Chapter 989: Battle for the tower

Aros' hearing is very good, and he did not ignore the grievances of the big and small because of the vibrations under his feet. He slapped Tang Lin on the back of his head, making a muffled sound, "If I know that kid, I know more than you. Don’t look at Behemoth doing stupid things, God knows if he’s playing any tricks again."

Although it didn't hurt at all, he reached out and touched the back of his head, "If it were me, I would have passed them."

"Yes, yes, yes..." Walton walked over from behind, "If it were you, you would already like to be a father now."

Tang Lin thought of the sight of 10,000 fish and monsters surrounding him, and couldn't help but shiver, and sighed, "It seems that being a lover of the masses is also a very stressful thing in life."

"You teased your brother like that behind your back, does Tang Yun know that?" Walton said with a smile.

As if an invisible foot stepped on his tail, Tang Lin quickly changed the subject, pointed to the sky and said, "Look at it."

There was no roar or tremor, the crystal tower floated upward, and the spiral structure stretched rapidly. At the same time, the regular hexagonal prisms used by the zenith to block the tunnel moved downwards, and then swam sideways to the left and right of the tower, arranged very neatly together. The crystal tower, which has expanded to a height of more than 20 kilometers, appeared not far from the mantle, like purple jade bamboo shoots drilled out of the surface at the end of winter.

Until the climb stopped, the group of hexagonal prisms blocking the tunnel at the front and back of the tower and the port sank one after another, rebuilding a long and distant crystal wall between the mantle and the core.

The fish monsters that had been blocked before swarmed into the core space, quickly passing by the crystal tower.

Most of the hexagonal prisms returned to normal, except for the few affected by the "Hecate", those colorful rays seemed to have destroyed some sensitive equipment inside the hexagonal prisms, and thus could not respond to the displacement force field excited by the gravitational core of the ruins.

The group of hexagonal prisms sank into the mantle space, but the port used to house the starship did not descend. Looking from the crystal tower, one could vaguely see the layered structure of the apron and the crisscrossing photoelectric orbits.

"Perhaps this is the original appearance of the wandering planet... a mobile battleship base."

Tang Lin glanced at the monitor behind him, and said, "Actually, Star Harbor in the front can continue to rise, and there are more layers below."

Walton praised: "The human space station is simply weak compared to it. It would be great if the wandering planet were ours."

"Don't daydream." Tang Lin turned his head and continued to adjust the force field generator of the ruins.

Tang Fang did not expect that this trip to the core of the earth would encounter a major crisis, and almost all of his interstellar units would be out of the incubator. If the first sight of the two female t-stars wanted to kill them to occupy the ruins, then now there is only one wish to escape. Both Tang Lin and what he did were paving the way for the next escape.

What is frustrating is that the Zangangang only repaired the shield system, but the power system was still not online. Even if Tang Lin found a way to unlock the gravitational field of the upper layer of the tiankeng, it was impossible to start the engine and get rid of the shackles of the relic gravity well.

Aiming at this dilemma, Emma found a practical method by analyzing the functions of the tower operating system-using a force field generator to reversely act on the tiankeng gravity well to form an anti-gravity jet, which will seat the Angel Pushing out the wandering planet, once in the space environment, Tang easily has a way to take Clea and others away.

Because there are still a lot of crushed rocks that fell into the bottom of the tiankeng along with the Angel, collisions will inevitably occur during this process. Fortunately, the shield system has been repaired by Cupid and automatic repair robots. I want to have enough energy to deal with the impact of crushed rocks. .

Tang Lin’s fingers moved quickly on the screen, and characters completely different from human text floated on the surface of the water screen. Just when the force field generator located deep in the mantle was ready, the screen marked the direction of gravity and received vector input. , The light and shadow gathered above a teleportation platform with orange light not far from the console, and the female star suddenly appeared.

Aros, who has always maintained a high degree of vigilance, took the lead and pulled the trigger of the p-45 electromagnetic gun. Unfortunately, he still couldn't stop the female star. With a flash of electric light, Tang Lin, who was about to adjust the vector force field, was bounced off by a repulsive force and hit the crystal wall behind with a thud.

