44 Episode 41: Conversations in the Jail

If you think they got you out of a cold stone cell and pushed you into a private room, you have two faces you know.

"Yes, don't look blatantly disgusted. My companion was only allowed to see me.

By the way, it uses soundproofing magic, so the conversation is definitely out there. "

Is this wind magic? Unchanted, or easily activated, a boulder is sometimes just called a wise man.

"For what?

Sieg flaunts his shoulder and sends his gaze to the blonde middle-aged man, who answers blurry.

(Gray, there's a pin here. I let your chamber of commerce blacksmith make it. You should be able to get out of here with this)

When I gathered my thoughtful determination to my eyebrows and let him hold the pin to me in a whisper, he said such an absurd thing.

To see from the flat siege, this grandfather, you dared bring Dimer Maguire to this occasion, convinced that I would not accept it. Well, this guy knows I can use my metastatic abilities, naturally.

"Grandpa, just how you feel is enough. It's okay. I'm not gonna die."

"Are you satisfied with this? Told you. This man is much tougher than your Lord thinks. If you don't have a reason, you'll be taken prisoner."

"No, Gray is only a twelve-year-old. You can't be in a place like this."

This tough attitude. This man can't move here until he's convinced I'm safe.

And the troublesome thing is, at this point in time when you're trying to get me out of jail, this guy isn't looking at his own life. Besides, this time, Lord Curos' sin against his son. This is a felony that could even spark a clan. I see why Zeke brought this guy here. It's dangerous, not half.

Sieg old makes his uncomfortable grin disappear. Apparently, that's the point.

"Gray, your lord is about to be transferred to Thurmx early tomorrow morning."

"Too much timing."

Transfer to another location early in the morning? Why should we rush this undead raid so fast? It's like you're trying to keep me away from this Sutherland. Thanks. Don't get caught up.

"Do Nushi think so, too?

"Yeah, that's already"

"Since then, some rumors have been circulating all over Sutherland.

At first, there were rumours that the son of the brave man and Lord Curros was rendered irreversible by a boy who didn't even go old.

The next rumor is the context. Besides, embarrassingly, it's the exact opposite of reality. "


"The deputy head of the Fool's Regiment resented past incidents and attributed them to the husband and wife of the Ladle people, before killing them. I was about to get a lady, too, and the son of the brave man and Curus comes in to help. Sooner or later, he killed the Vice Commander of the Fools, but on the grounds of his retribution, Gray Millard caused the brave to suffer severe illness by despicable means. Like this place."

I'm not ashamed to say 800 lies. Daimyo, the brave man, or Marek, would have made him testify that day by acquiring nobles and soldiers who were spectators.

"The lords became famous in this Sutherland. Just walk. It's not for attention."

"The love call in that hand is annoying. And it's unpleasant."

I gave Yukihiro, Marek the ultimate and final mercy of survival. That this, from my character, equals a miracle. Yet they throw it into a light ditch and humiliate it to Zem's honor. Unfortunately, we've already decided where they're going.

"Don't get so hot. Brave men and Marek are virtually irrelevant to this rumor."

"Why, can you say all that?

"The brave man just spoke the name of the Lord, sweating all over, vomiting, and in Marek, he's been locked in his own room since then, twirling in a blanket, shivering. Rumors, etc., very, very"

Sieg waves his right hand palm to Praprapra left and right in front of his face. Apparently, they succeeded in planting a fairly severe trauma of mind (PTSD) on both of them.

That said, to that extent, it doesn't replace Zem's death, etc. I'll spend the rest of my life harassing them for as long as I can think of. It turns out I have such a bad personality.

"You think it's a father's outburst?

"On the surface. But there are also many strange things"

"Why is Lord Curos rushing my escort?

"Oh, you're right. Now we are in the greatest crisis situation in the empire: the assault of the undead. Originally, there can be no room for manpower in the convoy of prisoners. More than that, after the raid is over, is that enough?

"Eighty-nine, during the invasion of the undead, you have a move in the dark. Apparently, they'll have trouble getting me to stay in this Sutherland"

I have a metastasis, and I might be thrilled to dare to take a ride on the measures of the Kurokaku Hall.

First of all, there is no doubt that our purpose is to destroy our plan. If...

"Trust your grandfather, there are a few things I'd like to ask you for"


From a conversation with Old Sieg, you are aware of the seriousness of the matter, from the face of my grandfather worrying about my grandson earlier to the face of a warlord worrying about my country.

"I want my people to convince me as the plan progresses. As it is now, they may wake up and bury any landmines placed in the corners."

Until we bring about change in this empire, we must ask the kingdom of Amulzess and the surrounding countries, including the Episcopal State of Esters, to be respected. This time the plan will be just the right containment. If you don't do it, you're in trouble.

"I don't mind that, Gray, but what are you gonna do?

"I'm still in possession of the mastermind and the plan."

From my grandfather, a clear negative will comes.

"This man has a hand like an unruly one. Instead, if its viciousness is disturbed, I feel sincere sympathy for those who attacked it."


Bad sage who keeps talking to the gain, not even looking at my stops.

"First of all, it's useless for us to lead the brave man to a monster who can crush the slime but twist it."

As usual, you are a lame sayin 'Jen. Simply because the brave would have been too hectic.


When my grandfather nodded loudly, he rose up and saw me with his blue eyes.

"If the crap fits, let's go home to the Maguire family together. My daughter (Anna) has a long neck to wait for."

By the way, Anna and I would be talking about my mother in this world.


When he nods several times satisfactorily, his grandfather leaves the room.

"Not a bad guy."

Shoulder to shoulder, Zeke also tries to exit, but stops in front of the door and looks back over his shoulder.

"Non is going to fully understand the power of your Lord. But let me tell you something. I have a bad feeling. Don't die."

"Oh, I know. You, too."

Zeke hoists the corner of one side of his mouth,

"Thank you. Don't laugh at McBurn."

Sieg also withdrew into the dialogue, abandoning something that he did not understand.