Chapter 324

There was a faint light in Chen Mozhi's eyes.

Indeed, he came to find Jiang Xuan just to tell her that Rong Jing had also taken part in the island.

Just looking at Rong Jing, he changed his mind.

He wants to take advantage of this opportunity to win the project from Rongjing, defeat him aboveboard and step on his feet!

"What? As a friend, can't I come to see you if I have nothing to do? " Chen Mo Zhi raised his eyebrows and walked in: "besides, I also want to see how the body of the people I treated has been raised."

Rong Jing's eyes sank.

Chen Mozhi is of the same blood type as him. He has heard about how he saved him at the critical moment.

"Thank you so much this time." Rong Jingshen said in a voice, "if you have any requirements, you can make them."

Chen Mo Zhi leisurely way: "I and Jiang Xuan are good friends, her business is my business, talk about remuneration is strange."

In Rong Jing's eyes, the color of ink is more heavy: "I don't like to owe people's favor. The best choice is to pay off both the money and the goods."

"Oh?" Chen Mo saluted and pointed out: "in your heart, can money solve all problems?"

"No Rong Jing said calmly, "but it can solve most of the problems. Like this thing. "

"That's unfortunate. I'm not short of money and I don't like it." Chen Mo Zhi chuckled: "what's the use of money? Can you buy feelings, can you buy people's lives? "

"Thank you for coming to see me, Mr. Chen." Jiang Xuan faintly realized that it was wrong and interrupted the conversation: "do you want to eat some fruit first?"

"Thank you."

Jiang Xun picked up an apple, was about to start, but Rongjing took the fruit knife: "I come."

"If you hurt your arm, I'll do it." Gracilaria murmured.

"It's just a minor injury." Rong Jing didn't care: "or do you think I can't even do this little thing?"

"This..." Jiang Xuan hesitated and let go.

Rong Jing peeled the apple, divided it into two and handed it to Chen Mozhi in half: "please."

Chen Mozhi raised his hand and took it: "it's my honor to eat the apple that Mr. Rong cut by hand."

Rong Jing didn't answer. He just sent the other half of the apple to Jiang Xuan's mouth. "Ah Ning bought it. Try it sweet or not."

Jiang Xuan hid behind, and Chen Mozhi was also in the ward. She was not used to being so intimate in front of people. She was ashamed and said, "I'll do it myself."

But Rongjing holds her waist in one hand and does not allow her to escape.

As soon as he made a move, he snorted.

Suddenly, he was too scared to move: "did I touch your wound?"

Rong Jing then sent the apple forward: "taste it, sweet?"

Jiang had to bite, his face blushed, and he didn't taste anything: "sweet."

Rong Jing said with a low smile, "I'll try it, too."

He took a bite at the place where he had bitten, "it's obviously sour. You have another taste. "

"Don't you..." Worried about his arm, Jiang did not dare to hide, his ears were red completely: "there are still people here."

What we want is that he is here.

"So what?"

Rong Jing said faintly: "surely Chen will not mind. Mr. Chen, right? "

Looking at his beloved woman being held in his arms by Rong Jing, Chen Mo Zhi's jealousy was almost extinguished. He used up all his self-control to maintain the expression on his face and said: "of course."

Rong Jing took his eyes back and said, "have another taste."

"You..." Jiang can't resist him, so he has to take another bite, "sour and sweet."

"It's sweeter for me. Try it again."

"It's sweeter," she said

Rong Jing: "since it's so sweet, have another bite."

Half an apple, in Rong Jing's words, two people a mouthful soon finished, Rong Jing let go of Jiang Xuan, went to one side of the paper towel, gracefully wiped his hands.

Jiang Xun's face was red and hot. She wiped the corner of her mouth and felt that she had no face to see people. She just turned her head and was stunned: "how about Chen Mo?"

I left a few minutes ago.

Rong Jing threw the paper towel into the dustbin and said casually, "maybe I have something to go first."

"So fast?" "I feel that he should have something to do this time..."

Don't want to hear that person's name again, Rong Jing interrupts her: "the apple that a Ning buys this time is good."

"It's really OK." Jiang Xuan was distracted: "but what about Anning?"

"Probably to play with his sister nurse." Before Rongjing's voice fell, rongning came in with a full of snacks: "Mommy, please help me."

Jiang Xuan helped him put things aside: "did your sister nurses send them to you again?"

Rong Ning is outstanding in appearance and sweet in mouth. No one can resist her. These days, every time she goes out and comes back, her hands are full of snacks sent by nurses.Rong Ning wiped the sweat on his head and said happily, "no, I accompanied a nurse sister to make rounds, but they gave me so many delicious food. Several of my sisters said they would marry me when I was ten years old. "

"Er..." Jiang Xuan and Rong Jing look at each other.

Rong Ning shook his head and sighed: "Alas, the charm is too big to help. Although very touched their love, but I can not bear to delay their youth. So I made an appointment with my best-looking little sister. When she comes of age, we'll be together. "

Jiang Xuan: "this..."

Rong Ning took out a picture with a bashful face: "Mommy, do you think this little sister is very good-looking and matches me?"

Jiang took it, and the girl in the photo was wearing a braid and smiling. She was only four or five years old, but she could see her future beauty.

"How's it going? Are you qualified to be your daughter-in-law

"Enough is enough." But don't you think it's too far away for you two to fall in love

"Not far." Rong Ning blinked innocently: "now there are 30 million more men than women. How can we cultivate the emotional foundation if we don't fall in love early? How to get married in the future? Mommy, do you want to see me fight a bachelor? "

For a moment, Jiang Xun thought his words sounded reasonable: "didn't her parents say anything?"

Rong Ning proud of a chest, announced: "we are two private life!"

Jiang Xun came to Rong Jing's ear and whispered, "don't you have anything to say?"

Rong Jing pick eyebrow: "my pig will arch cabbage."

"Why are we pigs?" he said

"Chinese cabbage is so small that it will grow into Chinese cabbage. You should be more happy." Rong Jing's tone was relaxed: "at least you don't have to worry about his marriage in the future."

He looked at Rong Ning: "let's have a look when we have time."

"No problem! When we cultivate our feelings, I'll bring people to you. " Rong Ning's face was full of happiness: "you will like her."