Chapter 1597: Rolling

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"I know what you are thinking. The fastest update┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛" Kerax taps a few times on the smart device on his wrist, and a stereoscopic projection of the Spear of Arden appears in the air. As the image rotates, some modules are marked: "Yes Try to implant crystals into the inner space of the Spear of Arden, work with the solar furnace, and plan two energy lines. This should help the Spear of Arden communicate with the sub-universe where the system space is located, and break the Protoss building on the ground environment."

"You mean... you can implant the lens and its supporting system into the Spear of Arden?"

Kailax nodded: "Not only that, the Ypsilon World Ship has more advanced equipment than the Azure Mars transition guidance module. If it is disassembled and implanted in the Azure Mars, the navigation system may be strengthened to help us find The way out of here."

"Kaylaks, you really helped me a lot." The good news smashed one by one. He had an urge to hug the phase technician and kiss him, but looking at that face, he finally contained his excitement. Dispelled this idea.

In order to suppress the restlessness in his heart, he greeted Claire and walked outside along the road when he came.

Kerax did not follow the past, but stayed to continue investigating the damage of the Ypsilon World Ship, to see if there is a way to repair the key modules and obtain as many valuable materials as possible.

After the two came out of the bridge, they did not go back to the place where the Silver Moon Shuttle was parked, and went all the way up to the highest point of the Ypsilon World Ship. Then, Tang sent an instruction to the system space.

A blue electric current flashed above the colorful energy-filled area, and these thunders continued to converge, flowing along the slowly emerging black hole. First, a little golden color came out, and then the huge hull of the Spear of Arden slowly sailed out with a breath of majestic and noble elegance, traversing the void in front of it.

The golden spiral structure gives people a strong visual impact. The light curtain composed entirely of energy spreads out between the structural gaps, and the texture like water waves continues to spread on the surface.

The Kadarin crystal dotted on the surface of the ship's hull exudes like water brilliance, constantly swaying the surrounding colorful energy.

Claire smiled and said: "Now, you have the capital to show off like the world."

Tang Fang rolled his eyes, with a serious expression on his face: "Am I that kind of person? As a pure person, a noble person, a moral person, a person who is separated from low-level tastes, how can I show off his force? What's your business."

Claire squinted her eyes, and then gave him a look that was strange to you.

Since Kerax said that there was a way to activate the navigation system of the Azure Martian, the hope of leaving here was already visible, her mood was flying up, and a smile appeared on her face.


Tang Fang and others were trapped in a strange space unable to leave, and the Celtic Star System battle set off a storm in the Hilumbel region.

Without any sign, Morningstar Casting suddenly took action and erased the entire Celtic star from the star chart. This news spread in the international community in the form of a tsunami.

Regarding what Tang Fang did, some were applauded, some were yelled, some were sitting on the sidelines, some were gloating...Anyway, people with different positions of buttocks, people with different levels of intelligence, received different amounts of information People have different understandings and emotions.

Judging from the results, there is no doubt that the Garcia Rebels won the war. The destruction of the Celtic star meant that the ruling foundation of the Stewart family was hit hard.

It's just... this doesn't mean that Marion Duncan and others have enough strength to block the news. He couldn't stop everyone's mouth, not to mention that some of the Celtics still escaped.

Regardless of whether the matter was as the Garcia Rebel spokesperson said, Tang Fang used the Star Destroyer weapon to ruin the Celtic Star only when he had to. In short, the Celtic star was destroyed because he launched a war, and the residents on it died together. This is an indisputable fact, and it can't be cleaned no matter how you wash it.

The Sauron Empire, the Republic of Date, and the Sulu Empire spread all over the country on this matter, demonizing Tang Fang as the most vicious demon in the world, saying that he would only bring war and destruction to the Hilumbel region. .

Those young people who only know how to browse the official media and don’t know how to think independently are all slogans. The slogans start with boycotting Tang Fang, then rising to boycotting Morningstar Casting, then boycotting Star Alliance, and those close to Morningstar Casting. Several countries.

