186 Lesson 1 Return Home and Aid

He is currently visiting the Maguire family for the first time in months.

I ignored the instructions to return immediately, and for a long time, I received a crying sermon from my mother, my lord, because I did not show my face to my parents.

Thereafter, His Highness Mother began to show a strong rejection for me to leave. As a result, the Maguire family has been in trouble for the past two days.

Sometimes the tests that determine the fate of the students are already imminent, and the students have been off class for the past two weeks.

The students were silently criticized, but they ignored the cancer and are here.

"Goo, chew and eat well"


Nod honestly and mouth the soup. In the nostalgic thin salt addition and reduction, the thoroughly chopped utensils had melted when chewed past boiling.


to His Highness the Mother, with her cheeks on her cheeks, smiling and watching me eat with joy,


Affirms well.

It's not flattery, it's my heart. I'm sure technically and tastefully the dishes served with [silver knives] are far more complete. Yet somehow, this rustic flavor was delicious enough to make me cry.

"The master did it once, too, son of man."

Mullah gives a smudge and such a rude sentiment.

(Leave me alone)

While I was aware that my cheeks were feverish, I spouted the soup to deceive the awkward atmosphere somewhere.

When my grandfather Dimer Maguire shows up in his room so he can replace Anna Maguire, who disappeared into the kitchen to pick up dessert after the meal.

"Gray, I need to talk to you a little bit now. Ready?"

I've been suggesting.

"I don't mind."

Sure, half the reason I visited the land was to see the Mother Highness, but the other half was nothing more than because my grandfather called me in.

My grandfather - Dimer prompted me, and when I entered the reception room, Baltic Maguire, my current master, was also in his seat.

When you sit in the opposite seat of your grandfather or Baltic,

"Hey, Gray, your work, it's been rumored in the social world."

Balt comes up with a voice that plays with his right hand up.

"Thank you"

The social world? Basically, the Gatekeeper nobility and the local luxury are completely different organizations. Naturally, the social world is different.

At a party of regional luxuries, my presence in conflict with the Gate nobility should be quite positively appreciated, and that would be true.

"So what can I do for you?

I don't like rushing around. So I decided to ask him straight in. My prediction would be about the loan.

Baldo had a strange face, and when he turned back to me, he bowed his head enough to put his forehead on the table,

"I'm sorry until now"

I'm going to say some words of apology.


He begins to say words of apology without even realizing how I look in the face of Baltic eccentricity and making my eyes black and white.

"There is no excuse. Because it is an indisputable fact that we drove you to the Millards.

Of course, she was forced to leave her mother, Anna. I understand that it's not acceptable at all. "

"Oh, then you don't have to worry about it. Now you're free to meet your mother, and you've had an unwavering experience in the Millard family."

I'm not putting up a void, it's a sincere word.

The coarse facts are heard from my grandfather - Dimer. In aristocratic societies, lineage is of paramount importance. If my presence is the source of a dispute within the Maguire family, it is a natural choice to sever the source of that dispute as the head of the organization. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to sustain a society called aristocracy.

"That word will save you for a few moments."

Balt sighed uncomfortably, smiling like tired.

"Yeah, so let's get to the bottom of this, shall we?

"No, that's all I got. This time, he asked me to come because he really wanted to apologize to you. Well, Anna gave it to me..."

Dimmer looks so bad, he mows his mustache.

Looking at this, it looks like I've been called with great intentions on the part of my mother. Oh, my God, I think I put a lot of effort into you two.

Then it's just the right opportunity. Let's talk business. If that rumor were true, the land would be in a lot of trouble right now.

When I try to open my mouth, the front door gets noisy.

Apparently, the timing is exquisite in a way.

When the door opens with momentum, a long-sleeved gentleman comes into the room with a mustache stored in his badly eyed jaw.

Well, this man saw it once in your meeting. In the conference room, I remembered because I was screaming.

Even though the long nobleman is not recommended, when he sits down on the table, he receives a cigar from the soldier behind him, lights it by fire stone, and can be titled in his mouth.

"What do you say? Sir Maguire, have you made up your mind?

Hmm, you don't seem to notice me. It didn't seem to be called for the title award ceremony six months ago, or is it impossible?

"Sir Noval, how much time do you think we still have on the deadline?

That's what Baltic tells him in his cold voice of hostile exfoliation that isn't like him.

That's exactly what I expected. That long-sleeved man is Count Noval. So, is that man in that obese tasteless piece of clothing a merchant at the West Chamber of Commerce?

"The deadline is not yet, but the interest is still accruing. This is also my kindness."

Count Novar spits cigar smoke in Foo and Baltic's face.


Balt had a gaze that shook his whole body to humiliation and shot Novar to death.

In view of his present circumstances, it is a most natural reaction.

Merchants have all the information. Already, the information on which the Maguire family is located is coming into my ear as well.

