Maybe it's the Ministry of infrastructure, or it won't parachute here to take the position of engineer.

Everyone is old-fashioned. It's impossible to let go of what they think.

After the leaders introduced Chen Jianguo, everyone also expressed a warm welcome.

"My name is Chen Jianguo. I'm new here. Please take care of me."

The leaders only said that they were new comrades. They did not mention Chen Jianguo's appointment this time, and they did not mention Chen Jianguo's achievements before.

Chen Jianguo still understands this. The leader is just worried that his past achievements are too good-looking. It's a bit fake to work in this grassroots corner. I can't believe it.

No matter what you do, what you pay attention to is to use facts. Chen Jianguo is not in a hurry. Waiting for their own strength, let everyone recognize themselves.

"Let's encourage each other. Serving the people is the purpose. "

Chen Jianguo's greatest hobby in his life is work. As long as his colleagues have a good attitude towards work and treat others well, he won't care.

The arrangement of the office is not much better than that of other staff members. Far away from everyone's office, it is located in a small compartment at the end of the corridor. Once the door is closed, it will be completely independent of the world.

After all, it's not better than Lin'an for those who need a quiet environment to draw drawings. It's understandable for the poor conditions. Chen Jianguo didn't care too much.

I pumped water, cleaned the whole office, opened the window and let out the waste gas in the office.

When he finished his work, someone had no work arrangement and came back from the dining hall. Looking at all kinds of bland and tasteless dishes cooked in white water, Chen Jianguo was used to eating the dishes made by his daughter-in-law these days. Now he can adapt to these tastes again.

He sat at a table by himself, but he didn't think it was wrong. His mind was full of the construction of the drawings, and he didn't notice that others were looking at him secretly.

"The new comrade has a good appetite. We can eat such a meager meal in the canteen. "

"Looking at you looking for simplicity, I guess the conditions at home are not very good, if you eat well."

"So it is The colleague whispered, "otherwise, the place where the sundries are put in the corner will be free to make an office for him. I have no opinion

"Shh! You can talk about it, too. Head said to test the perseverance of new people, don't let it slip

Chen Jianguo didn't know the following words. When he came back from dinner, his colleagues were busy and didn't even speak. After a circle, Chen Jianguo returned to the office. On his first day at work, he didn't have Chen Jianguo's work.

It's a good name to let him adapt here for two more days. After all, there are many things to adapt to after a change of environment

After all, it's not a joke to build roads and bridges. Chen Jianguo, the airborne man, is not qualified to attend internal meetings for the time being.

Of course, he didn't say it directly, and Chen Jianguo didn't think about it in this way. After getting him familiar with his work and moving so much information, he just looked at it.

So on the first day of work, Chen Jianguo, a workaholic, spent a whole day reading a cup of tea and a newspaper in his office and had a very leisurely time.

Before colleagues joked, a cup of tea, a cigarette, a newspaper to read for a long time. I didn't expect that he had his turn.

But Chen Jianguo still has this patience. He sat quietly in his small office for a whole day, but he didn't sit in vain. He had to get to know the topographic map and geology of this area, where the soil is loose and where there are many rocks.

When we got off work, we all said hello and went home.

We can go out together, ride bicycles and motorcycles, and we can show what conditions we have at home at this moment.

Only Chen Jianguo walked out.

So some people began to speculate that this man was as black as coal. Now that he can't afford a bicycle, his family's condition must be bad.

Maybe all that black skin was tanned by farm work at home.

"Chen Gong, do you want me to give you a ride?"

People can't see that others are better than themselves. If they see those who are worse than themselves, they have more kindness.

Seeing that Chen Jianguo was about to walk, a colleague accosted him and asked him if he wanted to take his motorcycle.

"Thank you very much. My home is not here. If I want to go back to Linzhen, I have to go to the passenger station and take a bus. Trouble

Seeing that it was going to rain, Chen Jianguo was afraid that he would walk too slowly and come home too late. Lin Peilan was worried. His colleagues said they would send him away, so he agreed.

They were just polite. Unexpectedly, Chen Jianguo was so kind that he asked people to send him to the passenger station.

I can't take back what I said. I can only take Chen Jianguo passenger station on my back.

"It's more than ten miles back and forth. If you have enough money, you can rent a house here. Otherwise, if you go back and forth like this, your salary will not be enough for the bus fare. "

"It doesn't matter. I like going back and forth like this. It's a very fulfilling life. "

Chen Jianguo would like to live here on a day when he wants to go out to work early in the morning and go home to have a rest at night.

"You're quite special."

It's the first time that a colleague sees a person who talks like this. If he doesn't see well, he says that the conditions are not good. He has to say that he is superior to others. It's a bit fake.

"Thank you today."

As soon as Chen Jianguo gets out of the car, the accelerator will be increased. Flying away.

Who knows, just casually, he was caught and sent to the station. Now with those conversations, I feel a little uncomfortable. I think he'd better not be a bad guy. This new colleague is too absent-minded.

It happened that the last bus was just after five o'clock, and Chen Jianguo caught it by motorcycle. He felt more good for his colleagues who came to take the bus.

I want to go home today. When I go to work tomorrow, I want to bring a bike to this section of the road to catch the bus faster.

When we went back in the evening, we had already had dinner and went to work in the workshop. Only Lin Peilan waited for him to come back for dinner.

"How do you feel about a new environment?"

When asked how his first day was, Chen Jianguo said anything.

"It couldn't have been better. My colleagues are friendly. He specially rode a motorcycle to take me back to the passenger station. "

"New comrade, is it so good? Dad worries all day that you can't adapt to work. It seems that your psychological quality is very good. "

"Well! So dad doesn't have to worry. Go to work in the morning and come back with you in the evening. This is the day I dream of. It's better than before

"That's a nice thing to say."

Lin Peilan almost spewed out a mouthful of soup. This man's demand was too low. He teased her when she had nothing to do. Her words became more and more pleasant.

"You'll have to work hard. You're on your way back and forth."

"It's OK. It's a pleasure to eat. "

"You just go to work now. It's not convenient to go to the mountains every day if you're not busy. I can't. I'll buy you a motorcycle. "