As soon as the conductor's voice fell, Lin Peilan obviously felt that Chen Jianguo's sight on him was quite hot.

Such a big fool, knowing the impossible, he would not go with him, but he had to think about it.

Lin Peilan pretended not to see Chen Jianguo's hot sight, sat down in the seat reserved by the conductor, and talked to the conductor with a smile.

"My wife wants to go back to work. Today she just took your car to the provincial capital. If I can't get away from home, I won't go."

"Look at you, big and small. I thought you were going too?"

Lin Peilan took a look at Chen Jianguo from the corner of his eye, and the big man's face was a little dispirited.

Why can't you think of this unexpected thing?

"I've been busy lately. It's all my dad who delivers the goods. Is our car selling well? "

"It's easy to sell, especially the handicrafts made by your father. Now your father has more and more designs. The handicrafts are very popular. They buy them back to send their children as gifts. Now the customers in the car are used to buying them. Several customers who often run along this route are waiting for your goods."

Lin Youcai's goods are very popular. The food drivers and conductors will take some profits. Lin Youcai doesn't sell any handicrafts. Lin Peilan is afraid that they are not happy. He didn't expect that they would be very happy.

Two people you come to me to say, Chen Jianguo quietly sitting aside when the air, also don't know how to mention the things that Lin Peilan they bring today, the conductor is also idle, very curious about what Lin Peilan they are in the big bag.

"Some food..." Lin Peilan suddenly thought of a way, after Chen Jianguo do not have to wait to go home or she went to the base can eat delicious way, "sister Yang, if I ask you to help me to bring some food for my wife, are you convenient to take?"

"We are so familiar with the relationship, is that enough to say? There must be no problem. No matter how many things you have, as long as you can take them with you. "

"Yes! I'm relieved to have you. I'm sure there will be a lot of things for you in the future. "

Lin Peilan said it's a matter of request. In fact, it's a matter of freight. We all know that we don't suffer losses. Why not?

Finally, Lin Peilan came to take care of the silent Chen Jianguo.

"After the founding of the people's Republic of China, if I take something for you, you can go straight to the station to get it. In this way, you can eat better and have more nutrition. "

"Good. I see

"You remember to take care of yourself, don't take a cold bath, don't eat cold food... You can't finish your work if you rest early at night."

Lin Peilan whispered, thinking that she would not see you again for a long time, which made her feel a little reluctant.

"You don't have to worry about me when I'm such an adult."

As we are about to leave, Chen Jianguo wants to talk to Lin peilando, but there are many people on the bus, and the conductor is on the side. If he looks like nothing, he can't do it, so he has to make a long story short.

"You don't have to have pressure on things in the factory. You have enough money for the time being. If you lose money and earn money, it's all your own. It's no big deal."

"It's not that it's no big deal, but I have to double the amount of money. It's better to double the amount of money now..."

"..." looking at Lin Peilan's ambition, Chen Jianguo couldn't help laughing. He raised his hand and rubbed the top of her hair and said in a low voice, "silly girl, the money is to keep you from getting more tired. If you work harder because of someone's money, it's against my original intention."

Lin Peilan can't help but look at the huge sum of money. Since she has signed the contract, she will not simply perfunctory. Otherwise, she will be sorry for Chen Jianguo's strong feeling in front of Chen's mother.

"Jianguo, I have a stubborn temper. You know, it's not a matter of hard work, but I can't have no goal."

Lin Peilan's goal is to make efforts to get closer to Chen Jianguo. She doesn't want people to point out that Chen Jianguo has a mismatched wife. Chen Jianguo deserves better treatment.

Of course, Chen Jianguo doesn't know what Lin Peilan is thinking, and Lin Peilan can't say it directly.

There are still two hours left in this section of the road. When we get to the town, Lin Peilan will get off the bus, while Chen Jianguo has been changing buses to the provincial capital to return to the base.

The time left for them to get along with each other is only two hours. It's deceptive to say that they don't cherish it. Chen Jianguo's eyes are on Lin Peilan from the beginning to the end, and Lin Peilan naturally feels it.

Not let Chen Jianguo down, regardless of whether the passengers on the side can see, Lin Peilan obediently leaned on his shoulder and talked to Chen Jianguo without a word.

It's not about saying anything, it's just about making this attachment a little longer.

If he could, Chen Jianguo would like to take Lin Peilan away. At the beginning, he didn't know where to get the confidence. He even planned to get married, one at home and the other at the base without interfering with each other.

Now as long as you think about it, you will feel very sad.

"When the machine arrives, you can hold a phone in the factory. It's more convenient for me to call you later."

"That's going to cost a lot of money, no way." It's a phone for thousands of dollars, and Lin can't bear it.

"If you think about it, if there is a client who can contact you in the future, you can't send a telegram by letter. It will take ten days and a half months to get to you. Maybe everything will be delayed. But when you have a phone call, you will know what he means as long as he calls. Isn't that good? "

It's really good. Lin Peilan leaned on Chen Jianguo's shoulder, listened to his rhythmic heartbeat, and imagined the possibilities that Chen Jianguo said.

Usually, she calls Jianguo and Xu Mingliang, and charges a lot of money. Sometimes, she can finish writing in one breath. She has to consider the words in writing a letter, and there is a limit on the number of words in sending a telegram, which is really inconvenient.

As for the customers, her only and biggest customer is Xu Mingliang. Lin Peilan believes that with the normal operation of the factory, she will have more and more contact with Xu Mingliang. However, it is not convenient for her to call the post office one or two days.

Glancing at Chen Jianguo's gray chin, Lin Peilan secretly looked around. She was next to the window, and Chen Jianguo was blocking her outside. No one could see her.

So she boldly went up and pecked, then quickly backed away, "OK, it's up to you."

"Ha..." Chen Jianguo was stunned for a moment. He almost thought that the kiss was fake. He raised his hand, took the person into his arms and said with a low smile, "thank you for listening to my arrangement."

The empty heart is finally warm. Chen Jianguo feels that he can recall such a kiss for a long time.

When the car arrived in the town, Lin Peilan sat up straight. Chen Jianguo reluctantly released it and reached out to tidy up her wrinkled clothes.

"Remember to take the phone and call me as soon as you get it done..."

"Good." Lin Peilan nodded, not give up holding Chen Jianguo's hand, "you are also good."