166 Episode 43: Persuasion of Slave Liberation

Jill, a former Lunette Nintendo family - the Revis family - along with several of his men, was visiting the pleasure district southeast of Straheim.

Neighbor Jill's men - Tetsu - rub their throats at the seductive women who let them open their passing backs and hips.

This is where Straheim I, violence and sexuality reign. The reason Jill visited here, no matter, is not to buy a woman. To persuade the two men who rule the land.

"You guys, it's demonic from here. Get in the mood! Our actions determine the fate of these hungry ghosts and other slaves in Straheim!!"


They all snort silently. I didn't feel any hesitation or dust from that face.

Maybe, I know. If this business negotiation succeeds, slavery in Straheim itself will virtually disappear.

In the not-too-distant future, it will only be one of professional mediation, from subordinate and distorted transactions like trafficking in human beings. Of course, the slave colors of the moment cannot be denied, but they should still undoubtedly be a major first step.

Jill knocks through the door of a four-story building painted red in front of him.

"There you are. What kind of kids are you looking for, sir?

a woman in her late twenties with an open chest, as she creeps over,

"This is what we are. I'm here to talk business."

When he showed the crest of the silver pocket watch, he changed his neglected complexion and went into the back room to flee.


Tetsu comes up full of agitation.

"Don't worry."

Though I did, it doesn't seem to be very welcoming in that way. It's going to be a difficult business meeting.

After a while, a woman shows up in a dress that exposed her shoulders and hips wide from the back.

"This is Hua Lao (Kato), which we are tightening up for this whorehouse. Arinsu under his stage name, but forgive me."

"Sagami Chamber of Commerce - this is Jill, head of the Talent Solicitation Department. Regards."

"Yes, I'm listening, but Master Ma Ta has already arrived."

A spot is a great tightening of the slave traders around this neighborhood. Of course, it would be a pseudonym.

"Right. Now, ask for guidance."

"Yes. Come here, then"

Hua Lao (Kato) starts going up the stairs, and Jill and the others follow her.


Passed through was a room filled with bright red carpets of considerable size.

On the large round table at the center of the room sat a blonde honorable man wearing a headscarf in black and white striped top and bottom garments.

Perhaps that's the spot.

Hua Lao (Kato) sat next to the spot and asked Jill and the others to sit down.

Jill and the others take their seats and correct their posture.

From here, in a way, it becomes an unconscious struggle.

"Thank you for the opportunity to discuss business with us"

"I don't mind. You Sagami Chamber of Commerce are our good dealers, and no. Hey, Mr. Hua Lao?

"Yes, it is."

A sharp thorn seeping out of the two words, you're quite alert.

I can't help it. I understood from my soul how powerful and horrible it is to belong to an organization called the Sagami Chamber of Commerce.

It has the financial, sales and development power to drive the world economy alone, as well as its own force.

And the famous undead raids throughout that empire, which showed overwhelming force, will be noticed by organizations around the world.

Jill and the others are some of the world's leading chamber of commerce messengers. That is why Hua Lao (Kato) and Ba (Ma 'ara), who are only a slave trader and former tighteners of the prostitutes, have to be vigilant.

"I have two suggestions for you today."

Let me ask you something.

The spots go up the right palm and proceed to Jill and the others.

"One is that in the future, our Sagami Chamber of Commerce will undertake the purchase of slaves in one piece"

For the first time, the spot blurred his eyes.

"You don't want to sell me other slaves?

I just followed the core.

"Exactly. Let our Chamber of Commerce buy all our claims to them."

"Claims? How many are they supposed to be slaves?

"In the future, I would like to be the debtor to whom Mr. Bambi and his family owe their debts, not slaves."

"Uh, I see, in short, you just want to contract what was sold as consideration for money? I don't want criminals. That kind of thing?"

"Exactly. sin, and what you buy from the country will be slaves, but do as you please."

Jill and the others don't have the right to take care of criminals. Only the emancipated subjects were forced to become slaves due to unacceptable circumstances.

"I don't know if I understand what you're trying to do."

Jill and the others' views on this proposal are unclear, but the intention seems to have been conveyed. Then the next person to be persuaded is Hua Lao (Kato).

"The second is Mr. Hua Lao (Kato). Would you like to be hired by our Chamber of Commerce?"

"Does the Sagami Chamber of Commerce Han intend to extend its hand in the management of the whorehouse?

"No, my chamber of commerce does not conduct sex management in principle. Everyone wants to hire as employees of restaurants and clothing such as [silver knives] run by our Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh, are you serious? Do you know how much they make?

Maybe it's better than your salary, huh?

The speck (matara) makes a mockery of me, and it pinches my mouth.

"Only a fraction of them are highly paid, aren't they? Besides, our salaries are not that different."


For the first time, the grin disappeared from the spots.

"I'm supposed to be the head of the Talent Solicitation department. Our chamber of commerce is meritocracy. I get a lot of money, too."

"Heh, heh, that's incredible."

"Right. Then this is the proof."

Throw a hipster dagger at the table.

"What's this?

"Recently, the Chairman gave me something special as a reward for the success of my work."

The spot (Mala) was scrutinizing with a dagger in his hand when he laughed with his nose, but his eyelids turned to a glitch.

"You really think you got this?

"Oh, you can swear"


Throw the dagger out to the table and kick up a nearby chair.

"Spots, what's that?

In confusion, Hua Lao (Kato) asks the spot (Mara).

