Chapter 1: Unholy Countdown

Name:System Mania! Author:

Chapter 1: Unholy Countdown

Chaos reigned supreme within the cavernous mall parking lot.

The air was thick with the scent of desperation, sweat, and fear, blending into a cacophony of panicked cries and frenzied footsteps.

Korig stood amid the pandemonium, a crowbar clenched tightly in his bloodied hands, his heart racing like a drumbeat.

His clothes were stained with crimson splatters, a stark contrast to his pale face that was etched with disbelief and terror.

He had sought refuge behind a sturdy pillar, yet the safety it offered felt more like an illusion as the world around him spiraled into madness.

"What the fuck is going on?"

he muttered to himself, the words a reflection of his baffled thoughts.

The question echoed in his mind like a broken record, each repetition pulling him further into the abyss of confusion.

Korig's wide eyes scanned the scene, taking in the disarray that surrounded him.

People screamed and shouted, their voices blending into a symphony of hysteria.

Mothers clung to their children, dragging them through the chaos, while others attempted to fight off the relentless onslaught of the undead.

The air was heavy with the metallic tang of blood, and the ground was littered with abandoned belongings, shattered glass, and the lifeless bodies of those who had fallen.

Behind him, the zombie horde advanced, their guttural growls and hungry moans, were a daunting soundtrack to the nightmare.

The sight of people being bitten, their faces contorted in pain and fear, sent shivers down Korig's spine.

It was as though the world had been plunged into a realm of nightmare, where the boundary between life and death had blurred into oblivion.

Amid the chaos, a digital screen materialized before Korig's eyes, its glow a stark contrast to the grim reality around him.

The words seemed to hover in the air, demanding his attention.

Main Objective: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse for an hour.

Bonus quest: Kill 100 zombies.

"What the fuck is going on!"

Korig exclaimed again, his voice a mixture of incredulity and frustration.

They ordered an array of dishes from various stalls, savoring the flavors and the company.

As they enjoyed their meal, a sudden commotion erupted from the ground floor of the mall.

Shouts and screams cut through the air like a knife, sending ripples of unease through the crowd.

Conversations faltered, heads turned, and curiosity mingled with trepidation.

Korig and his friends exchanged glances, concern knitting their brows.

What had started as a distant clamor grew louder, the chaos spreading like wildfire.

People were running, pushing, and panicking, their expressions a stark contrast to the carefree atmosphere that had reigned just moments ago.

"What the hell is going on down there?" Daniel, another friend, mumbled as he stood up, craning his neck for a better view.

A sense of foreboding settled in Korig's chest as he, too, rose from his seat.

The bustling food court on the fourth floor afforded them a vantage point, a view of the unfolding mayhem below.

Korig's heart raced as he watched the scene unravel.

The once lively shopping center had transformed into a chaotic battleground.

People were stumbling, some falling to the ground, while others frantically tried to escape whatever was causing the panic.

And then Korig's gaze fell upon the source of the chaos, figures that moved with unnatural, jerky motions, their features twisted and grotesque.

They were attacking others, tearing into flesh with a feral hunger that sent shivers down Korig's spine.

"What the fuck is that?" Lily whispered, her voice trembling.

Korig's mind raced, struggling to comprehend the horror before him.

Panic welled within him as he realized the truth — something unthinkable had transpired, something that defied all logic.

The world had shifted on its axis, and the nightmare that he had only seen in movies was now playing out before his eyes.

The realization hit him like a punch to the gut.

This was the beginning of the end, the first tremors of a cataclysmic event that would forever alter the course of history.

Korig's heart raced, his breaths coming fast and shallow as he watched the chaos unfold, the screams and cries echoing in his ears like a haunting melody.

And as the cacophony of panic and horror reached a fever pitch, the world around him began to disintegrate into a nightmare from which there was no escape.
