"No shame! Can you get anything back if you take it? It's a teleportation, at least Without waiting for ADA to finish, Fang Tianji suddenly sneered.

Luobei secretly replied, "since uncle Yada asked me to borrow it in public, he would not cheat me." he directly took out the cracked silk and handed it over.

"I've heard that teleportation psionic tools are very power consuming. I'm afraid it's difficult to control this piece of silk with my current cultivation. Uncle Yada wants to study it, which can help me figure out how to use it."

Seeing that she not only readily agreed to her own request, but also worried about her own face, ADA was very moved: "OK, I'll give you this trust, and my uncle will help me to make it clear. Then I'll ask the clan leader to help you to sacrifice again, so that there will be no traces of demons left."

Then he took out the other spoils and gave them back to her.

Luobeibei only took the storage bag: "I want this, those Warcraft bags stink, I don't want it."

ADA couldn't see that she was modest, so she patted her on the shoulder: "good boy, I will tell the patriarch about your credit when I go back. If your grandmother knows that you can deal with it so skillfully, she will be relieved."

The words suddenly came to luobeibei's heart. Suddenly, his face was as bright as a flower, and he was coquettish: "Uncle Yada has to brag with my aunt, so that she won't always treat me as a child."

"No matter how powerful you are, you are still a child in your grandmother's eyes. Besides, you are still a bean curd." ADA deliberately compared the height between the two people, and rarely played such a childish joke with her.

"Uncle ADA is bad at it, too." Luobei reluctantly let go of his hand and ran to the mountain where he had been looking at them with a simple smile. Leaning on his strong arm, he said, "my brother Dashan is the best. He supports me most at any time."

Dashan was held by her little hand, and she was more like a child than she, which made the demons laugh.

But after laughing, people still want to come back to reality.

"Although we have won for a while, the devil will not give up and will come back sooner or later." Yada adjusted the plastic surgery color and pulled everyone's thinking back, "for today's plan, we can only give up zigena and move elsewhere as soon as possible."

All the demons were silent, and everyone's face was sad.

"This is the home where we have lived for hundreds of years..." There is a demon very sad tunnel, "now even here are unable to keep it?"

"Although the heaven and the earth are big, there is no place for us to live!" A demon looked up to the sky and sighed sadly, "demon God, your people have suffered for thousands of years. When can you live in this world openly?"

As soon as he cried out with grief and indignation, the female demons with rich feelings could not help crying out. The other demons either drank and swallowed tears or were dejected. The fierce demons could not help shouting that they would not go away to fight against the demons.

"Fight to the death. Look at your wounded leg. Do you have the ability?" Yada had not opened his mouth before he had an old demon. He yelled at the demon with tears in his eyes.

Although some demons are also sad, they think more rationally: "our demons are far less powerful than the demons. There is no way for Yada to retreat. But we always retreat step by step. One day, there will be no way to retreat, not a long-term plan?"

ADA was silent for a moment: "now we can only take one step first Well, it's getting late. Let's not delay. "

For Ada's decision, the demons did not put forward any more opinions. If they could go, they would go by themselves. If they could not, they would go into the pet bag and prepare to return to the home they were about to give up.

When ADA saw that everyone moved, he looked at luobeibei: "Beibei, how are you

Luobei said: "Uncle Yada, I'm ok. I'm sure I won't hold you back." Although these two or three days have been wasting her spirits continuously, she is a little tired, but if she can't even eat this little hard work, she will have no experience in the previous few months.

ADA nodded, "let's go together."

Luobeibei skillfully carried up the two sleeping little guys with red faces and tied them directly to him. Dashan had a tacit understanding to put away the tents and other things immediately and followed Yada directly.

After a day's exposure, the power of the West slanting sun has been greatly weakened. There is no such hot man, but the demons are still listless. The long shadows pulled by the setting sun are especially heavy.

Since the demons attacked, the base is no longer safe, and the demons who were forced to hide outside are looking forward to returning to their homes almost every day. However, they don't want to be able to do so today. The purpose of returning is to migrate without return. Naturally, they can't be in a good mood.

Orderly but silent, the team meanders through the gray barren bare mountains, and finally comes to a dry river bed that has been washed out in some distant time, and then disappears one by one. Growing up in the demon Valley, Luobei is not unfamiliar with this false prohibition. When it's his turn, he calmly steps in.However, the demon Valley is a little small, but the beautiful mountains are green and the water is peaceful. Although the zigena base occupies a long Grand Canyon, it is full of scars and tears.

A winding river running through the gorge should have been clean and nourishing, but now countless corpses are floating and sinking in it. The big trees on both sides of the gorge should have stood high to protect all living beings, but now they are lying in the land eroded by the venom, and there are only houses that are leisurely dotted among the green mountains and waters A pile of rocks, a few burnt wood

"My home is gone My son is dead, too. Why am I an old woman still alive? " A bald female monkey with only one arm was staring at the scene in front of her. She suddenly jumped up and bumped into a big stone beside her. She was bleeding.

Fortunately, she is also a demon who has been practicing for many years. Her body is not as fragile as a mortal. Although this collision broke her head, her breath is still there. Several demons nearby are busy trying to save her. They are carefully bandaging her, and they are sad to persuade her.

"Ah I hate it Looking at this scene, a cow demon could not help hammering heavily on the ground, roaring angrily, "demon! You really deceive me too much. I swear that if I don't revenge this life, I will never be a demon again! "

"Revenge! Revenge! Revenge The spirits were in a low mood. When they saw that their home had been ruined by the demons, they were even more furious. They all roared with rage, and all the rocks on the mountain fell down.

ADA sighed and let everyone vent, no longer persuading each other.

"Sister, they are so pitiful." Dashan's nature is pure and good. Seeing this scene, he can't help but sniff. His eyes are full of tears.

"Well..." Luobeibei is also very sad. Although zigena is thousands of miles away from the demon Valley she grew up in, she always thinks that the demon Valley may become the second zigena at any time, and even, not only the demon Valley, but also the holy land of the demon tribe I'm afraid that one day we will

Thinking that the last refuge of the demon clan may fall into the hands of the demons and the Terrans, the demons and monsters they once knew may become one of the tragic pictures we have seen in recent days. In luobeibei's mind, the vast and prosperous city of the majestic imperial capital suddenly feels chest pain and heavy heart.

With the prosperity of the Terrans and the arrogance of the demons, the situation of the demons is so dangerous. If you can bear it like this, I'm afraid it's not far from the day of extermination!

"Immortal You said, "is the demon God really alive?" Luobeibei squatted down slowly, stroking the scorched earth under his feet. His heart was very desolate. Where is the future of the demon clan?

Fang Tianji didn't answer her as confidently as before, because maybe he couldn't answer her. If the demon God was still alive, how could he watch his fellow descendants suffer such hardships again and again? #####

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