"Materiality. Besides, it was considered a fairly rare product. That alone will give you a value of more than 100 million. Hmm! What, you're making as much money as I do. I got more than I do. You can swear."

"Here, this is..."

Hua Lao (Kato) startles to touch the dagger on the table.

More than 100 million? Was it? I never thought the boulder would be worth that much.

What about Hua Lao?

"Where's the spot?

"Don't ask. I don't care about form or anything if I make money. You just have to make money. They carry gold eggs to me. That's the answer."

Apparently, the spots gave me credit. But the spot is a living merchant. I thought I'd get a better understanding than I did. The problem is...

"We need to ask everyone."

"It's Bacca. Dozens of times as much money as you get from selling your body could roll in the future. I don't think there's room to get lost."

Hua Lao (Kato) bites his lower lip into a caged statement of abundance of scorn from the spots (Mala).

I also know her anxiety very well. Jill and I were when we entered the Sagami Chamber of Commerce.


"Don't worry. Our Chairman Gray is a wonderful man. I'm sure he'll lead you."

Most importantly, the chairman of the devil wouldn't have prepared an easy path.


"What you hesitate to do is make a deal with [Laguna], right? If you defy me, all the whores in this place will be in danger of their lives."

Even with an unpleasant grin, the spots scream.

"Don't worry. Our chairman will protect all of you from [Laguna]."

I don't know about that.

Open the door and a few men in black come into an avalanche. At its centre, an old man with long jaw-dropped gray hair stood leaning against a cane.


When the spots rise from their seats, they pound their tongues. I am in an unprecedented hurry. No way, that old man...

"Hey, which one of those shit-hungry men are you?

A purple-haired man shows himself from behind the old man. Its reptile-like starchy eyes are turned, and something flattering runs on its spine.

"Mr. Seppuku and the blonde good man both know him. Not Gray's men."

"Then those are the guys there!!"


A small scream leaks from the mouth of Hua Lao (Kato).

I can't help it. It's not a metaphor, because the mouth angle of a purple-haired man was ripped to his ear. Apparently, he's quitting this person, the real deal, man.

"Isn't this Mr. [Laguna] the top executive - the four-major poisonous liquor? That's a lot of fallacy to imitate like this fucking mud. Well, originally, it was fucking mud."

Dull and laughing spots.

"I betrayed you after all."

Abominably, the poisonous liquor stares at the spots.

"From the edge, I didn't mean to be one of you, so hey. Better than that, I noticed you here. Did my men betray you?

"That's right! Spots! I'll take all your tissues!!"

The little fat middle-aged man behind him points to the spot and declares so.

"I can't do it with you."

Spots, I assure you.

"Tetsu, you two, please. Safe to everyone, bring it to me!

Put up the dagger Chairman Gray gave you and get up.

In poisonous liquor (Dokusu) and that purple-haired monster opponent, Jill doesn't care what you think. Still, we have to do it.

Almost, the existence of slavery could virtually vanish. Those children who loved their predecessors will unfortunately no longer wet their cheeks with tears.

"But brother!!"


When he highs high on Tetsu, he wipes his tears with his sleeves and puts Hua Rao (Kato) on his back. One of the other men carried a spot.

"You fool, think I'll let you get away with it!

When the poison liquor is raised in the right hand, the rock is speared and poured in all directions towards the tetsu. It would be unchanging earthly magic.


Jill's chant breaks the rock thorns apart.

without intermittent hair,

"[Flame Dance (Flame Rondo)]!!"

A wave of flames that took advantage of Jill's spirits swallowed and attacked the poisonous liquors.


Stunning voice of a poisonous liquor (Dokusu) man.

But at the next moment, the waves of flames will bounce and blow away.

In front of him, the purple hair of the purple-haired man spread all over the room, covering all the poisonous liquors.

"Hmm! I don't need any help!

to the uncomfortable poisonous liquor (Dokusu),

"Quickly turn your men around. I'm really gonna let you get away with this!

"I get it! You guys, go."

Approximately ten black clothes walk towards the window.

"Let it be!!"

Again, I try to release the sickle...


Incredibly, he was grabbed and lifted around the neck by a small poisonous liquor.

"I'm not worried about Sanomi. Gray would be your counterpart."

"I don't... Knock!

I'll spit on the face of the poisonous liquor.


Poisonous liquor cages Jill's right hand tightening his neck as he raises several thick blue muscles on his forehead.

The sound of bone twitching shivers the tympanic membrane, and the pain of seven falls runs through the entire body.

Consciousness is also becoming neglected. Apparently, it's closest. Jill was unexpectedly calm.

Jill dies. That's definitely a fact. But I just don't die. I'll take this jizzy with me.

The dagger the chairman gave me - [Thunder blasting] is a material that manipulates thunder and explosion. For a time like this, my pocket watch is filled with a lot of gunpowder. If you stick it in, it'll set off a big explosion.

Chairman Grey, it's easy to avenge your gratitude.

Chairman taught Jill and the others how to use firearms only to survive. You'll never forgive me for using it like this.

But still, Jill has a mission to protect the chairman. If you deal with purple-haired buckets, poisonous liquor, both, with the chairman, in case there is. Just poisonous liquor here, I'll slaughter it.

(Ask for the predecessor, the young head, and the Aria lady. Chairman Gray, it's goodbye!

He squeezes his full power and tries to thrust [the blast] into his pocket watch.

"What a shame! So, that was Zane!!"

A cheerful voice that plays. For a moment, a severe pain runs in the back of his head, and Jill's consciousness is dyed white.