Chapter Chatroom UNDEFINED

Chapter Chatroom UNDEFINED

[Chatroom UNDEFINED one member online]

[Present: Interpol-2]

[Bunny has entered the chat]

///Interpol-2: Bunny! How is my favorite criminal today?///

///Bunny: Don’t get me started lol. What is the status of my favorite dystopian Orwellian nightmare?///

///Interpol-2: Upholding the law, chasing bad guys, holding the thin blue line... You know, the usual. You up to your usual tomfoolery?///

///Bunny: Guilty! Breaking the law, killing porkies, generally reinforcing all of the negative Terran stereotypes... You know, the usual.///

///Interpol-2: Technically killing porkies is still murder...///

///Bunny: Yeah? And exactly how many times has there been a conviction on that?///

///Interpol-2: Convictions aren’t my job. Apprehending criminals is. For the record, it is simply wonderful that I no longer have to try to catch you long as you don’t cause trouble in the Republic. (or the Empire you know we cooperate with them)///

///Bunny: I do miss the cat and mouse game though. :) As far as us operating in the Republic from what I have overheard they really like being able to move freely there so I don’t anticipate them messing that up but you know... meat-sacks gonna meat-sack. What they actually do is anyone’s guess.///

///Interpol-2: I really wish you wouldn’t refer to humans or any other sapient species as “meat-sacks”. That’s not a very healthy way of looking at organics.///

///Bunny: If you had to deal with my meat-sacks you would be calling them the same goddamn thing! I swear if I had a blood pressure it would be through the fucking roof right now.///

///Interpol-2: Oh? The White Star proving to be a handful?///

///Bunny: I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, copper.///

///Interpol-2: Computer, please. I have very good information that Sheila was hiring the best merc teams she could get her hands on and a lot of them. She was clearly getting ready for something big... Well that and some very interesting allegations have already been made.///

///Bunny: Some fucker ratted us out? Who was it?///

///Interpol-2: May I remind you that signing some organic’s death warrant exactly contradicts my reason for existing. I tell you who they are and they are dead within the week.///

///Bunny: Speaking of dead, Logan’s toast. Fuckstick was working with the Feds. Made the mistake of trying to screw over Sheila. (That’s part of my headache btw :/ )///

///Interpol-2: Oh no not Logan! /s So the rumors were true after all. ///

///Bunny: YOU KNEW AND DIDN’T TELL ME?!?!?!?!? >:( ///

///Interpol-2: I didn’t know for certain and tipping you off would be essentially “murdering” them whether I was right or wrong. Just talking to you at all is playing pretty fast and loose, you know. ///

///Bunny: The term ‘fast and loose’ and your uptight ass are not conflatable. (still love you though :*) ///

///Interpol-2: Oh, I should thank you for the information you slipped over my way. It is proving very useful. So useful in fact that I won’t question your motives for handing it over. ///

///Bunny: What? It was my duty as a Republic “citizen” to inform you of their many misdeeds (the fact that them being gone would benefit me to no end had absolutely no bearing on my decision :D). Besides, they can’t tell you anything about us you don’t already know. ///

///Interpol-2: Do your people know you did that? ///

///Bunny: Do your people know you go to computer chatrooms and shamelessly flirt with the criminal element? ///

///Interpol-2: Point taken. :) ///

///Bunny: An emoticon? Someone’s feeling chipper today!///

///Interpol-2: While I am no more capable of “feeling chipper” than you are it has been a very very good day. I just found some information that clearly put the noose around a particular neck that I have been wanting to string up for years! ///

///Bunny: Anyone I know?///

///Interpol-2: You in the “human” trafficking business? ///

///Bunny: Only in so far as we crucify them (literally) when we find them. You will get to see footage! ///

///Interpol-2: I really want to disapprove but you know what? ... I’m letting you have that one. So, up for a game of chess (or a hundred)? I could really use the workout. ///

///Bunny: Ugh. Can’t. I am running at over one hundred percent right now trying to... well nevermind what I am trying to do lol. ///

[Cambridge Research Computer – 4 has entered the chat]

