roared and threatened towards the crimson sea.

And hundreds of two-handed, two-legged fish filling the beaches of the Red Sea.

The fish moddlers mesh their sharp teeth with each other.

In the roar of the beast and the great chorus of joining the fangs of the fish, the two creatures were no longer in sight and confronted, such as Mia and the others.

(Jeez, I'm not kidding!

Pluto's sweeping voice, which leans next to him, shivers his eardrum.

At the same time, more than hundreds of fish moddles jump simultaneously from the surface of the water, filling a cup of night sky.

The big wolves are opening their mouths to the big army of fish modoki...


At this time, something elongated seemed to have popped out of the far water.


Something big black, swallowing all those fish moddlers who were filling the night sky, lands on the ground at the end of Mia's eyes and nose, looking down with gnaws and a round eyeball.


Perhaps this is instinctive as an organism when it precedes a life crisis. Mia truly honestly understands Ston just because her gaze fits with those emotional eyeballs. A deep, hopelessly deep ditch that cannot be filled by the end lying between this creature and the Mias.

Advice, the giant creature turns its big eyes to the big wolves who are stiff with their big mouths open.

As soon as the whole body hair of the great wolves stands upside down, turning their backs on the giant creatures and driving at a glance, a black mass passes over Mia's head.

They were not given even while screaming, and all those great wolves had been delivered into the bellies of elongated creatures.

And the giant black elongated creature straps his sickle, looking down at Mia and the others and approaching.


It's definitely in that creature's belly as it is. Yet precisely as a snake-studded frog, he couldn't even move one fingertip, and looked up at this crazy sight as he shivered his whole body into small pieces.

And the giant creature slowly approaches and opens its raw, smelly mouth, as if to enjoy the fear of the Mias.

Suddenly, a pillar of red flame descended from heaven.

The columns of red lotus flames instantly turn a giant black creature into dust when it swallows.

"Why are there all his (...) hungry ghosts in a place like this?

At the center of the circle, a one-eyed man with dark hair all-back stood frowning.