Perhaps it was anxious to stop Tang Lin from changing the gravitational structure of the tiankeng, the bullets fired by the p-45 electromagnetic gun did not fall under the influence of repulsion as before, but all fell into her body, and blue blood flowed out of the wound. Not only that, the physical condition of the female t-stars is obviously different from when they first appeared. There is only one palm left in the front of the right arm, and the other is broken off. I think I lost in the battle with ghost, ghost, and dark templar. .

Walton was awakened by the sound of the p-45 electromagnetic gun, but before he could attack, the two dark templars in front took the lead. They danced with a sickle and a long sword, slashing towards the woman who repelled Tang Lin. Star.

Maybe she got the trick in the battle just now. The female t-star was prepared for a while, and the two palms of her left arm and 6 fingers shot out birdcage-shaped electric lights to stop the dark Templar with a sickle in his hand. At the same time, the electric light flashed under her feet. Turning into an afterimage, he rushed into the dark templar wielding a long sword at an extremely fast speed, and his right arm supported the curved blade and rushed forward with the dark templar on the pillar near the balcony. The brilliance of the crystal robot body surface flickered again and again.

The veteran and Walton wanted to attack the female T-star, but when she and the dark templar were in close hand-to-hand combat, a mental shock wave burst from a sarcoma on the forehead, causing the two to have a headache and did not make any aggressive behavior. .

Tang Lin took the lead in recovering from the chaos. He shot an electric current with his left hand to try to disrupt the restriction of the female star on the dark templar holding a sickle. As his actions were ineffective, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the broad sword behind him, slashing towards the female star's back. I don’t know that the target seems to have long eyes behind his back, pulling and pulling with his hands, using the dark templar’s ​​curved warblade to block "Hecate", and while retracting the electric current cage projected by both hands on his left arm, the electric field in the body quickly changes. Suddenly the suction came. Tang Lin was caught off guard, and was thrown out of the balcony by the female t-star using traction, and fell to the outer spiral staircase structure with the dark Templar equipped with a curved blade in the form of a long sword.

At the same time, the dark templar warrior holding a sickle regained his mobility, turned into a black cloud and disappeared. When she reappeared, she had reached the back of the female t-star. When she threw Tang Lin away, she slashed it and woven the unknown fiber. The spacesuit was torn, and a long blood stain was drawn on the target's back, overflowing with blue body fluid.

If it were replaced by ordinary people, or even a light-armor Zerg unit like a puppy, it would have been completely broken, and the female star's spacesuit would be able to weaken the damage of the curved light warblade.

As a counterattack, a crystal drone crashed into the back of the Dark Templar, and the female star took the opportunity to flash aside, with the right arm of the same hand and one hand electric light. Walton, who was still a bit dizzy in mind, was used as an adult meat sandbag. , After the Crystal Drone, hit the Dark Templar.

The black cloud rose again, the Void Nether Energy was activated, the Dark Templar apostle avoided, and the female star led her right hand again, and even the veteran was treated as a brick and flew towards the Dark Templar.

In the next scene, you can see the difference in reaction power between Walton and Aros. The former flew straight out without any change in the whole process. The latter suddenly opened the jet pack during the flight, weakening the speed, and slightly Off track.

However, the female t-star seemed to predict this. She drew the veteran with her right hand, and suddenly shot a lightning grid with the 6 fingers of her left arm, forcing the dark templar out of the void, imitating the previous attack method, and pushing to the outside of the balcony structure.

She is very powerful, but the dark templar is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The void can pierce the lightning grid, and a gray palm grabs her wrist and falls together.

The spiral staircase structure from the 7th floor is 500 meters away from the balcony structure on the 8th floor. For the Dark Templar and the female T-stars, they may be able to save their lives with their powerful skills, even unscathed, but if you want to return to the 8th floor , It will inevitably take a certain amount of time, at that time Aros may have started the process of turning the gravity well.

Even if she is in the air, the female star still has the right to control the field, and the electric light surges under her feet, but it is not to change the trajectory of the fall with the help of force, but to apply a second step to Aros who is preparing to step on the balcony structure fence and gain inward thrust. Electromagnetic gravity pulled him into the water and left the 8th floor together.

At the same time, the high-voltage power grid in the position of the left arm and both hands suppressed the Dark Templar, and the front part of the right arm spit out with one hand.

