Chapter 26: Serenity and Beauty

Name:System Mania! Author:

Chapter 26: Serenity and Beauty

But then, just as they were about to reach safety, the dragon, in a last ditch effort, hurled a half destroyed car toward them.

The collision was brutal; the car struck the bike right below its tire, causing it to wobble uncontrollably.

The woman fought to maintain control, but the impact disrupted their trajectory.

They crashed into the other part of the broken bridge, and both of them were thrown from the bike.

In that moment of chaos and destruction, Korig's instincts took over.

With a lightning fast reaction, he reached out and grabbed the woman, pulling her close and covering her with his body as they hurtled toward the unforgiving road below.

They hit the ground hard, and Korig bore the brunt of the impact, his body acting as a shield for the woman.

They skidded and dragged along the rough pavement, coming to a painful stop.

The sensation was excruciating, but he had managed to save her from the worst of the damage.

As the dragon descended toward them, its massive form casting a shadow over the broken bridge, it seemed as though their harrowing escape was about to end in disaster.

Korig's battered body protested any further movement, and the woman remained unconscious in his arms.

But just as the dragon's enormous claws were inches away from them, a sudden and mysterious phenomenon unfolded.

A laser surrounded veil materialized around them, covering the entirety of the side of the bridge they were in, forming an impenetrable barrier that blocked the dragon's advance.

The dragon roared in frustration, its mighty wings causing gusts of wind as it attempted to breach the protective shield.

But the barrier held fast, shimmering with an otherworldly energy that defied the creature's efforts.

Korig could hardly believe his eyes.

It was as though some unseen force had intervened to save them in their most desperate moment.

He stared in awe at the glowing veil, realizing that they owed their lives to this inexplicable phenomenon.

With a sense of both relief and wonder, Korig gently placed his hand on the head of the unconscious woman.

It was the kind of beauty that could captivate even the most stoic heart.

But it wasn't just her features that left Korig in awe; it was her attire, too, that added to her enigmatic charm.

She was dressed in a rider's black leather ensemble, a testament to her toughness and resilience.

Her lithe figure was accentuated by a form fitting leather jacket that seemed as dark as the midnight sky.

Intricate silver stitching adorned the jacket, creating patterns that shimmered like distant stars in the night.

It was a jacket that spoke of both style and substance.

Beneath the jacket, she wore sleek leather pants that clung to her slender legs like a second skin.

Subtle patterns adorned the pants, adding an air of mystique to her ensemble.

It was clear that her attire was not just practical; it was a statement of her identity in this unpredictable world.

Completing her look were knee high leather boots that gleamed like polished onyx.

They were sturdy and practical, a stark contrast to the chaos that had unfolded around them.

Her midnight black hair cascaded in loose waves, contrasting beautifully with the darkness of her attire.

It was as if the night itself had woven her into its fabric, creating a mesmerizing contrast of light and shadow.

Korig couldn't help but be captivated by the woman who had saved him from the dragon's fury.

She was a stranger to him, a mysterious woman who had saved his life and now lay in his arms, vulnerable and injured.

Despite the pain, he couldn't deny the sense of gratitude he felt toward her.

She had risked her life to rescue him from the dragon's relentless pursuit, and he owed her his life.

Now, as they lay there on the broken bridge, battered and bruised, Korig knew that their journey was far from over.

The city still held many secrets and dangers, and he had no doubt that they would face more challenges in the unforgiving world they now found themselves in.

But for the moment, as he gazed down at the unconscious woman in his arms, he couldn't help but wonder about her and the role she would play in the uncertain future that lay ahead.

But as he sat there battered, a new window popped up, and as if it was a sudden reflex to the emergence of the window tab, his eyes went wide.