The vast territory of the Earl of Novartis extends west of Maguire territory. In the Maguire area just along the border, there was a mine owned from generation to generation by the Maguire family. Earnings for the Maguire family, which is still expected to mine a certain amount of minerals, were known, but this will be the largest Achilles tendon this time around.

All of a sudden, it has claimed that the mine was originally owned by Count Novar, claiming the handover of the mine and the enormous royalties it has ever had.

From the original, the basis for Count Novar's ownership lies in a material like the old literature, which is not of a kind that is publicly recognized.

Initially, neither Baltic nor Dimer would have suspected victory.

But the result is Count Novar's full victory without any busy evidence. As a result, the Maguire family owed as much as 20 billion Gs.

"This land is good inside. The air is delicious and rich in nature. Most importantly, there are many good women. It will thrive as a pleasure zone."

A merchant-like man makes a nasty laugh by shaking his saggy cheek meat, even as he nods his tongue.

I don't think it's the same merchant as us. Sort of smells peculiar to this man, the inhabitants of the back society like [Laguna].

Maybe West, though branded as the Chamber of Commerce, is deeply connected to the organization behind it, like [Laguna].

"Hmm, you're an employee of the West Chamber of Commerce who bought Count Noval's claim, right?

The obese man let his eyebrows lurk slightly in my words, temporarily staring at my whole body but wondering, turning his expression into something dangerous,

"Sagami Chamber of Commerce President - Syllabe Sagami!

Yeah, squeeze it out the back of my throat.


Count Novar, who is turning a sharp gaze at me.

The fool finally noticed.

Here, at present, I am wearing my mother's clothes. This garment has excellent taste, but it's too young. On the outside, it's not a joke, it's going to be looked at a few years younger. You must have thought of me as a relative's child.

Most of all, I'm a hater from the people who are the gatekeeper nobles. As soon as I find out that one of my parents is in the Maguire family. As long as I work my head off as much as I am on this scene, you'll see.

"Nice to meet you, Dog of the Gateway Nobility and Trade Union (Porch)."


The two of you, hateful, stare at me.

The Imperial Trade Federation - commonly known as the "Trade Union" - is a conglomerate of several giant chambers of commerce headquartered in Imperial Capital, including the recently formed West Chamber of Commerce. Its economic size, with the exception of commercial guilds, can be called the largest in the world.

They lend high interest rates to the Empire Lords, who suffer from the spreading of money, essentially control the Empire Territory based on their claims, and tighten up the merchants outside the Union.

There is now a rapid increase in the number of merchants joining the Union, and they have recently been consulted on a number of occasions by executives of commercial guilds, including Rhina, regarding measures taken against the Union.

"Hmm, uncle, let me see that contract and all that."

"Hey, what are you talking about?!?"

Even as the guard in the armor of Count Novar swells his nostrils with a muddled face, when he approaches me, he grabs the pattern of his lower back sword and tries to pull his torso out of his sheath.

You fool, you've turned your back on me!

"Stop it!"

My sharp voice of restraint echoed the room, eating a thin piece of skin on the forehead of the escort with the long but sharp nails of the hatch and a glimmer of blood.

"Get lost."


A big thank you to me blends your figure into the scenery.

The mothers are currently in the most critical position in my body. So I'm asking Hatch to follow me to this Maguire family escort.

Looks like you're under a lot of stress about disappearing all the time, to see from both your blood-running eyes, and maybe the next time you take turns with Drabee. Once he has [the rememberer], even give him a lunch box and put it down, it's basic, it's satisfying.

"I'm sorry, but my men are a little short tempered. I can't keep you safe any longer. Will you shut up?"

An escort puts Petan and his hips down on the floor like he was weakened. Neither Count Novar nor the merchants of the West Chamber of Commerce opened a word with a haunted, bloody face, and watched us.

"Absolutely, I don't think so..."

Ignore the mullahs squirming in disgust,


I strongly urge you once again to Baltic, which is still obscure.

"Oh, yeah, I got it."

As bounced, Balto leaves the room when he takes his seat.

Before long, Bart offered me to come back with two letters, so I'll check the contents of the receipt.

There are two letters. One is a confirmation and payment order issued by the Department of Justice for 200 billion G claims against the Maguire family of Count Novar.

The other is a contract for the assignment of claims to the West Chamber of Commerce.

"Great, I'll lend it to the Maguire family."

When two cloth bags containing a hundred pieces of red coins are removed from the storage of everything, they are placed on the table.

At the same time, whisper instructions to the hatch to bring a person to the occasion as soon as possible.

"Go ahead, make sure"

Balt reaches and peeks into the cloth bag with his trembling hand, opening his mouth wide and stiffening like an abalone.


When Dimmer, in a harsh tone, whenever he shouts,

"And excuse me. So, but no more trouble for your nephew..."

mouth cage, to a balt that spits a rare word,

"Balt, leave it to Gray."

When the dimer gives instructions not to say whether or not, he nods silently and loudly.

"The Apostolic Hall of the West Chamber of Commerce, it's the promised 200 billion g. I'll repay you on this occasion, so sign this contract."

