Chapter 23: Run

Name:System Mania! Author:

Chapter 23: Run

Korig stepped out of the mall and onto the desolate streets of the city.

The scene before him was nothing short of apocalyptic.

Buildings lay in ruins, their skeletal frames reaching toward the gray sky.

Desolate roads stretched out like scars on the landscape, and abandoned cars were scattered about, left as grim reminders of the past.

Smoke billowed in the distance, a haunting testament to the destruction that had befallen this once thriving metropolis.

Korig's eyes widened in shock as he took in the devastation that surrounded him.

"What in the world happened here?" he muttered, his voice tinged with disbelief.

The city he had known was gone, replaced by this nightmarish wasteland.

Questions swirled in his mind.

Had the aliens taken over, as some dark rumors had suggested? New novel chapters are published on

Or was this the result of some other cataclysmic event that had befallen the world?

As he cautiously stepped forward, his footsteps echoing in the eerie silence, Korig knew that he needed answers.

The city held secrets, and he was determined to uncover them.

Korig, standing amidst the ruins of the city, decided to put his newfound powers to the test.

With a sense of curiosity, he called forth his system interface, the tool that had become an integral part of his journey.

"Let's see what you can do," he muttered to himself as he navigated the system's options.

The inventory window caught his attention. It was a feature he hadn't fully explored.

With a determined glint in his eyes, he reached out and pushed The King's Crowbar into the inventory window tab.

To his surprise, the crowbar slid smoothly into the window, and the tab closed.

Korig raised an eyebrow, both impressed and intrigued by the system's capabilities.

"Well, that's handy," he remarked aloud.

The searing heat of its breath singed his clothes and skin, but he refused to relent.

He could hear the rush of wind and the beating of colossal wings just above him.

The dragon was relentless in its pursuit, its talons nearly grazing his heels as he narrowly evaded its deadly grasp.

The dragon's eyes never left him, a constant reminder that he was the target of its wrath.

As Korig sprinted through the crumbling streets, he spotted a narrow alleyway that seemed to lead to a dead end.

Without hesitation, he darted into it, hoping to lose the dragon in the maze like network of alleys.

The dragon, however, was not to be fooled.

It let out a deafening roar and crashed through the buildings on either side of the alley, debris raining down in its wake.

It was a relentless force of destruction, and Korig had no choice but to keep moving.

With the dragon hot on his heels, Korig reached a dead end.

Panic threatened to overtake him, but he refused to give in.

Desperation fueled his actions, and he scanned the area for any possible escape route.

To his left, he spotted a fire escape ladder leading to a rooftop.

With a burst of adrenaline, he leaped for it, catching hold of the ladder and scrambling upward as fast as his trembling limbs would allow.

The dragon's talons slashed through the air below him, narrowly missing their mark.

Korig reached the rooftop just in time, his heart pounding in his chest.

He knew he couldn't stay there for long, for the dragon was still circling above, its eyes burning with fury.

Without hesitation, he sprinted across the rooftop, leaping from building to building, desperately seeking a path to safety.

The city around him was a nightmarish landscape of destruction and chaos, but he couldn't afford to stop and take it in.

The dragon was relentless, and he had to keep moving if he wanted to survive.

The chase continued, with Korig navigating the treacherous rooftops, leaping across gaps, and narrowly avoiding the dragon's deadly attacks.

The city below seemed like a war zone, and the dragon's presence had brought devastation on an unimaginable scale.
