Luobeibei squints his eyes and feels that the person on the dragon's back seems familiar, but the distance is too far. Moreover, the dragon is spitting fire and rolling, and can't see the man's face at all.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that the man is definitely not the ugly monster of sheep bubble eye.

But no matter who it is, he is the first person besides himself. It's impossible to say that the key to breaking the situation lies in him.

Thinking about this, Luobei immediately yelled: "Hello, the man above, who are you?"

With her cry, the man on the dragon's back seemed to pause. Then he pressed the dragon's horn and twisted it. The Golden Dragon suddenly moaned again, and had to reverse his body and dive down to the ground again.

With this rush, the distance between the two sides suddenly narrowed by more than half. As Jin Long's body became more and more huge and slender, luobeibei finally saw the face of the Dragon trainer.

It's a face that even if you can't see the facial features clearly, it already gives you a kind of extremely handsome feeling, especially the look from afar, which is incomparably familiar.

Luobei stayed, how could it be brother mu?

"Xiao Beibei, is that you?" Mu Ao star exclaimed, obviously also some can't believe that she will appear here, stunned not from also stay.

That golden dragon is very clever, immediately seized this opportunity, suddenly a turn over, forced to throw him out.

"Brother Mu!" Seeing Mu Aoxing fall from the dragon head, Luobei suddenly exclaimed, and ran to the direction where the boy wanted to fall like a conditioned reflex, completely forgetting that it was an illusion.

But she just ran two steps, and the Golden Dragon cried out again, but it turned out that although Mu Aoxing rolled down from its back, one hand just grabbed one of its whiskers.

The Golden Dragon may have waited for a long time until this extremely rare opportunity. Despite the pain, he still swayed violently to get rid of him. At the same time, his two claws also grabbed him fiercely.

"Be careful!" Luobei screamed.

After a while, Mu Aoxing pulled the dragon's whiskers and suddenly swung in the air. Instead of perfectly avoiding the attack of the dragon's claws, he turned up at an almost impossible angle and dashed on the back of the Golden Dragon. He clasped its horns again and hit it hard.

"Ang..." This fist is obviously not light, Golden Dragon eat painful ground is a long hiss, prestige big break.

How can there be such a fierce person? That's a dragon!

Luobeibei didn't expect such a perfect counter attack. For a moment, he was shocked to forget that he was still running. When the deer lost his front hoof, he fell down the slope and fell into the stream, choking with good breath.

Fortunately, this section of the stream is not deep. It crawled back to the bank after a few times, but it was wet all over. It was hard to avoid embarrassment.

Just when she wanted to climb back to the slope to see the sky, she suddenly felt a sudden shock at her feet, and suddenly fell back into the stream with a puff, struggling for several times to stand firm.

"What a stupid girl. She can even wrestle when she runs a few steps. Thanks to your original shape, it's still a deer."

With the laughter of Qingyue, a slender figure leaps down with great strides. Her clothes are floating, her eyebrows are bright, and her mouth is narrow and slightly warped. It is the most disgusting look in my memory.

Behind him, the dust and smoke were slowly drifting away. A golden dragon, at least ten feet long, was lying on the ground with its head drooping. Its nose was white, and its huge body was covered with low vegetation. It was obvious that it had been completely defeated.

She was so worried about his safety, but this guy even made fun of her!

Luobei was angry and didn't go ashore immediately. When he came near, he shook his body and splashed water on his face.

Mu Aoxing touched the water on her face for a moment. After a moment of stupefaction, instead of being annoyed, she burst out laughing. Then, suddenly, the eagle pounced on her and fished her out of the water. Then, he threw her down on the grass by the stream and rolled her up directly.

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Beibei, you are more lovely than a human being."

"Ah What are you doing? Let go Let go... " Luobeibei didn't expect that he would be so crazy suddenly. Suddenly, he was turned dizzy. Until he finally stopped, he raised his fist and beat him on the chest.

It's just, how did her hooves become human hands again?

Wasn't she just deer shaped?

Luobeibei was so scared that he dropped his eyes and quickly swept away. He found that he was not as smooth as before when he just recovered his human form. Instead, he was wearing clothes. He couldn't help forgetting to continue beating people for a moment. He couldn't figure out why it was like this.

"Eh, how can you become a human just after praising your loveliness?" Mu Ao star is also very surprised, but just a little up, and did not move away, but also more seriously looked at her a few eyes, and then smile very bright lips, "but you are still very lovely, I like it."

"Like a head, you this inexplicable lunatic, no matter what shape I am, quickly give me up." Luobei came back and pushed him angrily, but somehow he didn't have much strength to push the cheeky one."But I think it's just right now..." Mu Ao star is approaching again. The light in the nearby star eyes is bright, full of bright look and unfathomable meaning. The voice of Qingyue is also low. "Beibei, I'm very happy that you can come to me."

"What are you talking about?" For the first time, luobeibei saw something special hidden in his eyes. He was a little flustered.

"Didn't you come in looking for me because you were worried about me?" Mu Aoxing curled her fingers and scraped her small nose. Her heavy body was so carefree that it seemed that she was born to be so close to her. Even his breath was almost touching her.

"You think too much!" Luobeibei patted his hand, but his cheek was uncontrollably hot. How can this guy look like this? Don't you know whether men and women are giving or receiving?

"Why do I think so much? Did you think too much about coming to me, or did you think too much about my danger just now? " Mu Aoxing's hand stretched out again. This time, what she touched was her cheek, and the action was especially gentle.

Luobeibei just felt that his brain was buzzing, and I didn't know how much blood was rushing up. Suddenly, I didn't know where the strength came from, so I pushed him away, and quickly rolled to the side for several times, as far away from him as possible, and then I got up with hands and feet.

"My little Beibei, is that shy?" Mu Aoxing was pushed aside by her and fell on the grass, but she was not in a hurry. Instead, she bent her elbow to support her head and looked at her with a smile.

"Hoo chill! chill! It's an illusion It's an illusion He's fake, it's all fake Don't be fooled... " Luobeibei took a deep breath, closed his eyes, repeated several times, trying to calm down.

Just now, she repeatedly reminded herself not to be fooled by this dreamland, and not to be led by the nose by that ugly monster, so as not to fall into the devil. However, she didn't expect that after seeing the fake prince fall into crisis, she fell into it all at once, almost forgetting her original intention. Fortunately, she finally recovered.

"Mirage?" Mu Ao star swept around for a while, "this place is really a little strange, but I'm really Mu elder brother."

"Don't believe him, fake is fake!" Luobei bowed his head, closed his eyes and refused to look at him.

"Little Beibei, I really mean it." Mu Aoxing smiles and stands up.

Although luobeibei kept nagging to remind himself, his ears were still standing up. At this moment, when he heard the rustle of clothes, he immediately opened his eyes and stepped back warily, for fear that he would insult himself again.

When he retreated, he forgot for a moment that he was human and had no four feet. His feet didn't coordinate well. Suddenly, he tripped and fell on the grass. Then he turned back into a deer shape. , the fastest update of the webnovel!