"This is because the tea garden needs a lot of fertilizer. It's too far away to choose much. That's why it's used as a substitute for walking."

We all said hello to ourselves, and Lin Peilan was not good enough to drive the tractor directly, so he stopped to talk to us.

"I'm a capable man. I'm very lucky to marry you."

In the past, everyone in the newspaper was still thinking of watching jokes. Now Lin Peilan is a tea garden and a tea factory, and farming has produced such a big movement. That's Lin Peilan.

We all work in government departments. Before, although we thought Lin Peilan was from a poor family, and the rumors were so bad, we couldn't help looking down on her.

But the Chen family didn't say anything bad about how to live. At this time, silence is tantamount to tolerating Lin Peilan. We all understand and can see it.

Now look at Lin Peilan's success, which dare to look down on, mouth does not say, the envy of the heart can be a lot.

"I don't know anything. I'm lucky to meet Jianguo."

Meeting Chen Jianguo is an important turning point in her life. All of Lin Peilan's changes begin with her marriage to Chen Jianguo.

At the moment, Chen Jianguo is her blessing and her sincere words, but others only regard Lin Peilan as modest.

"Jianguo's daughter-in-law, like your mother-in-law, you really know how to talk. Go back quickly. Your mother-in-law should be back now. I don't know how happy she is when she knows you are at home. "

"Good. You are busy. I'll go back first and come to play when I'm free. "

After a bit of politeness, they finally let go, leaving a distance. Lin Peilan could vaguely hear everyone talking about Jianguo and Sufen.

In the middle of the morning, Chen's mother was still not at home. Lin Peilan opened the door and took things in. Chen's mother came back by bike.

"You bought the tractor at the door?"

Who knew that mother Chen's face was so ugly when she came in. She pointed out that she was questioning.

"I bought tea a while ago. Mom, have some water... "

"Don't give me a break!" Chen's mother didn't buy it at all. She rudely interrupted Lin Peilan's words, "I know you're a swagger. I don't care if you're so noisy in the countryside. But when you step into the county, you'll behave yourself.

Where is the compound? There are so many old leaders, big and small. Some of them come back by car. Everyone gets off at the gate of the compound and walks back.

Be a low-key person. Why do you like to show off so much!

Don't worry about my son's money. I don't care if he wants to, but you can't show yourself! "

Lin Peilan was speechless. She really didn't mean to show off.

She knew that Chen's father always kept a low profile. The cars he picked up from work were always waiting outside. Chen Jianguo's colleagues didn't know the details before they drove in.

The people who live in this courtyard are either rich or expensive. Like the people next door, they also retired from military service and injury. Lin Peilan knew that they were all from extraordinary origins and did not want to compare with others.

I used to want to park the tractor outside, but today I have so many things. If I only carry them by hand without carrying a shoulder pole, it would be troublesome to go back and forth for three or four times. I didn't expect that I would get into trouble with Chen's mother again.

"There are too many things today. I drove in the tractor to save trouble. It's my fault."

"Everyone here is your senior. A finger is thicker than your thigh. There's no need to show what you have. On the contrary, that will make trouble for your father. I don't think I'll tell you what you should understand about it! "

"I'm sorry. For once, I will not do it again. I'll drive outside now... "

"If you drive outside, you have to put it in front of others. You'd better remember, don't make a fool of yourself here. "

"I see." Lin took a breath and nodded as before.

This is Chen Jianguo's mother. The man protects himself and spoils himself. He doesn't want to make a mess of his family.

She has the responsibility to make the home quiet and peaceful when Chen Jianguo is not at home.

"Go and do your work!"

Chen's mother softened her tone when she saw Lin Peilan's sincere attitude towards admitting her mistake. Her daughter-in-law here has the ability to make her liver ache every time she meets. It seems that she is a natural enemy. She waved her hand to help her

"Good." Lin Peilan asked with a smile, "Mom, I'll do what you want to eat."

"Whatever you want!"

Chen's mother went into the bathroom to wash, and Lin Peilan watched the door close. Only then did she find that the scented tea she was making had never had a chance to give her.

Put it on the tea table and turned into the kitchen.

After a while, the smell of food filled the house. As Chen's mother drank Lin Peilan's scented tea, her impetuosity and palpitations gradually subsided, and her face softened.

Usually only when she is at home, where can she get this treatment? Sometimes she wants to drink hot water and has to burn it by herself.

But Lin Peilan's housework and cooking skills are really speechless. That's why Chen's mother sometimes hates Lin Peilan and sometimes wants to be nice to her.

Lin Peilan made three dishes and one soup, braised meat, fried hairtail, fried bamboo shoots with vegetables, and a hot and sour soup.

She didn't often take care of Chen's mother at home. Every time she was at home, Lin Peilan would try her best to make something delicious for them. Although Chen's mother was 50 years old, her cooking skills were only limited to the stage of cooking.

At the dinner table, Chen's mother only ate in silence. She could see that she had a good appetite. Lin Peilan wanted to say something. At last, she thought it over. Don't make her angry again.

"Have you finished the medicine? Later, I'll take you to the doctor to help the pulse and see if you want to open another course of treatment. "

Lin Pei Lan's chopsticks in her hand, I don't know what to say.

These days, she is very busy. Today, the raw tea in the tea garden is too small to pick, and there is no goods in other small villages. Only some people sent tea factories to her, so she took time to come back. She took the medicine twice. What's the effect.

Lin Peilan didn't want to let Chen's mother down, especially because she didn't get pregnant. She almost quarreled. The next day, Chen's mother could let go of those who cared and went to get them back early in the morning.


Lin Peilan chose to comply with Chen's mother's wishes. After lunch, she and Chen rode a bicycle to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital.

The old doctor asked some private questions genially after ten minutes of watching. Lin Peilan answered them with a red face.

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that I don't look well. I don't have enough water in my kidney. It's probably because I stayed up late. Young people should not be too indulgent. They can't have sex too often. "

Lin Peilan is embarrassed. What is all this? No matter how calm she is, she can't be calm when she hears these words.

"Doctor, they live apart and don't get together very much. She's staying up late to stir fry tea. How do you think she can have children earlier? "

Fortunately, Chen's mother can help Lin Peilan explain calmly, otherwise Lin Peilan can only carry the excessive pot.