Chapter 40 Macabre Turn of Events

Name:System Mania! Author:

40 Macabre Turn of Events

As the sun began its descent, painting the sky with warm hues, Korig and Aurora exchanged soft words, laden with determination and caution.

"I reckon we should keep moving," Korig whispered, his eyes scanning their surroundings.

"But let's stay sharp."

"The one controlling those folks might have more tricks in store."

Aurora nodded, her analytical brain already in action.

"Exactly, we can't let our guard down."

"Survival is the name of the game, and we need to play it smart."

With a mutual understanding, they pressed on.

As they walked, Korig's gaze fell upon the Goblin Chief's lifeless form.

It sparked an idea within him.

It was about how his powers could aid them.

He had been saving up mana for this exact reason. "Now now, Let's see if this works"

Approaching the fallen Goblin Chief, Korig gathered his energy and uttered, "Arise."

The goblin twitched and rose, bowing to Korig.

It was a formidable minion, and Korig knew it could help them immensely, particularly against hordes of ordinary goblins.

Aurora observed with fascination.

"That's a neat ability for real."

"Having a minion like this will surely give us an edge."

Korig nodded, recognizing the advantage.

"Yup, Absolutely."

"It will help us clear our path and gather the experience we need."

They ventured deeper into the city, the mist thickening behind them, gradually swallowing the roads they had just traversed.

The Goblin Chief, now under Korig's command, efficiently dispatched goblins. Korig's experience points steadily increased.

Aurora, not gaining experience points herself, was focused on survival and contributing where she could, dispatching goblins when necessary. She wasn't upset or anything. She was happy enough that she was making progress, and it didn't matter how small it was to her. Because she knew progress is progress.

As the day drifted into night, the sky adorned itself with twinkling stars and a pale moon.

The city transformed into an eerie labyrinth of shadows and echoes.

The mist seemed to waltz and weave, veiling the remnants of the city in an otherworldly cloak.

The Goblin Chief continued to be their vanguard, cutting a path through the goblins in their way.

Korig's powers were proving invaluable, the undead goblin relentless in its efficiency.

With every swing of its weapon, Korig gained experience points, growing stronger in the process.


The city loomed in the embrace of night, shrouded in darkness and silence.

Every step seemed to echo in the vast emptiness around them, and the mist, now denser and more suffocating, added to the eerie atmosphere.

Korig with a lot of "woah's" took a step back, his eyes wide with shock, immediately covering Aurora and motioning the Goblin Chief minion to hold its ground, preventing an unnecessary attack.

The survivor, trembling with fear, fell to his knees right in front of them.

He was a middle aged man, his hair thinning and disheveled.

His lips were bleeding, a clear sign of the struggle he had endured.

He looked at them, his eyes filled with terror.

His voice was weak and strained as he uttered, "Help me."

Both of them were cautious, not wanting to make any sudden moves that might escalate the man's fear.

Aurora, ever empathetic, pulled out a bottle of water from her inventory and extended it to the man.

He grabbed the bottle with trembling hands, gulping down the water as if he hadn't had a drop for days.

They watched in grim silence, waiting for him to regain some composure.

"Thank you," he finally managed to say, his voice hoarse and desperate.

"What happened to you"

Korig asked

The middle aged man seemed to muster the strength to issue a warning to the question he was asked.

"She's out there. Plea-"

But before he could complete his sentence, a horrifying transformation overtook him.

His eyes widened in terror, his body convulsed, and blood oozed from his eye sockets.

Korig and Aurora recoiled in horror as his eyes seemed to pop out, the sight grotesque and nightmarish.

Korig, in a mix of shock and revulsion, took a step back, nearly stumbling over a fallen goblin.

"What in the world...?" he gasped, his voice a mixture of horror and disbelief.

Aurora, her composure regained but her eyes wide with the horrific sight, tried to process what had just happened.

"It's... it's as if the entity controlling them... released its hold, causing this... this..." She struggled to find words to describe the macabre scene.

The goblin chief minion growled, a sound tinged with both unease and aggression.

It seemed to sense the malevolent force at play.

In that moment, the reality of their situation hit them hard.

They were facing an adversary capable of the most twisted and malevolent acts.

Korig, his mind racing with a mix of fear and determination, spoke, his voice grim.

"We're dealing with someone... something beyond our understanding."

"We have to be careful."

Aurora nodded, her analytical mind already formulating a plan.


"We have to be prepared for the unexpected."

Korig and Aurora exchanged glances, silently affirming their resolve. They had to deal with this soon. Or this could cost them their lives. ...