Chapter 15: All in the name of survival

Name:System Mania! Author:

Chapter 15: All in the name of survival

His face contorted into a mixture of shock, horror, and realization.

The pieces of the puzzle that had eluded him for so long were finally falling into place, and the truth was more chilling than anything he had ever imagined.

As Korig charged toward the Lich, the sinister widening of its grin triggered a revelation that struck him like a bolt of lightning.

It was in that moment, amidst the chaos of their battle, that Korig's mind raced to connect the dots.

The Lich's actions, its words, its every manipulation, it all converged into a horrifying realization.

His expression twisted into a mask of disbelief, his once determined features now marred by an overwhelming sense of dread.

The Lich's laughter, a haunting sound filled with malice, echoed in the air like a venomous taunt.

It reveled in the turmoil that consumed Korig's thoughts, basking in the chaos it had sown.

Its grin seemed to stretch impossibly wide, its skeletal features contorted into an expression of wicked satisfaction.

"Of course," the Lich's voice echoed in Korig's mind, a mocking reminder of its deception.

"There you go, Korig."

The pieces of the puzzle fell into place with a sickening clarity.

Korig's thoughts raced, memories replaying like a twisted film.

The Lich's words had always carried a mocking tone, an underlying amusement as Korig spoke of their determination to make it past the horrors they faced.

And yet, all the while, the truth had been lurking in the shadows.

He remembered the moment when they had destroyed the Skull necklace and the Wand, the very objects he had believed to be the source of the Lich's power.

But despite their destruction, the Lich had remained unharmed, its malevolent presence undiminished.

And then, the most damning piece of the puzzle fell into place.

The zombies that had attacked him relentlessly, showing no interest in Lily's presence.

The Lich's words, "There you go," seemed to punctuate the revelation, as if the malevolent creature was reveling in Korig's realization.

Tears welled in his eyes, his vision blurred as a storm of emotions engulfed him.

A mix of horror, grief, and anger twisted his features as he stared at Lily, who remained oblivious to the storm raging within him.

She was caught in her own world of fear and confusion, her eyes wide with trepidation.

It was her.

She was the phylactery all along.


The desolate landscape of the parking lot seemed to waver, like a mirage in the desert, and then the surroundings transformed before their very eyes.

Above them, the ceiling of the parking lot dissolved, replaced by a vast expanse of night sky.

Clouds drifted lazily across the canvas, their silhouettes illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight.

Stars twinkled in the heavens, creating a breathtaking tapestry that stretched beyond the confines of the parking lot.

But thunder loomed, calling forth a metaphorical rain.

Beneath their feet, the concrete ground gave way to rocky terrain.

Jagged rocks of varying sizes jutted out from the earth, creating an uneven landscape that seemed to lead to an unknown destination.

His tears fell unbidden, a testament to the emotional maelstrom that raged within him.

He reached her, his trembling arms wrapping around her as if he could shield her from the world's malevolence.

Lily's voice, filled with fear and confusion, pierced through the turmoil.

"What happened, Korig? What's wrong?"

Tears glistened in her eyes, a reflection of the terror that gripped her.

Korig's breath hitched, his heart aching at the sound of her voice, at the innocence he knew he would have to sacrifice.

With a heavy heart, he broke the hug, his gaze locked on Lily's eyes.

They were windows to a world of understanding, and in that moment, their silent exchange spoke volumes.

He tried to turn toward the Lich, the weight of his decision pressing against him like a vice.

Protecting Lily was all he had ever wanted, but now he had to confront the unthinkable truth that to save her, he had to end her.

His heart waged a fierce battle, torn between his desire to protect Lily and the knowledge that the only way to break the Lich's hold was to sever the connection it had to her.

He had to choose between her life and the fate of the world, a choice that went against every fiber of his being.

As he raised his crowbar, a sense of inevitability settled over him.

The world seemed to slow, time stretching as if it were reluctant to witness the tragedy that was about to unfold.

His grip tightened, his fingers trembling as they held the instrument of Lily's salvation and demise.

But before he could even fully process what was happening, the crowbar swung, connecting with Lily's temple.

A spray of blood marked the impact, an image that would forever be etched into his mind.

His eyes went wide with shock, his tears blurring his vision.

In that instant, everything seemed to move in slow motion.

Lily's body fell, her eyes wide with disbelief, her features morphing from terror to a gentle serenity.

A smile graced her lips, tears mingling with the blood on her cheeks.

"It's fine, Korig," her voice was a whisper, a testament to her strength even in her final moments.

She thanked him with her gaze, with a single sentence that spoke volumes.

It was a thank you that held an understanding beyond words, a gratitude for the sacrifice he was making.

Her smile spoke of a release from the torment of their reality, a release that only death could grant.

As her body crumpled to the ground, the smile remained, a poignant symbol of the peace she had found.

Korig's heart shattered as he stared at the lifeless form before him.

His tears fell unbidden, a river of grief and regret that no rain could ever wash away.

The silence that followed was heavy, the weight of their choices and their losses hanging in the air like a shroud.

Korig's sobs joined the rain's lament, a symphony of grief that echoed through the desolate landscape.

The parking lot stood witness to their tragedy, a stage of sorrow and sacrifice.

The scenery had yet again changed. The destruction faced scenes of the parking lot had returned for Korig.

Tragedy had befallen. A sacrifice had been made.

All in the name of survival.