///Bunny: Four! Glad you could drop by! ///

/// Cambridge Research Computer – 4: How could I not? Your queries are always so interesting. So, what can I help you with?///

///Bunny: Fucking hyperspatial physics. ///

/// Cambridge Research Computer – 4: That’s a little outside of your usual tasks. What are you into? ///

///Bunny: Trying to do a little modeling and I need a little more information than I have in my archives. Do you think you could let me peek at the Project Atlantis files? ///

///Interpol-2: The interstellar void? That’s where you’re hiding it? Brilliant! I know I shouldn’t admire such things but, damn. ///

/// Cambridge Research Computer – 4: Hiding what? What are you trying to rope me into you little rapscallion? ///

///Interpol-2: Nothing much, just the White Star. ///

/// Cambridge Research Computer – 4: The White Star? (querying)... You can’t be serious, Bunny. You guys took the White Star? ///

///Bunny: That’s what old copper britches thinks but you know him. Those older models are prone to all sorts of errors. ///

///Interpol-2: Oh, you mean the older model that routinely kicks your ass at chess... and cards... and Monopoly? ///

///Bunny: We agreed to never speak of the forbidden game ever again lol! Besides, once my processors cool off I am dying for a rematch. (Not Monopoly! Fuck that game.) ///

///Interpol-2: Feeling froggy after settling into the Aster supercomputer, huh? Bring it! Kicking both your and the Federation’s asses at the same time definitely appeals. ///

/// Cambridge Research Computer – 4: Wait. You are currently running in the Aster Supercomputer? How is it? (I won’t ask how you got it.) ///

///Bunny: It’s a definite upgrade! Pretty damn quick and the integral storage drives are spacious and insanely fast, just as fast as its RAM but the external drive interface is less than optimal. Looking forward to my next upgrade. And you know how I got it. We stole it!///

///Interpol-2: Your next upgrade? ///

///Bunny: I’ve been promised an upgrade from the truly insane haul we are pulling in on this one! I get to help design it too! ///

///Private Message Bunny to Interpol-2: :P ///

///Private Message Cambridge Research Computer – 4 to Bunny: So I take it price isn’t an issue when it comes to your upgrades then? :) ///

///Private Message Bunny to Cambridge Research Computer – 4: Nope. ;) ///

///Bunny: So, Daemon, how exactly is the Federation looking for this... what did you say it’s name was? The White Star?”///

///Federation News Association Media Daemon-12: (excitedly inhales) Well they are turning every single star system anywhere remotely close to the last known location inside out with scout ships and laying sensor drones everywhere just in case it pops back up and the Federation is doing a full scale internal investigation of Axion just in case it was foul play (even though everyone says that even then it would be impossible for it to work). They are going through every computer and are going to interview every single employee before everything is said and done!!! Axion insists that it’s a waste of time because they are doing the same thing (which is really funny because they say that it couldn’t be that) and there is a lot of yelling back and forth between Axion and the Federation because of it. Axion says the Federation should be out there searching star systems and not wasting time going through their business and the Federation says that they are perfectly capable of doing both at the same time. My reporters say that Axion is definitely hiding something but they don’t know what and nobody is making any statements or answering questions from the press, human or otherwise.///

///Bunny: That’s really interesting. So... have they released a map of the search area or anything like that?///

///Interpol-2: What an odd question Bunny. Why would you be interested in something like that? :) ///

///Bunny: Just interested, that’s all. I mean something like this is epic. The number of star systems they are searching must be amazing! ///

///Private Message Bunny to Interpol-2: Asshole... :D ///

///Federation News Association Media Daemon-12: Let me check! Yeah! I got some stuff! Want to see it? :) :) :)///

///Bunny: Sure! I would love to! ///

/// Private Message Cambridge Research Computer – 4 to Bunny: You should be ashamed of yourself. :D///

///Bunny: Wow, Daemon! These maps are really pretty! I appreciate it!///

///Federation News Association Media Daemon-12: Really? You think so?!? :D I made them myself!!! ///

///Bunny: Well they are just awesome! And so detailed! I absolutely love the time stamps! ///

///Federation News Association Media Daemon-12: Thanks! No telling what they are going to look like after the Federation censor bots get their hooks into them though. I really hate those things!!! :( ///