"Ri, what about the interest!?"

He changed his blood phase and stood up, and the envoy of the West Chamber of Commerce called out.

"Are you scratching the 30-day rule for the assignment of claims?

30-Day Rule for Assignment of Claims - Within 30 days of the assignment of a claim, it is a rule that does not incur interest.

Basically, the assignment of claims does not require understanding on the part of the debtor. Therefore, in the event of a transfer, it was decided that no interest would be accrued only on the 30th day in order to secure the debtor's recognition.

This has been decided by commercial guilds and has led countries, including the Empire, to enact it as a statute as well. If this were a merchant, I wouldn't have to explain it all.

"Oh well! Transfers to the West Chamber of Commerce have been made as soon as judicial decisions have been issued. And now, on the twenty-fifth day after the assignment was made. Interest remains suspended!!"

to the joyful Baltic, the envoy of the West Chamber of Commerce had a toothpick for a while,

"We remembered an errand. Count Noval, for today, let's go home!

Speak to the Count of Novar next door.

"I won't accept it!!"

Dimer raises a voice of criticism,

I don't need you to take it.

A cheerful young man's voice heard from behind answering that.

Did you make it? Trouble is only left to this man.

Looking back, a beautiful blonde young man stood with a malicious grin on his face.

"La, Sir Rhina ah!!"

Count Novar, who rises in upright immobility, and now it is the envoy of the West Chamber of Commerce, who dyes his face in a colour of despair.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Rhina. This is the deposit from Lord Maguire."

"Hmm, I'll check."

Rhina started counting when she slammed red coins on the table.

"Confirmed. I'll arrange the repayment agreement here.

By the way, are you sure you don't want to get paid back? If they give you a deposit, you and your chamber of commerce and trade union will be exposed to shame?

Deposits are methods that creditors inevitably exercise when they fail to receive repayments due to their absence or unknown, etc. Therefore, being deposited will itself be branded as a third-class merchant who has no power to receive debts.

Especially this time, it was Lyna Owenheim, director-general of the Commercial Guild, who drew up the repayment agreement. The credibility of the document is considerable. In addition, if the refusal to receive is publicized for a reason, the reputation as a merchant will fall to the ground.

"Damn, that's trouble!!"

A West Chamber of Commerce envoy screamed with a crying face, thus ending this crappy farce.


A repayment agreement is made, and Count Novar and the envoy of the West Chamber of Commerce leave to flee, as is the case with the cat they borrowed, when they came into the room.

"Thank you very much, Rhina"

"No, fine. Now if I can sell you a little favor, it's cheap."

To Karakara and Laughing Linea, Barto is nervous about the bees and even that dimer has a slightly stronger face.

"So what are you going to do now?

Riding herself out and looking like a prankster, Rhina asks.

"We've got an idea of how to open up an example."

"That's interesting. Shit, I have a general expectation. It's a trade union closing, isn't it?

"Yeah, you're right."

After all, did you notice?

Indeed, one of the reasons I helped is the feeling that I couldn't stand to trample and raze these scumbags on the soil on the mother-in-law's homeland.

But I'm a merchant. Just because I'm a relative of my mother's home, I don't want to congratulate you enough to make a loan. If it's not profitable, I'm abandoning it.

The real reason I lent a hand is for the closure of an efficient trade union.

Recently, the Federation of Trade Unions has been targeting the Gateway nobility and the local luxury, as in the case of this Maguire family, forcibly obtaining claims and targeting the tightening up of commercial guilds. Then all we have to do is put it backwards.

"So we should be static, right?

Rhina's vicious grin deepens further, turning even ghosts into escaping faces.

"Yes, of course."

That would have a lot of advantages, and it's a natural conclusion.

In this feudal empire, the territory is, so to speak, equal to one small nation. From the determination of the tax rate, various decisions, such as the licensing of a particular business, can be made at the sole will of the lord.

Most of all, it would be tantamount to selling a fight to a commercial guild, such as demanding money for a specific business license, and I would not do it unless that was also the case with some gatekeeper nobles. Even that worst Millard family has no restrictions whatsoever on commerce.

The Lords of a Territory with such intrinsic power are generally conservative and the sudden transition of a Territory never wants it. Even if that was the only way to create wealth in the future, just stop and look at other territories.

Consequently, there could be no rapid development like Ladle, and the Reinas from the Empire had no commercial guild with their heads.

The trade union is going to be a villain to set these lords' asses on fire. I don't have a hand in not using this.

Plus, it's a traitor's stepping stone to join a trade union.

"It's scary. You really are horrible."

I didn't want you to tell me that you immediately realized my intentions.

"So let's pack up the plan wherever possible"

"Right. Damn. I'm going to need your help."

"Ha, yes!!"

Baltic nodded again and again,



A laugh comes from me and Rhina, and it gradually gets higher and sounds all over the room.

'Seriously, I'm scared of people who look alike. These two......'

From the bottom of his heart, the mullah's soliloquy echoed in his head.