The veteran stepped into the air because of the gravity from the front, and quickly fell downward. The corner of his eye caught the green glow in front of the female star’s arm, and his eyes flashed sharply. The p-45 electromagnetic gun shot out two silver lines, stabbing Wall. After he stunned his shoulders, he jetted the backpack and exploded with a bang. The shock wave blew Walton away, and the light blade pierced by the female star pierced into the air.

Reaper’s power armor is a highly mobile individual armor developed after the Brood War. The heavy power armor equipped with fire bats is easily penetrated by foreign insects, causing a violent explosion that can cook the driver. Reaper’s power armor absorbs the former. The lesson of this is that the heat insulation is well done. Even if the jetpack explodes in battle, it will not take the life of the driver. It is equipped with life recovery potions. As long as it is not dropped from high cliffs, cliffs and other terrain, it will be extremely high. The survival rate.

There is a drop of nearly 500 meters from the 8th floor to the spiral staircase structure. If it falls straight, it is bound to fall into a pool of fleshy mud. Fortunately, under the effect of the shock wave formed by the explosion, Walton was thrown back to the balcony structure on the 8th floor, like a ball of mud shot on the nearest crystal pillar.

The dizziness caused by the head hit has not disappeared. The hot pain in his back is like a tide. He grinned in pain, cold and sweaty. It is thought that the heat burned his back through the power armor.

Just as he tried to recall what had happened, trying to make his mind more clear, a prompt box popped up in the mask window with traumatic shaking, warning that the jet pack was damaged and the propulsion function was offline. At this moment, the veteran's somewhat distorted voice came, "Walton, do it quickly."

He wakes up all of a sudden, knowing what kind of crisis he is in now. It is too late to complain about Aros's rude behavior, and almost send him to the west. He quickly got up from the ground, limped to the console, and continued what Tang Lin just said. move.

God always loves to make jokes with mortals, sometimes like a kid playing with ants. He gave Tang Lin and others enough lucky points, so that "Hecarty" can overcome obstacles and open a trick in the crystal prison. The road to the hinterland of the ruins sent them to this amethyst building to get the opportunity to adjust the force field generator.

However, he also sent female T stars to prevent the three of them from opening the tunnel and rescue Tang Fang. The veteran used superhuman reaction and judgment to get a chance to send Walton back to the 8th floor, but he didn't expect that God made a very, very unpleasant joke with them.

When Walton's hand had touched the display screen, the orange light of the facility that had sent the female star person up just now circulated, and a figure changed from virtual to real. Walton turned his head to look subconsciously, and found that it was neither a ghost nor a ghost, nor was it Tang Lin, a dark templar, a veteran, or a female star, but a human...a human soldier...dressed in Sulu A Monya soldier with silver-steel-grade power armor produced by the Empire.

When he was full of aghast and couldn't figure out how they got here anyway, the Champion-302 shotgun in the hands of the Monya soldier rang, banged, and the fire burst, and he still hadn't recovered from the pain. Walton flew up again, driven by the bullets nailed to his chest, his back hit the crystal wall hard.

Church didn't immediately close his gun but looked around with a vigilant look. After finding that there was no threat, he felt relieved and noticed the water-screen display above the controller facing the conveyor. He didn't recognize the text of the t star, but he could understand the painting, he could recognize the thumbnail of the Angel, and remember what Walton was about to do.

"Want to get out of here? Dreaming!" He walked quickly over, stretched his finger across the display screen, and laughed. The laugh is very wanton and cheerful.

After confirming the battle plan before, the two landing craft entered the tiankeng area without surprise under the cover of night, but what he did not expect was that when he dived to a certain depth, the landing craft was suddenly restrained by a strange force, even though The overloaded propulsion system was unable to dive or ascend, and became a piece of duckweed hanging in the air.

After a while, it was discovered that the landing craft was unable to move due to gravity, but the expelled debris could fall smoothly. Lieutenant Colonel Church decided to leave the landing craft by parachuting to see if he could continue the mission. Whether it was feasible or not, it was better than staying in the landing craft and waiting to die.

When the first soldier jumped out of the cabin, farther and farther away from the landing craft, and finally disappeared in the field of vision, they finally understood the characteristics of the gravitational bubble that bound the landing craft. Under the command of the commander, they jumped out of the cabin and continued their previous mission. (To be continued.)