Chapter 20: Levelling Up

Name:System Mania! Author:

Chapter 20: Levelling Up

Korig's hands trembled with the newfound power coursing through him.

His fingers danced through intricate motions as he tried to establish his control over the zombies that still lurked in the desolate parking lot.

It was a bold experiment, a test of the abilities granted to him by consuming the Undead King Lich.

With a mix of anticipation and determination, he focused on the closest zombies.

Their movements became sluggish and erratic, almost as if they were caught in an invisible web.

Korig couldn't help but mutter to himself in amazement, "It's working. I can actually control them."

A sinister grin crept across his face as he realized the potential of this newfound power.

"Now, let's see what we can do."

He singled out one of the zombies and mentally guided it closer to him.

The creature obeyed, stumbling toward him with grotesque determination.

It was a macabre dance between the living and the undead.

As the zombie drew near, Korig prepared to demonstrate the extent of his control.

With a swift, precise kick, he severed the creature's head from its decaying body.

The head rolled across the pavement, leaving a gruesome trail of gore in its wake.

Korig's eyes gleamed with a sense of triumph as he observed the aftermath of his actions.

He felt a surge of power within him, a tangible reward for dispatching the undead.

The system responded to his success with a series of new window tabs that appeared before him.

They displayed his enhanced stats, like experience points in a role playing game.

His excitement was palpable as he examined the tabs.

"Look at this. My stats have gone up. This power is incredible."

He could sense his sorrow and grief slowly receding into the background.

The massive horde of zombies inside represented a potential treasure trove of experience points, a tantalizing opportunity to level up further.

With newfound resolve, Korig decided it was time to explore the other powers he had received from the Undead King Lich.

He clicked on the corresponding tab, revealing a list of abilities and their descriptions.

1.Necromancer's Grasp (Level 2): Control and manipulate the undead within a meter's range.

2.Cursed Knowledge (Level 1): Access to the Lich's vast knowledge of dark magic, curses, and ancient spells.

3.Soul Drain (Level 1): Siphon the life force of others to replenish your own energy.

4.Ethereal Form (Level 1): Become incorporeal, immune to physical harm.

5.Aura of Dread (Level 1): Instill fear and paralysis in those who challenge you.

6.Phylactery (Level 1): Tether your life force to an object for immortality.

Each ability held the potential for further evolution, and Korig couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

The Undead King Lich's legacy was now his, and he intended to wield it to its fullest extent.

With his growing mastery over his powers, he knew he had the tools to confront the challenges that lay ahead.

The transformed mall around him, once teeming with undead, now awaited his exploration.

Korig's eyes scanned the list of abilities once more.

While the prospect of controlling the undead was tempting, he felt drawn to the second power: "Cursed Knowledge."

It promised access to the Lich's vast repository of dark magic, curses, and ancient spells.

The allure of such forbidden knowledge was irresistible.

With a determined grin, he muttered to himself, "Let's see what dark secrets and ancient spells the Lich has to offer."

He clicked on the second ability, eager to unlock the mysteries that had eluded him until now.

As the screen transitioned, he could almost sense the weight of centuries of malevolent wisdom about to descend upon him.

His eyes widened as a flurry of information bombarded his mind.

The powers he had recieved was way too crazy.
