156 Episode 33: Magic Weapons Research

Finally regaining consciousness three hours after the crusade of Bafomet bucket things.

In the middle of the place where Bafomet fought hard, something like a staircase had emerged stretching from all directions, with two crates stationary at its apex.

The first chest was [3 S-ranked Demon Stones] and the other was a whistle called [Bafomet's Corner Whistle]. Let's use it later to create a new guide.

I'm tired of horns on the rabbit today, and I'm going to have to explore the future.

That mechanical woman's voice seemed to say something about the liberation of the second stage, and hey, I'm gonna check it out.

The final point of the 50th hierarchy, after the trial, had become a safety point, so it was transferred from there to the Sagami Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as I lay down in bed, my consciousness disappears.

Early the next morning, conduct a recent routine study of magic weapons.

For once, I learned a lot about magic weapons because I went to Leroy's with tricks.

And it turns out there's a fatal flaw in how to manufacture magic weapons.

In other words, until now, the shape and strength of the metals that make up the weapon had been adjusted to give full effect to the demonic ore.

In short, we were matching the contents of the demon ore with weapons. But blacksmiths are often not magicians. A blacksmith who is nothing more than an amateur about such magic, adjusting his weaponry to fit demonic ore, was a groundbreaking story.

In other words, the magician has to adjust to fit the firearms made by the blacksmith. To do this, it was necessary to re-analyze the stone called Demon Ore.

Demon Ore is a stone that engraves a certain magic magic word (rune) and activates when magic is applied.

The analysis reveals that this incredible stone possesses the nature of writing a chant and using it as a substitute for chanting to activate it.

In other words, if the previous magic is [voice magic], should this magic weapon be called [language magic]? Demon Ore is the material that establishes this [linguistic magic].

Of course, stones like such a mass of miracles were not to be obtained as a delight, but taken from a mine, which was said to be the most precious stone in this world.

It was therefore quite a bone to purchase as a research material, but in the end, with Rhina's introduction, he was able to obtain a sufficient number of demonic ores to study.

I always wondered if demonic stones would contribute to the development of magic. Whatever it is, it is the material that creates the Magic Book, and in this world it is a stone used as a catalyst for all sorts of magic. It would be natural to assume that there is a certain relationship with this demonic ore.

After hitting the demon stone and proceeding with the research, we discover that the more pure the demon ore, the more similar the properties are to the demon stone. Studies on this demonic ore have progressed rapidly since we uncovered this fact.

And the other day, I discovered that when multiple demon stones were simmered for about an hour in the 1500-1600 degree range, they dissolved and mixed together and became the equivalent of ultra-high purity demon ore.

In short, a mixture of demon stones and iron and other metals is a common demon ore, and the higher the percentage of demon stones from now on, the higher the purity of demon ore.

Either way, this made it virtually possible to produce large quantities of demonic ore.

The immediate challenge is how efficiently to elevate this demon ore as a magic weapon.

In this regard, I have carved a magic word (rune) into the demon ore and then tried to train it, but the magic word (rune) is invalidated in the first place. Conversely, when a magic word (rune) was inscribed on an already made weapon, it possessed its nature as a magic weapon, but several steps of its power were lost. Besides, activation requires the operation of continuing to cage magic.

If you lose power and have to cage your magic at will, it's quicker to use magic. Then it doesn't make sense.

When you concentrate your consciousness and send your magic into a dagger that has been swallowed with demonic ore while chanting, the dagger glows and lettering is engraved. Once the magic word (rune) is inscribed, it will be fixed and no subsequent modification will be possible. This is also one of the important properties recently discovered.

I can do it.

We went to the second training room on the outskirts of Straheim and just decided to do a demonstration experiment.

What I built were five weapons. Daggers, long swords, knuckles, spears, little swords.

Daggers and spears are carved with [Wind Grant (Wind Enchant)], long swords and knuckles that burn when hit [Fire Pillar (Fire Pillar)], and small swords that fly flames [Fireball (Fireball)].

"I still can't."

The power has been depressed to about half normal. Most importantly, the user has to cage his magic. In a death fight that determines life and death in a few seconds of a comma, it can be used at all.

"No... Lord, do you know how precious that weapon is?

Leroy, who was observing the experiment behind him, asks in such a whispering tone.

"It's just a toy."

It wasn't Leroy who made these, it was me. The weapon itself cannot be said to be good for flattery.

"Tens of millions of G's worth of that toy."

"Just kidding."

"What makes you seriously think that's a joke is the horror of your Lord.

Fine. Definitely sounds interesting. Let me bite one too. "

"I appreciate that. Metal training is like a limit to me amateurs."

Shoulder to shoulder, he exhales a loud sigh and Leroy leaves the room.

Right. It's time for my class too.

When the magic weapon (toy) that I was able to do was sent to the item box, I moved to the classroom where the students were waiting.