91 Episode 32: Unmerciful Hammer Wimp

"Near the summit, you say it's a fort?

He received his life from General Bull, and the Wimps were marching for Camelot.

Until near the summit, we continue to march smoothly, but we receive reports that there is a fort in the center of the mountain path. Businessly, they built a fort in the middle of a mountain road.

It's a barbarian fortress. There are 7,000 soldiers and 20 magicians here. It takes a lot of work to take down their forts and stuff that can't use magic.

"Occupy its forts and dots and make it a base of Camelot domination"

"Please wait!

An insensitive man with long brown hair tied over his head immediately makes a difference to the decision of the wimp.

He's Kai Rhodas, a man of Wimp's, in an operational staff position.

Wimp is noble. Originally, foolish and dirty people like civilians don't want to be sidelined.

Unpleasantly, however, Kai's ability to plan operations had overwhelmed other officers of aristocratic origin. Therefore, he dares to bend doctrine and employ it as Wimp's staff.


"Until just a few weeks ago, fortifications and such did not exist. We should do enough scouting by scouts before marching on."

Sure, scouting is Theory normally. But they're the barbarians, right? Do you need to do that?

"I'm not kidding! We're 7,000 men, aren't we?

"That's right! Stop marching when you're a barbarian! It's a laugh all over the kingdom. Are you going to let our generals be slandered by cowards!?"

A very good opinion of jumping out of the young officers.

"Your opinion is in principle. I'm not going to deny it. But this time, you're marching with 7,000 soldiers. Why don't you just be too careful?

"You can't usually build a fort or anything in just a few weeks. Besides, the other guy is a ladle who gasps (ah) for that poverty. There is always a reason for not being able to explain. If you give a sweet estimate of why, you might suffer a lot of damage."

It's not a good idea to have more damage than expected. That's what makes me laugh. I'm sorry. The upper echelons of the country are cold. If you do poorly, there is a risk that the person will be changed from their current position on the grounds of loss.

Send scouts.

"Commander Wimp!

"It's a few days of patience, even late. Understand. War is something that even an ant opponent should do everything in his power to crush."


Brush your chest first to the reluctantly agreeing officer. They are youth officers of the kingdom nobility. Some of them are sons of high nobility. If you get a bad outburst, you'll be in trouble later.

Anyway, they're just scorching the handle. Attack one barbarian village in disguise, and their grievances will be dispelled.

"Thank you for listening. Then I'll do it."

Once thanked, Kai leaves the tent.

"But it's busy when it comes to civilians!

"Not at all. Why did the Commander send such civilians to your side?

It is decided. Because I'm better than you guys. Well, I can't tell you that, even if my mouth is torn.


"You think it's a giant iron castle gate? You mean the barbarians made it..."

Indeed, in just a few weeks, such a robust fortress, a barbarian community, cannot be made. So, an empire? No, if a large group of empires have entered this Ladoah area, you should have heard about some information. So, a third party…….

"This is an anomaly, no matter what you think. We should temporarily withdraw!

Kai will advise you to withdraw.

"Say what! You know what I'm sayin '? If we pull back without even opening the end of the war, we won't be able to do it."

"That's right! It's fine to be cowardly, but don't get caught up in us!

Dropping a robust fortress puts a lot of strain on the army. With all due respect, as Kai advised, I want to pull at one end and practice the castle attack method again.

The problem is...

"Commander Wimp! It's time for all the barbarians I care about to see!

"That's right. If you're a magic division of our kingdom, such as the Bad Fort built by the Barbarians, you can drop it easily!

This fight is a win. Consideration should be given to the rate of attrition of the soldiers left behind and to the hearts and minds of the noblemen who do not know this war.

Their march to the land is but a stepping stone to their birth. Unlike Wimp, who is only a midstream stop when it comes to nobility, the speed of their birth from a high-ranking nobility is fast. It is an unquestionable fact that if you return to the center after this march, you will be Wimp's boss in the not so distant future.

Bad heart certification is not a good idea here. But assuming the damage extends to a significant number, that's what makes the wimp ruined.

(Both barbarians made me something nasty)

"And excuse me!

When one of the escorts rolls into the tent, he hears the son of Archduke Salman - Martha - and gives him a single letter. That escort should certainly have been a minister for the son of the Grand Duke.

"You traitor!!"

Martha opens the letter and glances at it, standing up like a proud winner, pointing her sword tip at Kai.

"What is a traitor?

"Earlier, our Salman soldiers attacked a supply site for the Raddle soldiers. That's when this sentence came out of their tent!

As proud as he is to win, Martha attaches the scroll so that everyone can see it.


"Promise the collaborators of the Royal Expeditionary Army General, the Royal Army to stop marching and make progress in retreating. I saw a gap in the retreat, and I was attacked by all the troops. '

one sentence was noted.

The generals surround Kai when they pull out each weapon.

"It's a betrayal! Kill him!"

Kai exhales loudly into Martha's life and closes her eyes.

And the generals, they shake up their weapons.

"Wait, wait, wait! We haven't decided that Kai has betrayed us yet! First of all, it doesn't say Kai's name anywhere!

"Say what! Officers and other civilians who support the retreat. Just one! I don't doubt it!

"They say that the sentence could be their rape plot. Lord Martha, I am the commander here. I want you to follow me."

Or I can't think of a reason for Kai to betray me at this time. Whatever you think, it's the enemy's little smart trap. I'll ride the enemy's intentions. There's no point in that.

"That civilian will be taken into our custody!

"Okay. Leave it to Sir (Kai). However, after this expedition, Kai will follow military rules and dispose of them. It is strictly forbidden to punish you on your own. All right?

"I get it......"