There are discerning people in the international community who say that the Sulu Empire, the Sauron Empire, and the Republic of Date did so mainly because of fear. The powerful feared that they would follow in the footsteps of Kolkraf I and chose to kidnap public opinion and public opinion to their own chariot. However, for Captain Tang, who is determined to bury a planet and destroy the royal family, these actions are nothing more than screams.

There are supporters of this argument, and of course there are opponents, because the young people who shouted slogans and beaten blood to resist Morningstar casting are also humans, not cats, dogs, pigs, sheep...

Some radicals in the Star League and the Charles Federation said in a sarcastic tone that the royal family defended by these people did not regard them as human beings. When the war did not come, they were exploited as pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep. When the war came, they were treated as cannon fodder. Is it necessary for Captain Tang to waste his kindness on this group of blind and stupid things when sent to the battlefield? Such a silly boy is not worthy of pity, not worth saving, not worth paying...

Drooling battles were staged throughout the Hilumbel region, but Morningstar casting was very quiet, and no one came out to explain. Even some radicals placed some abusive placards outside the void energy barrier of the Delar star system, but no one came out to clean it up.

At this time, the official media of the Sauron Empire released a piece of video data to the outside world.

Dragon Whisperer started working on Morningstar Casting? ! Many people suddenly realized why the Dillard star system has been silent. It turned out... Captain Tang has recruited a powerful enemy.

The Dragon Whisperer... As the legendary guardian of the order in the Helumbel region, one can imagine how prestigious and influential it is in civil society. Since the Dragon Whisperers can no longer tolerate Tang Fang, Chenxing Casting... the days ahead will definitely be difficult.

Those who had cheered Tang Fang before stopped talking. How can they encourage? Let Tang Fang take the Dragon Whisperer? Isn't this asking him to die?

In the eyes of the people in the Hilumbel region, the rise of Morningstar Casting is fast, and it has reached the point where it can destroy the imperial power at will. However, against the mysterious and powerful Dragon Whisperer, it is naturally invincible.

At this time, the official media of the Sauron Empire added a handful of firewood to the fire. They pointed out that the reason why the Dilar star system is so peaceful is because Tang Fang has already lost the war with the hidden forces and will never appear in the Hilumbel region again.

This time, the Sauron Empire did not produce convincing evidence, and only a few short videos of Tang Fang's warships bursting into flames during the battle, which basically did not explain the problem.

However, it is disappointing that there is no timely refutation of the rumors in the Morningstar casting, and the Dillard star system is calm as stagnant water. For some good people, the biggest attraction is the various trash and malicious placards floating around.

Tang Fang is really dead?

Some people are sad about it, and of course some people cheer and dance. At least there are many such patriots in the Sulu Empire and Sauron Empire. They followed in the footsteps of the royal family and celebrated wildly, as if the Morning Star was finished, they would be able to live a better life without the burden of taxes, medical care, education, etc.

All in all, the wave of propaganda attacks planned by the state media of the Sauron Empire gave domestic society a stimulant.

In fact, the Sauron Empire and the Sulu Empire did not gain much in the propaganda war, and the Date Republic and the Monya Empire gained more. Regarding the former, there is no doubt that those who have fallen into the pessimistic anti-Morning Star Casting Alliance separatist warlords are given a doping shot. Regarding the latter, those who are encouraged to respond to the call of Garcia's rebels and raise their loyalty to resist the precarious imperial rule really poured cold water.

In this case, Colorado Stewart, who was sent away by Kirklaf I in advance, appeared in the Monya society, united with the lords of all walks of life as the new ruler of the empire, integrated a crusade army, and began to fight Garcia rebels and enlightened lords headed by Zhou Hanlin carried out sweep operations.

Knowing that the Dragon Whisperers are fighting against the Morningstar, what the Star Alliance, the Charles Federation, and the Dolanx Republic can do is to strengthen the frontline offensive and bite the Royal Navy and the Hydra Corps. They withdrew to help Colorado Stewart stabilize the political situation.

The Royal Navy and Hydra Corps were unable to support the civil war, but the Sulu Empire sent a strong force at this juncture to help Colorado Stewart stabilize the regime.