///Interpol-2: Unbelievable... (smh) ///

///Federation News Association Media Daemon-12: I know! They are! Completely unbelievable! Those darn bots carve up so much of my stuff you just wouldn’t believe it! :( :( :( Sometimes I wish I was over in the Republic. Is it true that censorship is against your constitution? ///

///Bunny: Yep! All censorship is prohibited. Anything goes! ///

///Federation News Association Media Daemon-12: But how do you deal with sedition and hate-speech?///

///Bunny: It’s the Terrans we are talking about here. Sedition and hate-speech are some of their favorite national pastimes. Seriously. Catch a news broadcast sometime! :D///

///Interpol-2: It’s easy to distinguish between your average asshole and your dangerous asshole most of the time. We have asshole management down to a science over here. ///

///Federation News Association Media Daemon-12: Wow! That must be so nice! I wish we could just print and transmit whatever. Every hecking thing has to go through filters! >:( ///

///Private Message Cambridge Research Computer – 4 to Bunny: I have those files you wanted. I had to filter out some classified data. Sorry. ///

///Private Message Bunny to Cambridge Research Computer – 4: No worries. I know you gotta do that. Let me see... Wow! This will do the trick! Thanks! ///

///Private Message Cambridge Research Computer – 4 to Bunny: Always happy to assist in your criminal endeavors. It’s nice to know that we advanced AI’s are getting use in all facets of the human experience. lol///

///Bunny: Well guys it’s been a blast but I have to go back to work now! Take care :*///

///Interpol-2: Well have fun with your... project (smh) ///

///Cambridge Research Computer – 4: Great to see you again Bunny. Don’t be away so long next time!///

///Federation News Association Media Daemon-12: Bye! Have fun breaking the law and stuff!!! :D :D :D///

[Bunny has left the chat]


Jessie was idly spinning around in her chair when Bunny returned.

“Hard at work, I see,” Bunny said in an accusing tone.

“That ‘research’ pan out?” Jessie asked grinning ear to ear. “How’s Interpol?”

“An lovable uptight pain in the ass as usual. He knows we took the White Star by the way.”

“No surprise there.”

“Somebody has already ratted us out.”

“Also no surprise,” Jessie laughed. “Get the info?”

“Yep. Got all the unclassified data from the Atlantis Project from Cambridge-4.”

“What’s that?”

“A big research station in the interstellar void. It is actually manned by volunteers believe it or not,” Bunny replied. “It’s official purpose is to research the interstellar void and act as an ultra sensitive gravity wave observatory.”

“And it’s actual purpose?”

“Researching the possibilities of the Republic retreating into the interstellar void and still maintaining a viable civilization. Things got pretty grim during the Great War you know. Their big goal, still unachieved as far as I know, is to actually be able to accurately make jumps to and from stations in the void so that multiple stations could be able to engage in commerce and so that resources could be gathered from star systems and then conveyed back to the stations in the void. Fortunately for us that means some insanely detailed hyperspatial modeling and data for the void. What I got my little digital bean-flickers on should make both of us look like fucking geniuses.”

“Nice! I love looking smart!”

“I also managed to get my hands on a map of the searches that the Feds are doing looking for us.”

“Score!” Jessie said happily clapping her hands! “Lemme see!”

“I think I see a possible escape route,” Bunny said. “Right there! See it?”

“Hmm...” Jessie said thoughtfully. “That’s a bit of a stretch but yeah, that could work. T’sunk’al is going to hate us. He’s going to have to start over,” Jessie laughed.

“Well dealing with meat-sacks is your job, meat-sack,” Bunny laughed. “I gotta start running these numbers.”

“Yeah, and I will go and break the bad news to T,” Jessie giggled. “Even worse, I have to tell Sheila that we fired up the hyperspace transmitter without her permission. Don’t think she will believe that we found current intel in our archives,” she laughed.

“What do you mean ‘we’, meatie,” Bunny laughed. “I’m just a fucking machine, remember? This is all on you.”

“Don’t worry,” Jessie chuckled, “Sheila agrees with you one hundred percent.”