Chapter 12: Vain and Loss

Name:System Mania! Author:

Chapter 12: Vain and Loss

Korig stood there, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

The air felt heavy with tension, and the weight of the moment hung in the balance as he prepared to execute the plan they had painstakingly devised.

His gaze fixed on the distant figure of the Lich, standing alone at the very end of the parking lot, a haunting presence that exuded both power and malevolence.

The plan was set into motion.

The trio moved with calculated precision, their movements synchronized as they navigated through the maze of cars and pillars that cluttered the landscape.

Each step was deliberate, each breath measured, as they gradually closed the distance between themselves and the Lich.

Yet, despite their careful approach, an unsettling feeling gnawed at Korig.

It was as though the Lich's gaze was fixed on them, even though he was hidden from sight.

A cold shiver traced his spine, a reminder that they were not facing an ordinary enemy but a formidable foe that possessed a keen awareness of their presence.

The path ahead narrowed, and Korig's heart raced as they reached a point where the pillars and cars were no longer adequate cover.

They exchanged quick glances, a silent acknowledgment of the situation they found themselves in.

Their plan demanded split-second decisions and impeccable timing, a true test of their teamwork and courage.

Lily and David readied themselves, their expressions a mix of determination and apprehension.

Korig's voice was a low, intense whisper as he outlined the next steps.

"We split up here. You two go left and right, circle around the Lich."

"I'll pull aggro and get its attention."

A mixture of uncertainty and concern lingered in their eyes, but they nodded in understanding.

Korig's strength made him the logical choice to be the bait, to draw the Lich's focus away from Lily and David as they positioned themselves for the attack.

With a final nod, Korig inhaled deeply, steeling himself for what lay ahead.

He muttered something under his breath, a mantra of determination that resonated within him.

His heart thudded in his chest as he stepped out from behind cover, revealing himself to the Lich's view.

The moment felt surreal, the world narrowing down to the figure of the Lich and the impending clash.

Korig's heart thundered in his ears as he met the gaze of the skeletal creature, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly malevolence.

A challenge was issued, unspoken but deeply understood.

Korig's stance was resolute, his grip tight on the crowbar, as he braced himself for the horde's inevitable charge.

His breath quickened, and adrenaline surged through his veins as the zombies turned their attention toward him, drawn by his presence.

The noise was cacophonous, a crescendo of snarls and moans that echoed through the night.

The horde surged forward, a tidal wave of decaying flesh and bone that hungered for his demise.

Yet, Korig stood his ground, his heart and mind united in purpose. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

He was the bait, the distraction meant to buy Lily and David the precious moments they needed to strike at the Lich from both sides.

There it was again, that unsettling smile, a mockery of their efforts.

Dread settled like a stone in Korig's chest. His instincts screamed at him, a warning that cut through the fog of battle.

The Lich's smile held a deeper meaning, a sinister intent that sent a surge of realization coursing through him.

"RUN!" Korig's voice cracked, his shout a desperate plea.

The world snapped back into real time, the cacophony of battle resuming its chaotic crescendo.

But all Korig could focus on was that smile, a harbinger of danger that threatened to consume them.

His friends, his companions, his allies, they needed to escape the looming trap that the Lich had set.

Lily and David, having shattered the Lich's power, turned to face him, confusion etched on their faces.

And it was then, in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty, that the Lich's skeletal hand thrust forward with a horrifying swiftness.

It was as if time itself had been distorted, the world moving in a twisted dance of death and despair.

The Lich's bony fingers closed around the head of David, his entire skull encased within the grasp of the malevolent creature.

Lily's horrified shriek echoed through the night, a heartbreaking cry that seemed to pierce through the darkness.

David struggled desperately, his limbs thrashing in a futile attempt to break free from the Lich's vice like grip.

"Let go!"

David shrieked.

But the creature's power was overwhelming, its strength a testament to the unholy forces it commanded.

Lily's eyes widened in sheer terror as she watched the appalling scene unfold before her.

The weapon she had wielded with such determination and hope now lay several meters away, out of her reach.

Powerlessness engulfed her, a suffocating feeling that wrapped around her heart as she fell onto her back, her breath coming in shallow, panicked gasps.

From behind them, Korig fought valiantly against the relentless horde of zombies that seemed to multiply with every passing second.

His crowbar swung with a ferocity that matched his determination, yet the zombies appeared relentless, their decayed hands clawing at his clothes, pulling him back as he desperately tried to reach his friend.

"David!" Korig's voice cracked, a thunderous cry of desperation.

His heart pounded in his chest, his very being consumed by the agony of the moment.

The zombies' grip was unyielding, a twisted barrier that seemed insurmountable.

Time seemed to stretch, the seconds an eternity as Lily's gaze remained locked on the horrifying tableau before her.

The Lich's malevolent smile contrasted with David's struggles, a sinister mockery of their attempts to defy its power.

And then, in a gut wrenching twist, the Lich's grip tightened.

Lily's breath caught in her throat as she watched, unable to tear her eyes away from the unfolding nightmare.

A bone chilling snap shattered the air, a sound that resonated with finality.

David's struggles ceased, his body going limp within the Lich's grasp.

Everything went silent.