Martha bites Gilli in the back teeth, as she drags Kai, along with the escorts, leaving.

Jesus Christ, we weren't going to let them get hurt either way, so we were going to let them guard the supply unit at the end of the day. If I had the right bait called Kai, I'd be making it somewhat adult.

But now I can't pull the other way. Assuming you decide to withdraw, there is no doubt in Wimp's mind.

(If they did it for you, they're really palliative!

Instruct each general as he manages his anger.


As we marched down the mountain path in the valley, the large building was full of vision.

A large fortress with an iron gate that stands at the center of a mountain path.

As Kai prophesied, dropping that fort is quite a bone breaker.

The most troublesome thing is that iron gate. It's pretty big, so we have to destroy it with a broken castle hammer or a stone thrower.

No matter how foolish the barbarians are, they can easily be installed. First, they should try to put in soldiers and stop them.

Destroy all his soldiers. In time, he installs a stone thrower while covering with bows and magic, striking the iron gate. On top of that, open it with a broken castle hammer.

Assuming that the iron gate is tougher than you can imagine, it will only overcome the walls by means of a cloud ladder.

Either way, if we don't temporarily cut off the main force of the enemy, we won't be able to talk.

Interpretation, barbarian. The resistance they can do is known. At any rate, it will end with unilateral ravages by the kingdom.

(Well, first of all, how they move...)

The iron gate opens, and about a hundred horseback rides come.

You can swear it, but they have very little power to fight. A hundred beats would be quite a blow.

(Stupid. If you're in a caged castle, give me something that's lived a little longer.

And to make them laugh, they've declared war on the wimps.

Towards such a stupid clown, Wimp emits the life of a total attack.





I feel frustrated, and Wimp doubts several times already. The kingdom horseback riding was perfectly overwhelmed before the horseback riding squad making insane moves that didn't seem like normal horses. The kingdom's horseback cavalry is one of the best in the world. It is slaughtered without a scratch at all.

Besides, there are 500 archers and 20 Magic Division backup shootings. Normally, there should never be wins or losses in a very long time.

(Why, can you move like that? Magic? No, they're barbarians, they should be able to use magic...)

It is a well-known fact that the Raddles are significantly less good at magic. Anyway, it's too unrealistic to assume that all those people use magic.


"Retreat all armies!!"

Wimp's thoughts are drawn back to reality by the General of the enemy and by the shout of the man who thinks.

Ladle's horse riding squad was at first sight trying to escape within the castle gate. Looks like he was giving them more fatigue than I expected. It's a pain in the ass to go inside that castle gate and rest. Let's try to destroy it before then.

If we hit their main force here, the castle attack is no longer possible.

"Don't let them get away with it! Kill him before he gets inside the fort!

When his throat is all dried up and he gives the order, the Royal Army horseback squad begins their pursuit.

Behind their rear-end ladle soldiers, when the kingdom horseman tried to wave his sword down...


With a blood splash rising in the air, the horseman begins to fall to the ground.

Don't! Don't! Don't!

Four roaring sounds. Four horseback riders who fall one horse after another as if eaten by its sound and roll unbroken onto the ground.

It's definitely a bow or magical flying tool.

There is a considerable distance to the walls that seem to have been unleashed. I can't reach it with a bow. Then it must be magic.

I did hear strange noises, but I've never even heard of magic that accurately shoots through distant objects that can't even reach the bow. If you're a new breed of magic, you can't let such higher magic, barbarians, etc. hold it.

When thoughts were about to come together, a number of bursting sounds ripped the sky, and the ground ahead blew up for each Royal Army horseback squad.


The missing words between my mouths leak. And the explosion intermittently pierces the ground in front of the Iron Castle Gate, doing everything possible to destroy it.

Less than a minute later, the Horse Riders had been wiped out.

My head doesn't work well. 'Cause you will. In a few moments, those loose horseback riding squads are devastated, just flesh pieces and rolling into the earth.

Is that magic, too? A massive deployment of magic formations is imperative if a technique is to wreak so much destruction, but there are no shards of such a thing. The iron cylinder above the walls glowed, and the horseback riders died one after the other. If so, that cylinder of iron, material!

That's not good. We have to rebuild the war, we'll be wiped out!

"What are you guys doing! You don't fight!

Definitely die as it is. So I give orders to my direct subordinate Magic Division, who desperately refrains from being around me, but they don't all just make it slight by sweating and trembling like waterfalls.

(You should evacuate just me)

Like kicking a horse's flank and sewing between soldiers, running through.

But such a wimp effort blasted blankly overhead, and the rocks descended from heaven. Rock ceilings were falling overhead in a strangely slow flowing vision.




When I opened my eyelid (eyelid) to the raging pain of madness, Wimp was in a rock gap. My left arm is bent from the root and my left leg is probably broken too, I don't feel it anymore.

(We have to run)

- Terrible.

That ruthless material prevented even any resistance and that the Royal Army was killed one after the other!

- Terrible.

Seven thousand soldiers have died in just a few hours!

- Terrible.

Above all, that thought of trampling others as easily as bugs was even horrible.

(We have to run)

Ignoring the pain claimed by his whole body, Wimp moves his legs in an attempt to get out of this hell instead of crutches.


"There he is!

The voice of a man. The retina shows the characteristic hairstyle Ladle folk pointing the black material this way, so much fear that the blood in the body flows backwards.

"You're the commander-in-chief of this expedition, aren't you?


When Wimp tried to open her mouth,

"You are the life of the [Mountain Wise King] who told me to kill you for sure. Don't feel bad."

Rupture sound again. And Wimp's consciousness was not even tolerated by any resistance, and he hung up pussy.