"No, no," luobeibei asked him to bring a stool again and quickly changed the topic. "We've eaten well, and we're going to leave. Are we ready to pack things?"

"My guest, just a moment. It will be ready soon. But don't you give these two children something easy to digest?"

"They don't like to eat when they have just had enough sleep," Luo Beibei said, grabbing the cloth on the ground and lying without changing his face. "Brother, I'll take my younger brother and sister to wash their faces in the stream outside first, and you'll come out with food."

Dashan answered the question naively.

Luobei took two jade demons one by one and went out as calmly as possible under the gaze of the people, but he knew that something might happen later.

When they first came to this wild restaurant, they found that there were at least six monks, two in a group and four in two groups.

The two groups are all young people with the same clothes. They have four levels of refining gas and five levels of refining gas. Which school should have come out to experience. They all have the style of an aristocratic childe and sit at the table behind the mountain. As soon as they sat down, they seemed to be talking about things. When the stool broke, they also looked at it, but they didn't seem to have any plans to meddle.

The other group consisted of four people, three men and one woman.

The woman's face is very rich in makeup, although her clothes are not exposed, but her eyes are only short of writing the word "amorous feelings". The bottom with a snake waist is sitting on the stool, but it has to be twisted twice without saying a word. I don't know how many fawns she threw at the cold faced young man on the opposite side. The little man sitting on her left side with fish bubble eyes hummed jealously from time to time.

As for the man in his fifties sitting on her right, who looks like a loyal man, dressed up and a coachman, he is very rude to eat. When the stool is broken, his eyes fall on the two jade demons as soon as possible. He also stops, turns around on the sawdust and rags, and then quickly follows the small man and the cold faced young man I had a talk.

Luobei knows that she has little experience in the world, so she has been careful to make up for her deficiency. When she entered this wild restaurant, she separated two spirits. One is staring at the kitchen to avoid being tampered with while the other is secretly paying attention to the activities in the restaurant, especially the group of four.

Among the four, women's accomplishments are the lowest, but there are also four levels of air refining. The small man has five levels. Since she can't see the cold faced youth and the driver, it proves that they are at least six levels of air refining. Especially the cold faced youth, even Dashan thinks he has two skills. Therefore, she always pays great attention to her words and deeds, and doesn't let Dashan deliberately cover up her accomplishments In order to more or less frighten these people.

Dashan's skills are very strange. He can't distinguish between high and low levels. Even the seven old princes can't determine his level. But Brother Yun once said that if Dashan's brother gets mad, he may have a hard time. So Dashan should be able to frighten some people.

Which knows she carefully again careful, these two small jade demons actually became the accidental variable.

If the stool is just broken, it doesn't matter. The big deal is that it's a quality problem, but now it's smashed, and it's only broken by a child's jump. I'm afraid people with long eyes can see that it's abnormal, right? She puts the responsibility on herself, and this kind of thing is at most like a mortal.

Sure enough, the front foot of Luobei just walked out of the store. The woman said that the wine had been spilled on the clothes and she wanted to wash it.

Monk, if your clothes are dirty, won't you use the most common cleaning technique?

Isn't that a bad reason?

Luobeibei just sneered, suddenly remembered that he had just used such a bad reason to take two jade demons out of the restaurant. He couldn't help but sigh to himself. He could only quicken his pace and quickly went to the stream side to soak the PAZI quickly.

"Oh, these two babies are so cute." Luobeibei thought that the woman would be reserved at least for a while. She didn't come over so soon. She didn't want her hand to be taken out of the water. The woman couldn't wait to use light body skill to plunder the two jade demons. She reached out and touched their faces.

Luobeibei carries two little guys on his back every day. Of course, I know that although these two little guys feel a little invulnerable, they are no different from ordinary children. But they are not afraid of 10000. Just in case, if they are suddenly on guard and become armored, don't they tell others that they are demons?

Therefore, as soon as the woman reached out her hand, she hastily swept over: "not good..."

Before the word "meaning" came out, I saw two little guys holding hands. In an instant, they were one foot away from the woman.

Luobeibei can't help sighing in the dark again. Alas, I'm afraid it's inevitable today, but the scene still goes on: "sorry, my younger brother and sister are afraid of strangers and don't like contact with strangers." Said, by helping them wipe their faces, intentionally or unintentionally stopped in the middle of the woman and two small jade demon.

"Why are you so nervous?" The woman thought she was gorgeous and covered her mouth with a smile, "can I eat them?"

Said, eyes are still to two jade demon body slip.Luobei calm face, see her eyes restless, but somehow did not come forward, and no longer speak, wait until the mountain out immediately on the back of two children on the road.

"Oh, you are a big man. How can you let your brother carry two children?" Seeing the movement of luobeibei, the woman made a very uneven noise.

"Brother, don't pay attention to her. Let's go." Without looking back, Luobei raced around the mountain road and ran wildly. At the same time, he didn't forget to let go of his spiritual consciousness and guard after exploring the road.

That group of four is not expected to let them go, in that case, it can only try to occupy the right place.

Luobeibei ran for more than ten miles at a time, but she was fast, and so was other people. Before finding a good place, lingzhi swept to the carriage behind, which was like a carriage pasted with a running charm. Luobeibei could only take the mountain and choose a low but densely shaded hillside nearby.

"Little brother runs very fast, but why don't you run now?" The woman floated out of the carriage and pointed her toes on the branch. The peach red robe should have been engraved with array, making the light body skill look like a fairy.

Luobeibei stood still, only glanced at her and looked to the left and right. The small man and the cold faced young man all came, but the driver didn't appear, which made her afraid.

"We don't know each other. Why are you chasing us?" Luobeibei gently put down the two little jade demons and stood in the middle of them. He surrounded the two little bodies with his hands. His small face was as cold as ice, without any good voice.

"How can this be a chase?" The woman stood on the branch, covered her mouth and chuckled, "sister, I just want to get close to your brother and sister because they are so lovely."

Luobei refused: "but we don't want to be close to you."

"The little brother looks thin and weak, but he has a big temper," the woman's eyes flow on the two jade demons. "It doesn't matter if the little brother doesn't want to be close to us. Just let these two lovely ginseng babies be close to us."

Ginseng baby? Compared with the stone demon, it seems that ginseng is easier to become essence, not to mention the jade demon of dragon and Phoenix, which has never been seen in ten thousand years. No wonder these four people are so thick skinned that they immediately come after us. This temptation is really great.

Luobei was stunned for a moment, but he showed a little flustered color on his face: "what are you talking about? What is the demon? They are my brothers and sisters. " #####

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