In the early morning, as the thin mountain fog slowly spread and floated, the already very cold air became more and more chilly because of the layers of moisture.

After several heavy snows, the valley has long been covered with white. Whether it's the deciduous trees with bare trunks or the evergreen trees struggling to leave different colors for the world, they can't escape the invasion of ice and snow. The lower shrubs have completely become snow bags, and they can't show their own shape.

Suddenly, with a light sound, a fat snow rabbit came out of a very humble snow bag.

After the rabbit got out of the hole, he didn't rush out to look for food. Instead, he looked around warily to make sure that there was no strange noise around him and that it should be safe. Then he left the nest and jumped a few meters ahead, trying to leave home to search for fresh food.

However, just as it slightly relaxed its vigilance and jumped up again, a nearby snow bag suddenly burst open. Between the lightning and flint, a figure had directly rushed to the snow rabbit, and it had firmly grasped the snow rabbit's neck in mid air, and then it seemed very light to fall on the snow.

"I've got you!" The figure in white fur gave a low cry of joy, and the figure half kneeling on the ground moved. He quickly threw himself into the snow cave where he had been hiding before, and raised his hand to throw a strange whip to sweep the snow quickly.

With a piece of snow rising, the footprints left by the rabbit just now disappeared quickly. The large piece of snow that had been swept up was like being carried to a place by an invisible hand and then toppled down. Soon the snow cave was covered tightly again. With the calm of the breeze, there was only one snow bag on the ground, which was the most common in the snow.

After entering the snow cave, the figure lay down quietly for a long time, and carefully swept around with his spiritual sense. After confirming that the movement at that moment had not attracted the attention of any enemy, he breathed softly.

She took out two round beads and inlaid them on the wall of the cave. The snow cave was filled with light fluorescence. Although the light was much darker than that of fluorescene stone, it could provide some light sources.

Then, the figure raised his hand and lifted his hood, revealing a small face with haggard appearance but brighter eyes. It was Luobei, who lived in the holy land of the demon clan.

After she untied baiqiu and spread it on the ground, she went to a cave corner with a snow rabbit who had been strangled at that time and squatted down. While digging a small hole, she sighed and said to herself: "sin, sin I used to eat the wind rabbit that Dashan caught. This time, I caught it myself. If aunt coco knew, she would hate to eat me However, aunt coco, I didn't mean to eat your kind. In fact, other monsters in this ghost place are too fierce. Let alone eat them, it's very good that I can successfully escape from them Well, don't you like silver best? If not, I'll give you more money when we meet in the future... "

Murmuring to himself, the hole was soon dug.

With a sharp dagger, some warm rabbit blood immediately flowed into the small hole. When the blood was dry, luobeibei peeled off the rabbit skin carefully. After the residual fat was removed, luobeibei used two cleaning techniques in succession to dry the peculiar smell, and then hung it on the branch inserted behind him.

Then, she expertly pulled out the rabbit's internal organs, cleaned the inner chamber with ice and snow, and then buried the rabbit's blood in the small hole to cover up. Finally, as a clean white light flashed by, the blood stained slim hands and pink rabbit meat suddenly became clean.

"Well, it's the first time I've dealt with rabbits myself, but it's cool and neat. It's still very good."

Luobei bent up some dry lips and boasted briskly. First, he hung the rabbit meat on another branch, then cut it off with a dagger and put it in a string beside him. Then he quickly tied his fingerprints while mobilizing his spiritual power to recite the pithy formula of primary fire skill.

After a while, a little bit bigger than the little candle came out from the tip of her middle finger. She quickly took a branch and lit it. She used the branch to bake the rabbit kebab slowly.

Although there is a whole rabbit and more than one branch, she is hiding in the underground snow cave. The air is limited. The campfire is too big, the snow cave is easy to melt, and the smoke is too much to be found. She can only compromise a little, and it is impossible to roast the whole rabbit on the campfire at one time.

Can't carry storage space, can't carry spirit rune, spirit stone, can't carry small demon, can't carry puppet, can't even bring any food, just a warm clothes, a flying sword, a dagger and a bottle of medicine, enter the snow valley where most of the demons are above level three, stay for seven days and seven nights, if you can get through this period of time, help her forge This is the meeting gift of Qi lie Chi, the head of the demon clan.

Of course, this gift depends on Luo Beibei's willingness.

Qi lie made this request in front of Luo Lanxin. Luo Lanxin changed her face on the spot. There was both joy and worry in her eyes. It was obvious that the meeting ceremony was not so good.Luobeibei is not a fool. Naturally, she knows the risk. Although her training speed is greatly accelerated after the reconstruction of her meridians, all her spiritual power was destroyed when her meridians were broken, so she had to start all over again. That is to say, she just stabilized her second level of cultivation a few days ago. Not to mention only the second level, but also the third level. With her human skills and the worst spiritual roots, she is definitely at the disadvantage of the third level monster, let alone above the third level.

But the four words "flying magic weapon" were too attractive. Almost immediately, she thought of her past experience of being forced to fly by muaoxing. Although she later learned that it was not the flying sword that really played the role of flying, but the cloud wearing boots under muaoxing's feet. But the taste of flying was really wonderful and wanton, which made her want to try again I hope it's under my control.

It was only later that I stepped into the door of practice and learned some common sense of human practice that I realized that the flying of this royal weapon was not an easy thing. It not only needed sufficient and stable spiritual power to provide power, but also needed quite strong spiritual knowledge to control the flying direction at will. Generally speaking, these two conditions could be guaranteed only when the foundation construction was achieved.

Although she has an advantage in spiritual knowledge, she is the most common and low-level spiritual root. I'm afraid it's difficult for her to reach the level of foundation building in this life. Of course, it's not that she can't control the flying magic weapon without foundation building. For example, before muaoxing's elixir field was broken, only the guy with the seventh level of refining Qi could fly in the sky, but the problem is that she can't stand others' special skills Take a special route, there is a strongest backstage that no one can match!

His cloud riding boots were specially made for him by the master. They not only need less aura, but also have high stability. According to my aunt's guess, the spirits of two birds and monsters with more than ten levels should be sealed in those boots. So far, there is only one pair in the world!

As for whether the spiritual sense is strong enough, just think about the thrilling scene that Mu Aoxing took him to bump into the mountain at the last moment. ##### , the fastest update of the webnovel!