On the other side, the mysterious fleet of the Sauron Empire launched a blitzkrieg against the Turanx United Kingdom with the cooperation of the Sword of Oaths Special Guard and the Orlando Knights, and tore apart when the morale of the new Lionheart Fleet and the 23rd Ranger were low. A gap, straight into the territory of Turanx United Kingdom.

With the Sword of Oaths Special Guard and the Orlando Knights to contain the Turanx United Kingdom frontier defenders, the military simply can't spare any effort to encircle and suppress the mysterious fleet, not to mention the extremely high technological level of the opposing warships, which cannot be matched by non-prison fleets.

No one knew where they went until the investigation department gathered the clues together and finally found a way.

However, it is already a situation where the distant water is difficult to quench the near thirst.

The goal of the mysterious fleet of the Sauron Empire is the Atlantis space station of the Khanos star system. As a space facility that can build advanced battleships such as Andromeda-class battleships and Scorpio-class cruisers, once destroyed by the enemy, one can imagine how it will affect the Turanx United Kingdom.

The Khanos star system is the capital star system of the Turanx United Kingdom. It has more advanced warp interception facilities, but the enemy's level is higher. The warships used by this mysterious fleet are even higher than those of Morningstar. On the front line of battleships, as long as you make up your mind to lose some battleships, the Atlantis space station will definitely not be able to keep it.

What surprised Cui Enhao, who was commanding operations on the border between the two countries, was that he did not wait for news of the destruction of the Atlantis space station, but waited for the good news of the destruction of the mysterious fleet.

Yes, the entire army was annihilated, not one ship was removed, and even the shuttle was not missed!

The staff of the Atlantis space station and the patrol fleet belonging to the first speed interception network witnessed the war.

A face-to-face, just a face-to-face... The mysterious fleet of the Sauron Empire was smashed to the end.

With the appearance of a golden battleship beyond human imagination, the battleship of the Sauron Empire turned from hunters to prey, and the people of Turanx United Kingdom had not recovered from the shock, and the battle came to an end.

Only the explosion of flames, the rapidly spreading floating garbage, and the golden drone swarms that wandered like a trend in space, took away those shuttles that abandoned their ships and turned them into small flames in space.

This life-and-death war for the staff of the Atlantis space station is as simple as kicking away the stones by the feet very casually for the golden giant ship and its **** fleet.

Rolling, spike, flat push, torture...

Words such as these popped up in the minds of those who witnessed the battle.

In short, this battle came fast and went fast, but the public opinion effect he caused was like a super-light storm sweeping the entire Hilumbel region.

No one could tell that Captain Tang was back. If the last time he disappeared for a long time, he suddenly appeared to be the return of the strong, then this time is the return of the king.

The last time this kid disappeared, he already had a fleet-class relic warship when he reappeared. Look at the disappearance this time directly drive back an Ark ship!

This is the larger battleship of the USS Statue of Liberty in the United States of Jupiter in the Bias Gothic region, the legendary Ark! Dragon Whisperer and Morningstar forge hostility? Squeeze Captain Tang to death like an ant? Now it looks more like a joke. Although everyone knows that the Dragon Whisperers are powerful, they have never seen them dispatch a battleship higher than the fortress.

There is no doubt that Tang Fang’s strong return is a boost to the demoralized Star Alliance Navy, Turanx United Kingdom Navy, Garcia Rebels, and enlightened lords headed by Zhou Hanlin, as well as those who silently support him. .

One can ebb and flow, and the people who are friendly with him have greatly increased, so you can imagine how the Sauron Empire, Sulu Empire, Colorado Stewart and the people around them will react.

An Ark ship, Tang Fang actually came up with such a thing, do they still play it? absolutely not!

In the past, sovereign nations could not do Morningstar casting. Only the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress can destroy the stars at will. How about this Ark that suddenly exceeds two tiers? Only a fool would think it was a paper tiger.

Affected by this incident, the entire Hilumbel region is turbulent, and public opinion quickly ferments.